
Degenerate Daoist

In the eyes of society, Khan was an absolute degenerate, a perfect depiction of the word ‘failure’. Food, wine, women... Robbery, assault, murder... Were these not some of life's finest pleasures? Inevitably, Khan's depraved lifestyle landed him in prison. After being stabbed to death in prison, he found himself reincarnated into a mystical new world. Would this life-altering experience cause him to change his way of thinking? Would he take his new life as a fresh start, leaving his evil ways in the past? Absolutely not. Khan was determined to continue living as an irredeemable piece of degenerate trash. This is the story of a degenerate seeking dao in the world of cultivation.

Degen_Writer · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Fatty Oh Fatty

Fu Rian faced her older sister emotionally.

"The truth is, I wanted it. He didn't force me…sure, I was dazed, because I just watched his breakthrough which was like nothing I'd ever seen before….but he didn't really do anything wrong. I could have stopped him with my Profound Roots Realm cultivation, or escaped at the very least, but I was just…overcome. I didn't even attempt to resist, because deep down, I didn't want to. I just wanted to talk to you about it, that's all…"

Even Hui showed a look of sympathy towards Fu Rian's heartfelt speech now. Khan scratched his nose…somehow, he felt like this was making him look even worse.

"Then…what do you want to do with him?" Fu Bian sighed and turned towards Khan, her eyes still filled with loathing.

"I'm, I'm not really sure…" Fu Rian answered. She was feeling somewhat at a loss…the sexual reservation in this world meant that the only talk she'd ever had with her parents about sex was confined to: 'Sex is when a man forces a woman to submit to his desire, ruining her forever. Men are evil. If they show desire towards you, kill them.'

That was her father's advice. That was all she knew about male-female relationships. This sort of thing was common in this world, and it was what Khan found to be the most ridiculous thing about this place too. He didn't understand how it could be that even in this sect where everyone was reincarnated from a completely different world, this mindset of extreme sexual reservation was universally accepted as normal.

"I'm about to move into a new house, how about tagging along?" Khan suddenly suggested.

"You…" Fu Bian turned to him maliciously, but paused when she saw his faint smile. "You're serious?"

She suddenly remembered the outer sect rules. Moving into a new house…meant challenging another disciple. You could only move house if you defeated another disciple and took their house as the prize.

In this outer sect zone, there was a clear distinction between two areas. One area was home to more common housing, the other was more lavish. The 'houses' in the lavish region were like small mansions, palaces, or even temples. The area was well maintained with flowers and trees, and the landscaping was refined to a perfect art.

This was the difference between the Qi Absorption Realm and Profound Roots Realm disciples. After reaching the Profound Roots Realm, it became possible to take the inner sect entrance exam that was held once each year, which was easy enough to pass if you had enough ability. Most Profound Roots Realm outer sect disciples would move to the inner sect within a few years, so the luxury houses were not very numerous.

'I can't believe it worked out so well.' Khan thought to himself, unable to suppress a smile as he walked past the boundary of the ordinary housing area and stepped onto the perfectly trimmed green grass of the luxury outer sect lands. Their group had attracted much attention, and given that many people knew about Khan's recent advancement, they quickly guessed what was about to transpire and followed the group from a distance.

Seeing him smiling like that, Fu Bian glared at him hatefully. Although her little sister said that she didn't hate him, Fu Bian still wanted to kill this scumbag who had tainted her younger sister's innocence. Hui stood close to Khan, no longer anxious about the other two women, but still wearing a complicated expression.

As for Fu Rian, she kept glancing towards Khan, but it was unknown what she was thinking.

As various younger and older guys saw Khan surrounded by three beauties, each with their own distinct charm, the level of hatred towards him, the hatred that Khan had accumulated over the past few years, seemed to double within minutes.

"Just out of curiosity, was your old world as prudish as this world?" Khan suddenly turned to Fu Bian and asked with an expression of intrigue. She stared at him for a moment, looked around at the crowd, then laughed.

"I'm starting to understand why you're so hated here." She replied.

'That's a yes then…' Khan sighed internally. Everyone in the Samsara Sect was reincarnated from a different world, or as they called it, a 'sub-realm'. The concept of a 'sub-realm' was one that wasn't explained at all, they were just forced to accept that they were all originally from such a place in their past life.

Still, from what he had gathered, none of the other sub-realms were like earth, with advanced science and technology, nor were they anything like earth's Western nations which had more liberal societal values.

From what Khan had understood, they were basically all just medieval peasants in their past lives. These other sub-realms didn't have cultivation like this 'true-realm', but they didn't seem to have as much development as earth either. Most people had lived in a small village or town, living simple lives as farmers, or sometimes hunters. Soldiers were also not uncommon.

"Hey, isn't it too much of a coincidence that both of you sisters would be reincarnators with the samsara soul attribute?" Khan changed his approach at making conversation.

"You don't even know this? People really do hate you." Fu Bian snorted coldly, but went on to explain anyway.

"Our clan, the Fu Clan, is what's known as a 'Samsara Clan'. I don't know all of the specifics of why or how, but around one tenth of the people born into the clan are reincarnations from another world." She explained.

