
A day of misery

Chris wake up...

"uhhhhhhhh what."

Chris wakes up to look around and see that he has slept from staying overnight at work.

Chris you know you can't be sleeping at work if the boss catches you you'll be fired. whatever I honestly wish he would, by the way what time is max.

"Max starts to laugh"

it's 6. Wow it really is the next day. I better get home.

Chris leaves his job and walks home.

Man I'm really getting tired of this job. It's starting to get to my head. 

While Chris is thinking about how terrible his job is he feels someone push him from behind.


"Chris falls Landing on his face on the side of the street."

What the f..

"Chris then tries to get up as fast as he can but he glances at a speeding car coming right at him."

It looks like it's to late but than someone grabs him by his legs and pulls him in.

Wo kid you need to be careful.

"Chris takes a minute to catch his breath."

I saw I mean wait whew my heart it's like tearing out my chest. Yah I mean that'll happen to you when you get on the verge of almost dying.


I mean yah I guess so that's the first time I've been put into a situation like that. Hey kid what happened anyway and what's you name. What o yah my names Chris and honestly I don't know what happened it was all to fast. Just try to think for a minute. Well honestly I felt like someone had pushed me from behind but I didn't see anyone do it. Wo kid are you trying to say someone was trying to get you h..

"Chris than sees a shadow like figure come rushing behind the Man who just saved him and pushes him out the way to return the favor"

But than it seems the figure was not targeting the Man but Chris himself and with no time to react there appears to be a knife in his chest piercing his heart he drops to the floor and starts to fade away.