
Deception: New Home, New Memories

They got to Miss Lynn's house and he looked pretty surprisedas they got down from the car. "What!, what the....", "don't! say the word" as the driver intervened, "it's too cool for a woman her age" he said in astonishment, "She's the richest woman in Maxburgh, she has many companies.....but no husband and a daughter..." her guard said, "that's really cool, a daughter you said, then where's she?", "she travelled and will be back today, you'll go and meet her, probably when madam comes.." the guard replied, "oh...that's cool, let's go in first please.." he begged the guard, "sure.. here's your new home for the moment..." as they both went in. He found not only the outside view of the house interesting but also the inside, he saw many beautiful decorations as the passed through the hallway, "don't think about touching anything kiddo" the guard warned as they went to the room Miss Lynn told him to sent him into. "So this is...my room?" he asked, "Yeah..of course,is it too small?" he asked back, "No way!!, it's cooler than I thought, I even thought about a small room with no TV!, and this is what I get, haha" as he went straight to the bed, "mmm, soft bed not like ours"as he passed his hands on the bed and felt it's softness,he went straight to the TV, "a TV with such a big screen more fun", he went to the wardrobe,"a wardrobe filled with clothing's already!, wow, I'll really love my stay here" he ended his speech as he slept on the bed with crossed legs watching the guard. "Well..that will be all for me, if you need anything call me with the phone beside the bed, it's only for calling the guards" he said, "oh okay, no problem" as he smiled to the guard. The guard left the room and he immediately sat on the bed and sighed, "Mom...Dad...how I wish you were here with me now, at this moment, enjoying with me" as he sighed again "where are you now.... I need you guys" as he slept on the bed and tried to sleep. He had a dream and remembered everything which happened.

(He was getting back from school as he saw two black cars at the front gate of their house so he decided to take the back door to be stealthy enough and make less noise. He entered and closed the door real quick and tip toed inside, he heard noises when he was approaching the hall, so he quickly sprinted and hid behind the door, now he peeked to have a look inside the room and he saw his parents kneeling infront of two masked guys, "We have had enough of this!" one guy said, "so, what is your answer now, where is it?"the other guy said, "where is what?" he said to himself in a low tone as he continued listening, "look, we made a deal right, it will be delivered to you, just give us time" his dad said, "honey, no....we must not give it to them, it's all we've got" his mom said, "what are they talking about, "well, so you are now opposing right?, now tell us, where is it" as he pointed a gun to his mom, "No!, don't shoot please, we will give it to you, just wait" his dad said to the guys, "we were ordered to kill you guys if you resisted, and you still don't want to give it" one guy said, "no no, if I don't act they might kill mom or dad, I need to do something" he said to himself and he turned around looking for something he could deal damage with. "oh right.. dad's axe" as he took the axe and before he could turn back around he heard two gun shots as he was left standing, he quickly got in with the axe and found his mom and dad laying on the floor, "...m..m..mom...d..dad..." he said softly as his hands let go of the axe still standing there looking at their bodies. "No!!!!....mom" as he quickly went to their side and knelt before them, "m..mom... don't die please....dad!!" as he started crying, "where from this kid" one guy said as he came near him, "you killed my parents!!...." he said whiles he was still looking at the bodies of his parents, the guy reached his side and held him "hey kiddo", "let go of me!!" as he quickly turned and looked into the eyes of the masked man sobbing, "arghhhhh!!!....." the man screamed with pain as he knelt down and covered his ears with his palms, "hey..what's wrong" the other guy asked, "it's just this stupid boy" as he stood up and slapped the boy sending him down. "Is everything okay?" the other guy asked, "Yeah, he's down now" as they turned away looking towards the gate, ".m..mom..,dad.." as the boy said slowly whiles on the floor, one guy turned as decided to finish off the kid as he pointed the gun to the kid, "here you go, unite with them once again.." as the child looked at him, "shoot him Alex, we need to move now..." the other guy said, "Yeah...yeah..I know"he said as he started pointing the gun on the other guy, "what Alex shoot..." (pom!) the sound of a gun as Alex killed his other mate. "What, no...no.." he said as he looked into the kid's eyes, "I will come back for you" Alex heard in his mind as the kid fainted, "Help! help!" as he went outside to call the other men there, then the kid felt exhausted and fainted. He rushed in with two other men and took their mate's body, "what about the kid and the parents" one guy asked, "they are dead, leave them" Alex said as they went out. "Alex, turn on the bomb now to cover it up!" one guy shouted on Alex as they entered the car, "I know let's leave here first..." The kid woke up later, still tired as he couldn't find his parents bodies, "..m..mom.?d..dad?.." he said slowly as he fully stood up,"but...they were just here...beside me.." as he went to where's their bodies were laying and knelt down..the next he heard was two beeps and boom! the bomb was triggered)

