
Yet to be seen

Just when he was lost in thought about all these things

"Perush!!, You're going to be late again!! Aren't you up yet?" It was his mom

"Huh!" Hurriedly glancing at the clock in his desk he saw it, it was already a quarter to six he only had at most 20 minutes to have his breakfast and reach the class.

"Ohh Shoot!!" Quickly closing his diary he carefully placed it inside his Desk beneath some random documents making sure that it wasn't eye catching.

"Perush!!! Are you planning on skipping the class!? Hurry up!!"

"Breakfast is already ready, okay?"

"I'm Up Mom!! Just five minutes!!" As he rushes to get ready for collage, Perush realizes that he had no idea what he was going to wear. In a hurry, he yanks open his closet and blindly reaches inside. His fingers finding a wrinkled jacket, and he quickly pulls it out. He glances at it and realizes it was in dire need of a wash. Oh well, he thinks to himself, it's better than nothing. He quickly puts it on and runs out the door, heading for the kitchen.

"Good morning Mom! Thank you for the food" Greeting his mom in a super rushed way, Perush frantically picked up the bowl of cereal. He was really running late for collage and knew he didn't have time to sit down and eat a proper breakfast. As he juggled his backpack, keys and bowl of cereal , in a hurry he dropped his bowl. Milk and cereal flying everywhere making a loud sound successfully attracting his mother's ire who was doing the dishes.


"Sorry Mom!!!" Perush groans in frustration as he looks down at the mess on the floor. He absolutely didn't have time to clean it up, so he quickly grabbed a piece of toast and stuffed it into his mouth before rushing out the door.

The air was biting and frosty as Perush stepped out the door, his breath forming a cloud of steam in front of him. He glanced at the view absolutely mesmerized by the hazy dream like quality of the world. Perush shivered and pulled his jacked tighter around himself and he walked toward his bike. He could see the condensation on the mirrors which he casually let his fingers slide through, immediately feeling his hands numb, he fumbled with the key and started the engine, hopped on, and rushed his way.

As Perush was rushed, he didn't realize a peculiar thing, Group of crows perched on the cable wires that were connected to light pole right outside of his house. There were at least a dozen of them, their glossy feathers black as the night sky creating a strong contrast to the cloudy fog around them. They seemed to be watching him with their beady Eyes, every move he made never escaping their Eyes.

Few seconds after he went, they circled his house seemingly searching for something, their caws echoing through the neighborhood. After a few moments they suddenly stopped their circling and flew off in a single, coordinated movement disappearing into the distance.


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The Parajulis were a family of three who had faced tough times in the past. Just a few years ago, they were struggling to make ends meet and often had to borrow money to get by. Despite the challenges they faced, they remained focused on survival and were determined to turn their fortunes around.

His father also, worked long hours as a cab driver. It wasn't the most respected job, but he put in the hard work every day, picking up passengers from 4 to 9 in the evening. His mother, also worked hard, running a small restaurant. It was no easy task, as she had to juggle the demands of the business with the needs of her family.

Through their hard work and determination, the Parajulis were eventually able to turn their financial situation around. Today, they are known as one of the most successful family in the neighborhood.

Seven years ago, the Parajulis decided to invest in real estate. This sudden increase in assets helped them greatly, as they were able to make a profit by renting and selling properties. His Father got an epiphany and also started a finance company which fortunately was a hit. As the family's situation improved, His mother who always had a passion for Music; taking the opportunity of financial ease she choose to pursue her dream of becoming a singer. With her beautiful voice, she was able to do just that. It seemed as though good fortune was showering down upon them, as in just seven years their lives had taken a turn for the better.

The Parajulis never truly realized that their fortunes changed for the better after Perush started having strange dreams. However, there is a saying that danger and fortune often go hand in hand. The Parajulis have certainly experienced the fortune, but what about the danger that may have accompanied it? It is a question that remains to be seen.

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