
Chapter 13 Shush_1

Translator: 549690339

"Because of a loosened button."

Jiang Su hesitated for a moment before continuing: "In the elevator."

In the elevator, she had unfastened the top button of her coat, revealing her sweater to him.

With the button unbuttoned... Xu Shu's mind was suddenly flooded with a series of explicit scenes.

And all this in the elevator...


She's adventurous.

Xu Shu completely forgot that the girl in every scene conjured in his brain was his goddess just one minute before.

"Fuck, Susu, when did you become so risqué?" He got increasingly excited the more he thought about it, "You didn't even tell us you 'went wild', I could've thrown you a big fucking celebration, and tell the world that my bro Susu is a used goods now..."

"Get lost," Jiang Su kicked Xu Shu and swiftly stole his mobile phone.

"I thought my bro Susu would be a lifelong monk, but it turns out he is so wild. He's already tarnished before he's of legal age. Susu, you're a bit too impatient. The girl's not fully grown yet..."

Jiang Su pressed against Xu Shu's phone and lifted his foot again.

This time, he kicked Xu Shu quite hard and sent him sprawling into Cheng Zhu's arms, "Watch your words or I'll beat the crap out of you."

Jiang Su was the kind of person who wouldn't waste any expressions redundantly, so he usually maintained a stoic face that made it difficult for people to gauge his emotions.

But Xu Shu knew him well, he could tell when he was joking and when he was serious.

... Like right now, he was being serious.

Others might not understand Jiang Su, but Xu Shu did. Jiang Su wasn't as hot-tempered as everyone made him out to be.

Having hung out together for all these years, this was the first time Xu Shu had heard Jiang Su speak in such a serious tone to him.

Xu Shu was a bit shocked, he exchanged a wide-eyed look with Cheng Zhu and saw matching surprise in Cheng Zhu's eyes. After a moment, he turned to Jiang Su in disbelief: "Bro Su, are you falling for her?"

"Fuck off."

Jiang Su threw the phone into Xu Shu's arms, pulled his hoodie up over his head, and left.

After Jiang Su left, Xu Shu and Cheng Zhu also went their separate ways home.

On their way home, Xu Shu sent a message in the group chat: "Where are my photos? All my over a thousand photos of beauties are gone."

Jiang Su looked at the incoming message popping up at the top of the screen, casually swiped upwards to dismiss the incessant group chat bombardments from Xu Shu. He continued to swipe left to check out the photos of the girl from the neighboring house waiting for the bus.


Lin Wei wasn't a pretentious person. Since Jiang Su had given her the homework, she wasted no time rewriting all of the solutions from memory.

Lin Wei was also not an ungrateful person, so since Jiang Su helped her, she repaid him by doing his math assignment for him.

On a normal day, Lin Wei would answer the assignment using a pencil out of habit. Given Jiang Su's dreadful maths grade of just two points, Lin Wei, for the sake of realism after erasing the answers she had initially written on the scribbled worksheet, mimicked Jiang Su's poor test-taking habits, choosing "C" for all the multiple-choice questions and filling in "0" for all the fill-in-the-blank questions.

On Monday, like any other day, Lin Wei got up at six o'clock and left the house promptly at six-twenty.

Before getting into the elevator, she took a glance at Jiang Su's apartment. The door was securely shut with no signs of being opened.

Before morning self-study began, Lin Wei looked back once more. Jiang Su had still not arrived. The first course ended, the second lesson ended. The entire school gathered in the playground for the flag-raising ceremony during the break, but Jiang Su was still not there.

It wasn't until near the end of the third course that Jiang Su arrived. He sauntered leisurely into the classroom from the back entrance.

Seeing as he made no fuss, the physics teacher who was lecturing on stage ignored him as if he didn't exist and continued talking without a pause.

It was unclear whether Jiang Su was genuinely tired or just pretending, but after he sat down, he put his hat over his head and laid down on the desk without moving.

Even after the third lesson ended, the classroom became noisy, but he seemed as though he didn't hear a thing - he didn't react at all.

However, something did happen in the class after the bell rang for the fourth lesson.

The fourth lesson on Monday morning was supposed to be biology, but the biology teacher was off for the day, so it turned into a self-study session.

The person causing trouble was not the rumored and feared Jiang Su, but Hu Xiao.

Every class has one or two prickly people, even the first class, which is filled with top students, has difficult ones.

Before Jiang Su joined the class, Hu Xiao was the person everyone least wanted to provoke.

Hu Xiao's academic performance was not bad, but his character was not likable. He could hold onto the tiniest conflicts and never let them go.

For example, today, the situation was simple: the bell for class had rung and Song Qianqian hurried back from the bathroom. While hurrying to her seat, she accidentally bumped into Hu Xiao's desk, knocking a stack of his neatly arranged books onto the floor.

"What are you doing?!" Hu Xiao, who had been doing work at his desk, became angry in an instant.

Song Qianqian jumped with fright; she immediately started apologizing and bending down to help Hu Xiao pick up his books.

Hu Xiao was the type of person who would not let things go even when in the wrong, let alone being in the right. He sat in his seat, watching as Song Qianqian helped pick up his books. He not only didn't lend a hand, he started to berate her, "Song Qianqian, do you know that I had my books categorised, I had many key points inserted in them, and now everything is jumbled up because of your bump."

"Sorry, sorry." Song Qianqian put the books she had picked up on Hu Xiao's desk.

While checking his books, Hu Xiao muttered, "What's the use of saying sorry?"

At a loss, Song Qianqian again apologized to Hu Xiao: "I'm sorry."

Hu Xiao didn't even look at Song Qianqian and she awkwardly pulled out her chair and sat down.

The incident should have ended here, but Hu Xiao intentionally slammed each book hard onto the table while categorising them, and occasionally muttered some complaints.

"Really annoying."

"A perfectly good self-study session is ruined."



Although Class One was filled with top students, their discipline was not as good as one might expect when there were no teachers around.

As the discipline representative, Lin Wei rarely had to enforce discipline. But as the first ten minutes of class passed and Hu Xiao showed no signs of stopping his antics, Lin Wei, who was working through some chemistry problems, softly spoke up: "Everyone, please be quiet."

The atmosphere in the class improved slightly, but it only lasted a minute. Hu Xiao slammed his books even louder and occasionally cursed under his breath: "So sick of it! Seriously f***ing disgusting!"

Lin Wei stopped writing and paused for three seconds. She spoke with an equally soft tone, "Hu Xiao, could you please be a little quieter, don't disturb others, thank you."

"How am I disturbing others? When it's normally self-study time and everyone talks in the classroom, don't you step in? Why are you putting on airs now that you're a class representative?"

Lin Wei's eyes grew colder as she focused on her paper.

"Also, was I the only one speaking just now? Weren't others also speaking? Why didn't you call them out? You…"


Following a thunderous noise, before everyone had time to react to what was happening, Jiang Su was standing in front of Hu Xiao, grabbing the collar of his uniform.

Hu Xiao was taken aback: "…"

Jiang Su randomly grabbed some papers from the desk, crumpled them up and shoved them into Hu Xiao's open mouth: "Hush."

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