
Defender Of Sphere

Her dreams keeps haunting her in the places she never meant to be. Jenna is concerned about her present, future and especially the past. Will she able to get her legacy and bring justice to her clan? Find out more in the story.

ozluao · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 11

Separate small rooms were reserved for students and their parents.

Parents came to visit them after they were promoted to the Sacred School of Yellow River.

Jenna also received the news of her guardian's arrival

her uncle, aunt, and younger Li.

She got excited to receive the news and ran toward meeting room 735.

She hugged Li and bowed toward her uncle and aunt, her aunt was happy to see her after two years.

She could see changes in these two years Jenna was looking more responsible and stellar.

She kissed her forehead to show her that her aunt missed her much during these two years.

They were also happy to know that she was promoted to Sacred School.

It would guarantee her a brighter future.

Her uncle spoke to her, "I have been waiting for you to be seven years now you are capable enough too so it is time to hand it to you,"

He brought a small iron box it was sealed carefully and from the looks of it seemed that it was sealed for a few years.

She kept it and thanked her uncle.

They talked about her time in Primary School especially Li eagerly listened to her stories.

Both her uncle and aunt were satisfied with her performance.

They brought her more decent clothes and gold coins for expenditures.

They chatted for the whole day to their heart's content.

She was sad but her uncle and aunt urge her to learn wholeheartedly and become an Expert.

This was the wish they expressed the first time for her.

Jenna promised them to learn with more effort and that they would be proud to have her in the future.

This meeting fueled her passion to learn higher levels of Cultivation.

They bid goodbye to each other.

She went back to her room while her uncle and aunt prepared for the long journey to their home.

She received another message to shift herself to Sacred School lodgings.

Her luggage was delivered too.

It took her a little to rearrange things in her new room there were still two days before the welcome ceremony for new Primary Grade students.

She opened the seals of the iron box.

Box cover opened with a creaking sound and there was a small booklet which was handwritten when she flipped through a few pages the book title was 'Defender' and who wrote it was not mentioned.

There was a wooden box within the iron box.

It had been locked and there was no key inside the iron box so the wooden box could not be unlocked yet.

There was also a worn-out paper she unfolded it.

"Since you are reading this paper means you are already seven the wooden box within the iron box is also meant for you only when you will be sixteen and what is inside belongs to you,"

"You are the next heir destined too, remember you have to achieve what your father lost once, there is no better inspiration for a daughter than a father but this father of yours was tangled in petty matters that daughter suffered his absence, the father is truly sorry,"

She could not read anymore she was already weeping silently.

How simple were her father's words but still she could feel too much affection from these words?

She came out to have a fresh breath because she was feeling suffocation.

Her father addressed her in that letter.

Why does it feel like she met him personally today?

Does it feel great to have a father who could be more affectionate than your uncle?

She was after all only seven.

It was already great to think about those questions.

She was standing alone outside.

"Why don't you question, what were the circumstances for him to leave you alone?"

Someone whispered in her ears.

"Huh, who is here? Come visible I can't see you,"

She turned her head right and left.

"You will fall in love if you see me even just once," the old man chuckled, she looked at the appearing old flirty.

"Ah, what is love? And why would I fall in there?"

It seemed some dangerous hill to her.

"Oh, that is not the case, well never mind, you don't need to fall in love I am old enough already," this was the same Creek who love to tease and surprise a few students or selected disciples.

"Go, you were reading something, go finish it," he beckoned her.

"How do you know that I was reading something," Jenna doesn't get scared about him now.

"I know more than this, the letter, the father…" he suddenly stopped.

"So you know tell me,"

"Just now I slipped my tongue, forget about it," he patted her head and disappear.

With his patting, she forgot the conversation part where he talked about her father.

But walked to read the whole letter.

She never missed her father not because she did not have any tinge of belonging to him also her uncle was affectionate enough that she never felt it this way.

There was a locket shaped like a bow.

It was shining golden material made.

Its shape was new to her.

The pendant happened to be simple and elegant, she wore it on her neck and kept hid within the neckcloth.

After all, this thing was left by her father for her.

She placed the book on a bookshelf and then closed the iron box.

She carefully divided gold coins for three years' expenditures.

The room was meant for her three years' accommodation with a locker for valuable things to keep safe.

She arranged everything in the room.

She had learned to keep her belongings with care and in a proper way.

Two days were over and she was preparing herself to go to welcome lunch which was held every year.

These years she was brought up on her own and she was better aware to represent herself.

She had learned many aspects of life but few were still a mystery to her.

She would learn the next year if she did well.

There was sadness in the eyes of her uncle and aunt which she could not understand at that moment but when she was not busy she remembered the moment and felt that there was something that they wanted to tell but chose not to reveal.

She would go back someday after her Sacred Grade and would ask them why they were sad or whatever it was she would solve the matter by herself.

If they were unwilling to reveal it now, they might tell her in the future.