Khan blinked. He didn't realise that there was such a weird thing! Really, the Samsara Sect was too strange…but it was far too large an entity for him to even think about right now.

There were thousands of branch sects across the Five Lands Star, along with four 'Region Sects' and then the 'Main Sect'. Each of the Samsara Region Sects was located on one of the four major continents, whilst the Samsara Main Sect was situated on the star's largest continent.

Even the 108th Samsara Branch Sect, a single branch sect located within Crescent Nation, was located on an island that measured close to a million miles from top to bottom.

Khan could hardly believe it when he first learned this. He had even doubted that their concept of a mile was the same as his own, but after consulting a map, he realised that this island really was almost one million miles from North to South!

This was just a small island, but it wasn't even considered a 'true' island on the star. That's because a true island was hundreds of times larger, and wasn't necessarily actually made up from land.

The surface of the Five Lands Star was covered in the so called 'chaos sea', a massive swarm of chaotic energy that would obliterate any life which dared to attempt crossing it. On top of this sea, there were five continents and hundreds of islands. An island was simply a mass of sea and land, but the sea within the islands was ordinary aquatic sea, not chaotic energy sea, so it could be crossed by living beings.

Crescent Nation, which covered a single crescent shaped island, was located within a vast archipelago of similar sized islands within an unthinkably enormous sea. From what Khan gathered, this archipelago, the sea and islands together, was considered the 'true island' that resided within the endless chaotic sea.

He'd spent a long period of time trying to learn as much as he could about the geography of this world, both on a local, global and even cosmic scale. This was as much as he could find out though, anything outside of Crescent Nation was mostly just rumours that he couldn't confirm to be the truth.

The only absolute truth was the standard knowledge taught by the sect; Crescent Nation held one of the Samsara Branch Sects on Five Lands Star. There were thousands of branch sects, four region sects and a single main sect, covering the hundreds of islands and five main continents.

He really wished to learn more and to confirm many of his speculations and certain rumours, but the only possible way of doing so was to become stronger and to find these truths for himself.

"Hah…" Khan sighed, then took a big gulp of wine as he thought about the future. The wine was a sort of 'spirit wine', an excellent alcohol that Khan instantly fell in love with the moment he first tried it. It was difficult for Qi Refiners to get drunk on ordinary wine, but spirit wine could do the job.

"Damn, this wine is too weak with my Vital Life Realm body." Khan sighed again, feeling pity for himself. He would need to find a stronger wine after he was done with moving house.

"Hey, I thought that you were about to challenge someone to a battle? Also, it's not even mid-day yet, why are you drinking wine?!" Fu Bian continued to glare at him.

"Hmph, if the judgement of others bothered me, I would have lost heart years ago." Khan snorted and downed the entire bottle, wiped his mouth, then threw the bottle through a house window belonging to someone that he overheard insulting him earlier today.


"Wine is one of life's greatest pleasures, why would I not drink?"

The Fu sisters were both speechless. Ignoring the fact that he just casually smashed someone's house window whilst walking past without even batting an eye, he just downed a full bottle of wine before a fight!

As Khan said though, the wine was too weak. He barely got a bit tipsy, nothing that would affect his fighting ability. He was no stranger to fighting whilst being full blown drunk anyway.

"M-master, are you really challenging Yusef?" Hui asked anxiously as they drew closer to the end of this area. Yusef lived in the largest house in this outer sect area, a palace that lay close to the gate for the inner sect.

"Truly, you're going to challenge Yusef?" Fu Rian's eyes widened and she looked at Khan in disbelief.

"Right." Khan laughed. "I know that fatty is definitely hiding far more resources than I managed to steal last time. I'll be sure to take everything from him this time, and not just his palace!"

The three girls' eyes all twitched at the same time.

"Who's Yusef?" Fu Bian restrained herself and forced herself to ask calmly.

"The number 1 ranked outer sect disciple in this zone!" Fu Rian replied excitedly. She didn't realise that she was about to watch such an exciting match! Although…

"He's at the mid stage of the Profound Roots Realm." She said slowly.

"Huh?!" Fu Bian's eyes bulged and she looked to Khan incredulously. "I thought you reached the Vital Life Realm one week ago?"

"I did." Khan confirmed.

Since he had just reached the Vital Life Realm, he was only at the initial stage. Like the Profound Roots Realm for Qi Refiners, the Body Tempering realms were split up into five sub stages; initial, early, mid, late and peak. Khan was at the initial stage…which, theoretically, should be roughly equal to the initial stage Profound Roots Realm. In practice, Body Temperers tended to be slightly stronger though.

"You're going to lose." Fu Bian stated bluntly.

"Hahaha, maybe you should bet against me?" Khan shot her a teasing look.

Before she could reply, she realised that the group had stopped.

They arrived outside of the palace. Khan took a deep breath, then cupped his hands around his mouth and started to yell out as loud as he could:


The three girls around Khan, as well as the crowd that had almost reached one hundred strong, all froze in place. They knew that Khan was going to challenge Yusef, but…

A death match?!

Alright, that's it for today. How's everyone finding the novel? I think I've more or less set the tone by now lmao.

Degen_Writercreators' thoughts