
Chapter 17: Rowen, Part 2

Sliding the door open, they both look up at me.

"Everything okay out here, babe?"

"Fine," Tiffany assures and reaches for me. Seeing the question in my eyes, she continues with, "Sorry. The smoke was getting to me."

I nod once and gesture for her to move forward so I can sit behind her. Partially to be near her and partially to remind Santos that her place is with me. He's not looking at us, but I'm not dumb enough to think he doesn't see it.

"Babe, can I ask you a question?" Tiffany asks. I nod as I shift and get more comfortable. "How did you know I was done with this lifestyle? With the parties and stuff."

The personal nature of her question surprises me. I'm not really sure how to answer, especially in front of present company.

"Um, I.. I don't know," I stutter.

She nudges me. "Come on. I promise I'm not being girly and emotional right now. I need your honest answer."