
Deep Blue: Arem and Elaena

Arem is the prince of mermaids and one day meets a beautiful girl that has a secret. Elaena is an elf from another world and after a reincarnation she found herself on Earth. Trials and tribulations awaits this two destined lovers that will go against modern society. After challenges that shows evil family members, a witch, a desperate doctor and a traitor, will Arem and Elaena stay together?

Moroseland · Fantasy
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I was watching these kids, running around a kicking a white ball, while their parents were talking loudly about their problems and occupations. I never liked human adults: they never really cared about the surroundings and when they tried to care, they failed.

Now, what was I doing? Should I just go there and scare them away? It sure would be fun!

"Arem, keep calm... nothing would come out of provoking humans..." I told myself while moving my tail under water.

After getting tired of watching the kids, I turned around and swam near a group of rocks that could help prevent being seen.

"Hey..." keeping my hand on the surface, I watched the fishes swim and dance around me, then I started to sang for them, smiling to myself.

"A melody so sweet

Rolling of the tongue

recalling memories 

Where are you my love?

I sing and cry for you

Asking and pleading at the Moon..."

The fishes nudged me: "What? It's not good enough for you now?" I laughed. The fishes swam away and I sat up a rock, combing my blonde and curly hair with my fingers. I was the most handsome merman, at least that's what everybody from my kingdom said.

Yes, I said 'my'. I'm the crown prince of Atlantis, an underwater kingdom, that existed for centuries, passing through a king of the Sea to another. The sacred scripts says that merman and sirens come from a God of Earth and a Goddess of the Sea's union, but I won't get into details because History isn't my favourite subject and never will be...

Anyway, I'm a big deal. That's what is needed to be known.

I kept playing around with fishes till sundown and I watched the sky change colour from light blue to orange.

"And that's my cue to leave my little friends!"

I said, the started to swam away, but something caught my eye: it was a strong light, it was... green. I stopped moving, well, I stopped swimming because my tail continued to move, then I watched the seashore and found out where the source of the light was.

Strangely that green flickering light seemed to call for me.

Should I go and see what was happening or should I just go back to Atlantis?

Surely my father would worry if I got back late or lash out at me for my secrecy about the travels I keep having.

My mind told me to just go back home, but my heart ached to learn about that green and beautiful light. So I swam to the seashore, feeling courageous thanks to the emptiness of the beach; after two minutes of swimming, I slowed down, trying to get closer to the light without being blinded by it.

It was getting difficult.

"What is that..?"

I couldn't explain how, but when I come into contact, or so I thought, with the light, it stopped flickering and pulsing. I could see again, but I could never have predicted that my fate would have changed just like that; because of a green light and my dammed curiosity.

That's just the introduction to a fantasy novel that involves battles, romance, tragedy and of course, magic!

(chapters will be longer)

P.S. I'm Italian, so english is not my first language... please help grow as a writer and also help develop my english writing skills by correcting me if I'm wrong or so. Thanks a lot!

!Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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