
Deep Attachment

A tale of traumatic pasts, trust issues, disorders, trials, mental breakdown and a deep friendship that ceases to be destroyed. What story awaits these kids who are out to discover what life has in store for them. How will they overcome what lies ahead of them. find out in DEEP ATTACHMENT.

Doyinsayomi · Teen
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15 Chs

He’s just the same…

(Ashley POV)

I'm an only child. I grew up having an autistic father. I always wondered how my parents even got married. I later discovered that my mom was the only one my dad could speak to because his parents abandoned him. My father couldn't even speak to me, but I felt that he was comfortable having me around. It was a bit sad that other kids could brag about their fathers, but I couldn't. My mother would often tell me that my father loves me very much, but he just doesn't know how to express it. I didn't blame my father for how I was treated because it wasn't his fault that he was the way he was. I loved him as a child will love their parents. I would often assist my mother in taking care of him so that the weight wouldn't be too much for her. I never really had any friends because I was too busy helping my mom to make friends. I never spoke to anyone at school because I thought they were all different. My mom had to juggle between work, my father and me but we were financially stable. I wanted to grow up quickly so that I would be able to help her more. I attended a middle school that wasn't too far from where I lived, and I was still in my first year. 

One day during the first-semester break, I was helping my mom get some things we needed at home when I noticed a kid who was panicking in the middle of the road. He looked like he was around my age. I had recognized those actions. It reminded me of my dad's panic attacks. I wondered if he was autistic too. He stayed in one spot without moving and he looked like he had frozen. What made it worse was that a truck was driving at full speed and was probably going to run him over if no one helped him out. I felt a sharp pain in my chest and was compelled to save him because I could see my dad in him. Before I got to him, He had passed out, so I had to drag him off the road. A passerby helped me to call an ambulance and he was rushed to the hospital. Surprisingly, the doctors at the hospital knew who he was, and he was taken to a VIP ward. I overheard them talking about who he was and how he was mildly autistic. I thought to myself "He's just the same". I went to stay by his side and observed him. He was quite handsome, but sadly he wasn't mentally stable. "I wonder what made him this way" I felt bad for him but seeing that he was being treated in a VIP ward, he was probably very rich. While I was lost in thought, He opened his eyes and looked at me. I asked how he was feeling but I got no response from him. I was used to this, so I wasn't bothered by it. Soon after, an old man and a doctor rushed in. I had seen the old man on TV before. He owned one of those world-class companies. "Was he, his grandfather?" I wondered. He looked so worried. The kid then broke into tears and kept on telling his grandfather that he was scared. I could understand why he was feeling that way. He had probably lost his way and found himself among so many people and almost lost his life. His grandfather embraced him till he calmed down. Then he looked at me and thanked me and asked me what I wanted as a reward. "It's only rich people that ask those kinds of questions," I thought. Before I could reply, the kid I saved told me thank you. I was surprised. I thought he would talk to me since I was a stranger. I guess he was different. It was then I remembered that the doctors said his autism was mild. His grandfather was also surprised that he thanked me, and he was moved to tears. He then asked me again what I wanted, but I shook my head implying that I didn't want a reward. I looked at the kid lying on the bed and asked for his name. "Zack", those were the words that came out of his mouth. I nodded in reply and continued speaking. "When I brought you to the hospital, the doctor recognised you and brought you to this big room. I overheard them saying that you are autistic, is that true?" I didn't get a reply from him though. Instead, he looked away and then I climbed his bed and sat right in front of him and continued speaking. "Since you aren't denying it, then I guess it's true. My dad happens to be autistic but his is probably much worse than yours because he locks himself up at home all day. He only ever speaks to my mom. He doesn't speak to me, but he doesn't mind my existence. Seeing as you were out on the road then it mustn't be that bad." I said these things feeling a bit sad and with a bit of pity in my heart. He probably understood my expression. Then I finally decided on my reward. I asked his grandfather if I could become his friend and visit when I wanted to and I was given permission. I wanted to befriend him because I felt I could understand him. He probably didn't have any friends because of his condition so I wanted to help him out. Since I couldn't make friends with regular people, trying to befriend an autistic person could prove fruitful. 

He had to stay at the hospital for a few more days for a few tests and I came every day to keep him company. He didn't mind my presence. Instead, he smiled at me every time I arrived. He didn't talk much but he spent most of his day reading books that I couldn't understand. I had heard from his grandfather that he was a genius. "I guess that's what he's good at," I thought. My dad had what he was extremely good at. He could memorize anything that he heard or saw, especially when he watched TV. He could stare at a screen all day and repeat most of the things that were said. I feel proud of him every time he does it. At least he has something that he loves doing. When Zack wasn't reading, He asked me to talk about my dad. I guess he probably wanted to learn something from my dad's condition. I was surprised that he thought that way. He must be a smart kid. I would tell him countless stories and he would stare at me intensely like he was immersed in what I was saying. Spending those few days with him was quite nice. I was happy when my mom permitted me to keep him company. She had a soft spot for people who had one form of illness or the other, so she let me spend time with him. She also considered the fact that I had no friends my age. That also made up a reason for me to spend time with him. When he got discharged, I couldn't see him anymore. He lived very far away from my home so I couldn't visit. But his school wasn't too far from mine so I promised him that I would visit once the next semester began.