
Deepest Desire

Have you ever had the urge to find someone who once saved you?Even if you didn't, this 17 year old girl's deepest desire is to find the guy who saved her and make him hers. Will Amy be successful in Capturing the heart of young master Gu Chen? Let's get it!!! Do read and suggest how I may make it more successful ✌? PS: This is the first time I have written anything • _

Ak_21 · Teen
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4 Chs

Ch 2: There He is?!

Previously: Amy got into an accident when master Gu Chen came and took her to the hospital.

After waking up Amy gets to know that her "hunk" had gone away. Hurriedly she got out of the hospital and looked for him but he wasn't there. Or was HE??! *Looking at her watch* Oh my gosh!!!, what should I do?! It's almost time for college, but, where is my bicycle???! I don't have enough cash to take a taxi as well *sob~sob**sitting with her head down in the corner of the hospital*..... Hello,young miss! *Huh?! where is this sweet voice coming from?!**looks up*WWAAAHHH?!!!!!! An ANGEL! oh! did I say that out loud? Sorry, mister..? Call me James. Ah!! sorry Mr. James. It's fine. Now come on, get up, I don't like your pretty face getting ugly*Amy blushes...eek>>>*Thank you, I was just on my was to college but met an accident and don't have my bicycle or cash ㅠ__ㅠ.Would you mind taking me to XX college?!..... Of course not!!..... I'm a student there as well [2nd year].Great!! Thanks!!

Both of them arrive at XX college....

Wow!!! This is so cool!!! Yeah... We seniors are hosting a Freshmen's party for you guys^^~..... It's great!!! Amy? Yes! I'll go and check if the others need anything. Okay! Then, I guess?, I'll see you again later?*shy* Yes! Bye, James. Bye, Amy.

These fellow freshman students look so cool to me. I guess I'll find someone to make friend^_^.Hmmm... where should I go?? Oh!!! Why is there so much crowd??!!! *other freshmen in a chaos*Wow! Master Gu.is so handsome!!!! I wanna be his girlfriend!! Amy asks one girl, "Who is everyone here talking about".... Girl: It's the school's most handsome-est guy!!!!!!!!! *Amy be like - Handsome-est??? Is it even a word?!**Amy quietly slips through the crowd to see IT* OMG!!!!!! *she shouts* IT'S YOU!!!! YOU JERK!!!! YOU LEFT ME ALL ALONE WITHOUT MY CYCLE AND JUST WENT OFF LIKE THAT!!! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE???!!.... *Everybody together* - WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??? HUH?? HOW DARE YOU TRY TO SHOUT AT MY CHEN???!!! *Amy once again be like - Your Chen??!! Yeah-yeah! you can have him.... If I let you.. HAHAHHHA!!!!!* *Master Chen signals everyone to quite down* *And walk towards Amy* Oh! It's you! *Amy is a bit dizzy because of leaving the hospital too early* Yeah, It's me!! And I want to ask you Master Chen, how are you gonna compensate for ruining my cycle with your car??! [Although he's hot!! Anger of a teen-girl can't be suppressed ×_×].So, How much "compensation" do you need? 1 million yuan or 10 million yuan *whispers in her ear*OR ME!!! Amy's heart is going *lub-dub* And!!!... she faints again >>>>>••••••>>>>>

*Everybody in chaos* - What could Master Chen have told that girl that she just fainted??! *A purple haired bish - Yi Chuyi*- Is 1 million yuan too much for her?! HAHAHAHAHA!!!! POOR LITTLE KITTY! *I'm not gonna let you live here peacefully... heheheh* Gu Chen *shouts* EVERYBODY JUST BE QUIET!!!! AND YOU !!!YI CHU YI!!! COME WITH ME!!!!.... *Chen tells his secretary to send Miss Amy to the infirmary*