
Deep In The Abyss

The Abyss is one of the super-level worlds or often referred to as the Abyss realm. The abyss realm has many spaces or often called floors and each floor is a world that has been swallowed and assimilated by the abyss. The realm where demons are born, sinful creatures who pursue power. A world that upholds power, power is law, weakness is sin. It tells the story of a man named Zechiro Smith who is a handsome genius and has high ambitions, but his ambitions must be destroyed before they begin. However, this is not the end, but the beginning of the rise of a true demon in the abyss, a child of the abyss who possesses unique powers. Follow his path to supremacy and domination. "The universe remembers my name, Zecrom, the supreme being of the past, present, and future!" "Nothing can stop me, Demons stop me? Kill the demons!, Gods stop me? Kill the gods!"

Riudhan · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 3 – The Power

Without realizing the movement in my soul, I again prepared to exit this cave.

"Now I have to get to know myself first" After doing some light stretching, I began to move around to get to know my physical strength.

Punching, kicking, running, jumping, I began to feel that my physique had the strength of an adult human.

Approaching the cave wall I prepared to attack, with full force I punched the cave wall in front of me.


The sound of the punch rang out as I estimated the force of my punch to be around 1000 kg.

I smiled with satisfaction as I realized the physical strength I had.

"Even though I was just born, I already have this much power, it's great to be a demon."

I looked at the claws in my hands, how sharp they were, I scraped the claws against the cave wall, sparks flew as my claws scraped the cave wall.

My eyes lit up when I saw the scratches on the cave wall, without using powers I could make scratches on things like rocks.

"So what if I use powers" I prepared and clawed the cave wall with all my strength.

With a loud noise, sparks and rocks flew as horrible scratch marks were visible on the cave wall.

Those 3 cm deep scratch lines were my claws with all my might on the cave wall.

I grinned at how sharp my claws were, curiously trying to scratch my hand with my claws.

I was amazed to see that my skin was unharmed as my claws scratched it, it seemed like my skin was harder than stone.

With that conclusion about my physical strength, I started thinking about the magical aspect of myself.

"My 2 skills are all related to mana, maybe I should try to control my mana"

Mana besides being used as energy to use magic can also be directly released out of the body, by releasing mana I can grasp things with mana like telekinesis.

However, using mana as telekinesis is useless when fighting due to its weak power, usually one uses it to facilitate daily life such as picking up books, pencils, etc.

Mana can also be emitted out and suppress enemies that are weaker than me this is called mana pressure, in inheritance mana pressure was created to imitate the ability of high-level creatures that can emit tremendous pressure so that they can subdue creatures weaker than them.

The inheritance also mentions the levels of demons, namely Demon Child, Low Demon, Middle Demon, High Demon, ArchDemon, Noble Demon, Demon King, Demon Emperor, Demon God.

There are also universal power levels represented by the letters G, F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS with Demon Children being equivalent to F-level creatures and Demon Gods being equivalent to SSS-level creatures.

Knowing that I'm just a person with F-level power makes me want to become stronger, the Abyss is a world that upholds power above all else, you can do anything as long as you have power.

You can do inhumane things as long as you have power such as stealing, killing, raping, enslaving, etc. You can have as many harems as possible if you have power and not only men, women can also have harems if they have power, gender doesn't matter in the abyss because power is what speaks.

I began to move the mana in my body, the mana began to move slowly out of my body.

"Looks like I have to practice controlling mana often from now on" mana is invisible but can be felt with magic perception obtained after forming the demon core which makes the abyss demon able to use magic perception after birth because it already has a demon core.

I tried to pick up the stone around the cave with my mana, my mana began to move slowly and began to envelop the stone, I tried to lift it when a heavy feeling appeared, the stone was as big as a human head but I had difficulty lifting it with my mana.

"There seems to be no point to the battle"

I pulled back my mana and tried to envelop my hands with [Body Enhancement] magic, my hands felt stronger as the mana enveloped them.

I looked towards the cave wall and hit it with all my might, with the sound of my hand hitting the cave wall.

"About 30% yes"

I estimated my strength after using [Body Enhancement] magic, with 30% more strength I estimated that I could defeat 2 of myself without using [Body Enhancement] magic.

Because the concept of power is not the same as 1 + 1 = 2. After learning about the power of [Body Enhancement] magic, I started preparing to try using the skills.

"Let's start with <Creation >" I muttered while thinking about what to create.

I opened my hand as I used my skill, the mana moved automatically as it began to transform into creation energy, I thought about water as the energy transformed into water as in my mind.

"uohhh... it worked" I cheered happily as I saw the water floating in my hand.

"hmm... this skill states that I can create anything I know". I will try again by thinking in more detail about water.

Water is a substance made of 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom, my mana started moving again when it turned into the energy of creation and turned into water.

"ouh mana is used less", it seems that the more details I know about what I want to make, the less mana is needed.

"hehe do I have to make various equipment first before getting out of this cave?" an idea crossed my mind, but I quickly abandoned my intention.

With the amount of mana I need to make water even though it only requires a little mana but I'm sure the more complicated I make, the more mana is needed.

In my current state I don't have much time to make various equipment, I don't have any food and I'm bound to starve soon considering that the only egg fragments I've eaten since birth.

"Perhaps creating energy with various effects is the right answer given my current circumstances"

I drank the water I made and it tasted exactly the same as "bland" normal water.

Looking at my hand, I used the next skill <destruction > my mana started moving automatically as it turned into destructive energy.

I stared at the destructive energy in my hand and threw it at the cave wall.

The cave wall hit by the destructive energy instantly disappeared as if it was erased, without any impact and sound.

I was surprised to see the partially disappeared cave wall. I thought there would be an explosion, I thought with some disappointment, who doesn't like explosions? Explosions are art!.

"It seems like I can destroy anything if I have enough energy"

That was the conclusion I made when I saw that the cave wall was partially gone, not all of it.

"I should focus on destroying the important places rather than destroying everything" This skill would be my strongest weapon.

Thinking there was nothing else to do, I slowly walked towards the mouth of the cave, the mouth of the cave was covered with a thin layer of red light.

I sucked in air to calm myself and stepped through the layer that protected me from outside threats.