

I, Mark Twain, am a normal kid in a normal world. I eat, I drink, I sleep. I have a sibling that annoys me every chance he gets just like the rest of the world. I go to Sandalwood Elementary school, a great place to make new friends and learn new things. I mean you would know how the usual school routine goes, you learn stuff, you play, and then you get back home. The tests are way too easy for my standards. Mrs. Bull probably stresses herself thinking of how to make the tests harder or longer. She looked at me with her small hazel-nut eyes worrying about how to keep me from sleeping in class. Not to boast but I'm quite the king of the castle here in Sandalwood lately. People rush to see me saying "hi" or "what's up." Oddly they keep trying to know about my lifestyle and what I do to enjoy myself. This newly acquired fame intrigues me but it's probably because I'm the most jolly guy in the school. But even more strangely Mrs. Bull's husband came over to say hi to me. He asked where my house was so that he could drop me off but I had promised to walk with my friend Jared. Jared looked at Mr. Bull and then a quick glance back at me. He whispered to me softly, "C'mon let's go!" I waved goodbye to Mr. Bull and set off home.

Part 2. - Mark was a normal kid. We played video games almost everyday afterschool, and had sleepovers around once a week. Life was considered chill. But now he's dead. Let me recap on what had happened. Yesterday, the day that I had last talked to him, we were in school. It was a typical normal day when suddenly as I was walking to school, I saw Mark's dad running across the street, jumping up and down. I went to ask him about what had happened. He told me that he won the lottery, around 150,000 in cold, hard cash. He told me not to tell anyone and that he was gonna tell Mark when he came back home. I thought that this was great news and that it was too bad that Mark was riding on the bus to get to school. Unfortunately I was unaware of Mr. Bull eavesdropping on my brief conversation with Mark's dad. I got to school and told all my classmates that Mark had won the lottery. I knew that I was going against Mark's dad's directions so I told everyone to keep it a secret from Mark. So throughout the whole day students rushed up to him during lunch asking him questions without revealing the big secret. Another thing I noticed was that Mrs. Bull was strangely staring at Mark and complimenting him about the work he did in class that day. After school Mr. Bull asked him something I couldn't quite hear at the moment. We walked home discussing the math test we took at the end of the period because I hadn't done too well on that. When we got to his house, we said our goodbyes and departed our own ways. A few seconds later, I heard Mark scream in joy that his dad had won the lottery. But suddenly I heard something that I've never heard before. I turned back and ran to Mark's house seeing Mark and his dad dead on the floor. I slowly tilted my head left to see a man. A man that I'd seen before. Mr. Bull stood there with a partial grin on his face and a few minutes later I woke up to see myself under a half-dimmed light next to a dead Mark's brother..

Part 3 - "Officer, can I just tell you my side of the story before you assume the whole incident." "Mr. Bull, you have been caught on camera with the money and there's nothing you can hide so what's the point? What else is there to tell me?"

"I'll tell you.." 'You might've thought I murdered the Twain family but you're wrong. In fact it was the person you've just interviewed. Jared Black. Yea officer you heard me right. Jack Black was the murderer. Kids nowadays, some of them look small but toughen up in the weirdest circumstances. One example is this incident, the murder of the Twain family and now who knows where is. Yesterday he saw Mark winning the lottery with his own eyes and he went on to tell me. Jared lived a troubled life with his parents dying in a car crash. He lived with his uncle, Oliver Bull. Yep. That's me. Anyways, Jared told me the news and told me that we could split the cash 50 - 50. I agreed to the offer but little did he know that I would take everything and run off somewhere else with my wife. So I killed Mark's dad and Jared took out the other two. I don't know what he told you, officer but he gave me the bag full of money to keep it safe and I ran. I sprinted out the door and ran across Benson park until I ran into some random patrol officer on his rounds. And now I'm here with you cophisticating my 150,000. But here's the thing, you shouldn't have released the boy because he's a part of this."

"The numbers don't add up, the bag had approximately 5 million. What are you hiding Oliver?"

"What are you saying, Jared gave me the whole bag! Wait does that mean that he has the other 100,000?!"

Part 4 - Officer

I scurried to my car and went to the hospital since my son's appointment was today. While I was in the car, I thought about how my son could actually get his sight back today. I'm sure that the doctors will put in their best effort realizing that I'm giving 50,000. The bill was quite expensive but the moment I give the money for the surgery, I'm sure I'd never regret it. I remember my son telling me something when he was younger that I'd never forget in my life...

"Dad, what is it like to see nature and the outside world."

"It's a horrible sight with bad people in the world and everything you see is just a lie."

"Dad, what horrible sights do people see, Mrs. Clara told me in class that the sight of nature is something you should cherish everyday in your lives.

"Well the other sights are wicked such as people littering and stealing from others and more."

"Dad, then why did you tell mom about going to the hospital and getting my sight again. Is this true dad? Can I actually be able to see."

- -

As I arrived at the hospital I went into the room where my son's surgery was getting done. I sat in the main room and watched the news that was playing on the small television nearby. I hoped that everything would go right and that nobody would know of the $50,000 I'd stolen. And then I saw something that made me freeze.

"Hi, this is your breaking news of the day from Donna! A young boy of the name, Jared Black, was found dead near Blackville County. His records state that he had been living with his uncle, Oliver Bull, after his parents died. This looks like a well crafted murder but we don't have the information right now to predict anything further. We'll give you our update shortly when we get more information from the people at the scene.