"Mom!!!" as he shouted waking up, "that was what happened....m..mom.." as Miss Lynn entered, "You're finally awake", "..yeah..." he replied, "why what's wrong Chris" Miss Lynn asked as she sat I the bed, "oh..I'm just..a little hungry...", "Well then, let's go for Dinner, then after that we meet Lydia my daughter she's returning today" she continued, "oh..yeah right" as he stood up and followed her to the dinning room. The sat down and had a quick dinner as they went outside and Miss Lynn had a message, "Mom, I'm coming home, no need to pick me" Lydia's message as she giggled, "haha, she's growing up, she's not a kid anymore..huh" as he looked into Chris's eyes, "You'll like her when you see her" as Chris replied, "oh..hha, okay". A black limousine entered the house as Lydia got down, "that's my daughter.., Lydia", "wow" Chris said as he admired her, "she's very... beautiful.." he continued as Lydia approached them, "Mom, is this the new house help you said you'd hire?, he looks pretty nice for a house help" Lydia said, "Nonsense Lydia!! He is my guest and I expect you to treat him as such!" Miss Lynn shouted on Lydia, "Okay mom, whatever.." as she went past them and entered the house, "don't worry Chris, that's how she is at times" as they all entered the house.

Later that evening Miss Lynn called them both to go out to an expensive restaurant in Maxburgh, they entered the place and everyone turned to look at them, "that's Lynn, that's her" as Chris heard in the faint voices of whisper, "she must really be famous and rich" he said to himself, they sat down and they brought her the food she ordered, "Chris, what would you like, take one" she offered, "oh..I would like hotdogs and a milkshake... please" he replied as she called and it was delivered, "Mom, why are you treating him like a kid, we don't even know where he's from" Lydia said staring into Chris's eyes as he placed the milkshake he was sipping back on the table, "He offered me help, and I'm returning the help, but I'm not here to talk about that, I'm here to tell you that Chris has been admitted into Brairwood" she told them both, "But Mom how can I school with this stranger!" Lydia said looking at Chris as he also showed a sign of disapprove, "You'll get to know him better" Miss Lynn replied, "So Chris, on Monday you'll be going to school with Lydia in her car, until you get yours" Miss Lynn stated, "I.. I'll have my own car?" Chris asked happily, "Of course, a motorcycle" Lydia replied cheekily, "Don't worry, it might be better than hers", "Mom!!, you know that you can't" Lydia jealously replied, "You watch me" Miss Lynn said as she sipped her drink. "Hurry up and let's go, its getting late, I'll be waiting for you in the car" Miss Lynn said as she headed out. Chris turned to look at Lydia and smiled, "I don't know what you're up to, but you wont take my mom from me, don't ever try that" as she also stood up and headed out, he quickly finished off the meal and cleaned his mouth, "don't worry, I have other plans" he said to himself as he stood up and also went out. He entered the car and Miss Lynn instructed the driver to go straight home. "Whoo, what a busy day, mom..dad.. I haven't forgotten about you, I'll find Alex, and find who ever is behind this, I'll have my revenge" Chris said to himself as he laid his head on the glass and watched the road as they headed home...