
Chapter 14: Tiffany, Part 1

The gynecologist office is not my idea of a good time. But I'm pretty sure that's a given for anybody. The room is always too cold. The flimsy gowns are always too small. And there's no way to hide your butt crack from anyone who opens the door.

Plus, I hate the crinkly paper on the exam table. For whatever reason, the sound is like nails on a chalkboard to me. Thankfully, I'm sitting on one of those puppy pad things, so I don't feel the paper on my naked ass too.

Rowen, of course, is sitting in the one chair that fits in the room, the lucky bastard, while I sit as still as I can trying not to move the crinkly paper. It's making my back hurt, but I'll take the lesser of two evils.

"What's wrong?" he asks, long legs stretched out across the floor.

"Nothing. Why?"

"You look really nervous." I shoot him a puzzled look. "You're completely stiff."

"Oh. That. I'm trying not to make the paper move."
