
Chapter 233: Countdown to College Entrance Exam_1

Translator: 549690339

His voice was still as pleasant as it used to be, with a hint of imperceptible warmth in his casual tone.

He was just like before, unchanged at all.

As if he and she had never been apart.

Lin Wei's throat choked, and her nose felt sour.

She lowered her head, gripping the bag of masks tightly. After a few seconds, she raised her head again to look at him.

He had lost a lot of weight, seemed a little taller, his hair was longer than the last time she saw him, and he had an overall more mature aura.

Although he was just right in front of her, within her reach, she still found it hard to believe, feeling as if she was dreaming.

She stared at him without blinking for a while, her mind still in a daze.

When she looked at him long enough to feel a sourness in her eyes, she slowly blinked, slightly regaining her senses. Whether it was due to not seeing him for too long, she didn't know what to say to him at the moment.