

The original title: "Innocence of the Ignorant". Genre: R-18 Psychological Synopsis: One action could affect the lives of many, be small or big... If you have what it takes to change, will it be for better or for worse? Hayama Ameguri is just a normal child, no special features and set to live a normal life. However, he starts to change after having a fateful encounter with a certain man. The normal life which he supposed to live has turn into heavy one. A path where there's no future that awaits him, "the path of killing..." In the world where no one can be held responsible for their own actions who is going to take the weights that has been unintentionally passed down on him? No one... No one other than himself... Isn't it on pointless to throw the bag if it's nothing but burden? it's easy to say but one cannot go back to normal after killing.

LapiZapiL · Realistic
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11 Chs


Chapter 7

My sister, Asuza declares that she is going to live with me. I cannot refuse her knowing her background. After all I'm the type of person who wouldn't simply push someone who needed me away, that's also the reason why Diane keep pushing matches against me. "Well, I cannot refuse you... But I doubt my small house can support two people anyway." I speak to her and look at the ceiling. I can fulfill Asuza's request and let her stay with me. However, the house is just small for two people.

Diane and Amane who's listening to us and remain silent the whole time. Diane suddenly speak as if putting a follow up on what I stated. "I agree... The house is too small to support three people..." She closes her eyes and her arms after saying it and nod consecutively.

Asuza take a deep sigh and give me a proper reply. "Hayama, you shouldn't lie to me..." She is looking at me as if she knows me well.

"Huh? What are you talking about? I've never lie in my enter life." I asked, because her reply confused me.

"That might be true..." She reaches her hands towards my cheeks and pinch it, it's probably her favourite part because she keeps attacking it. "If you define lying as hiding the truth with non realistic event, certainly you are not lying. However, you have been hiding the truth and refuse to talk. Technically speaking it's considered as lying." She let go of my cheeks which becomes red now because of her.

"Well, that's your definition of lying. If you consider it as lie then it doesn't matter to me since my understanding and yours are different from each other, so what makes you think I'm lying?" I express my thoughts to her and asked a question.

"That's true..." She accepted my argument and answer my question. "At first I'm planning to move you to my house but I don't want you to hold a grudge against me, so why don't we move to a different house? It's favourable for everyone here..." She continued speaking and focus her gaze at Amane, as if she is hinting something to me.

"I understand..." Even though she isn't being direct I could understand what she's trying to say to me. Basically Asuza wanted me to move to a different house which is next to Amane's house.

[Amane wanted to get closer to Ameguri because she loves him, Diane wanted to live with Ameguri to settle the things between them, Asuza wanted to stay with her only family member left, and Ameguri cannot refuse them.]

After sorting my thoughts and having no way out I decided to let things be. "I guess..."

Asuza clap her hands and smile. "Let's go now!" Amane and Diane look at each other with confused face, they don't have any idea what's going on but they will find out sooner anyway.

The four of us head outside of the house to move to a different one. From a distance I notice elegant looking cars and number of men in black suit. One them is the person I encounter in six division.

"Now let's head inside and have a nice chat..." Asuza turn around and focus her gaze to Diane and Amane. The three of them head inside the car, as for me I walked pass over the car. They didn't seem to notice my actions and drive away. However, the man I met from six division follow me.

"What do you want?" I asked him a question while keeping a slow pace making sure he can keep up with me. If I wanted to I could fight him and knock him out but he is one of her guards, so I didn't think about doing it. Besides I think he is strong, if we were to fight for real I would probably lose an arm against him.

"Mister, Hayama I'll be straight to the point. I believe you already know my lady's circumstances..." He slightly speed up and walk beside me.

"Yes... That's why I agree. But the things were progressing faster than I could comprehend, it's stressful." I closes my eyes while walking and take a deep sigh.

"I think you are already aware of it but we investigate you for the whole year and found lots of things. We purposely hide it from your sister because you keep it hidden yourself the whole time but please refrain from doing anything careless from now on... After all you are everything to my lady."

He is being indirect but I know what he is trying to say, "the rape case which involves child predator around year and half, and Melissa's rape case few days ago... On top of that you guys know the location of my house." I put his thoughts into words. While doing so, I open my eyes and stare at him.

He nod to me in agreement and continue speaking. "I doubt you are aware of it but there are rumors about you beating up delinquents violently and putting them into submission. I'm aware of your motives and couldn't say that your methods are incorrect. However, you aren't right either."

"Certainly... In state of dilemma, I can only wonder which way should I go? To the left where there's nothing right or the right where there's nothing left?" I speak it out loud.

"There is no right or wrong answer but in a question where two options are wrong. Then it's shouldn't be considered as problem since the right answer doesn't exist." His expression remain restless while expressing his thoughts about my dilemma.

"That may be the case... However, I can already foreseen the outcome and have an answer... Whether it's right or wrong conclusion can be reach... As for the answer, it's obvious... Overcoming the problem with violence is the only solution." I clench my fist and glare at it intensely.

"Yes... If the things cannot be undone then the answer is clear, violence." He smiles at me and agree to my opinion. "Once you become a murderer there no going back for you, We of the same kind understand it best... My name is Fushigi Arthur... Pleasure to meet you Ameguri Hayama." He reaches his hands towards me offering a handshake. I accepted with pleasure and we shake each other hands.

The exact time we finishes talking, number of elegant cars approaches us form a distance. They stops in front of us and honk lightly. Asuza head outside and rushes into my direction. When she gets closer to me, she immediately grab my forearm. "What are you doing? You suddenly disappeared I thought you were gone you make me worried." After stating her feelings, she drag me inside the car. Amane and Diane seems to be happy for some reason. I wouldn't know it because I'm not present but it's something related to me anyway.

The three of them talk about me, they seem to have a competition which knows me best for some reason but I didn't pay attention to them and stare at the window while thinking about life.

We drive for almost an half hour and reaches our destination, it's a two story modern house with front yard and backyard. The design is rather fascinating, tinted windows, white walls and a mixture of yellow and red bricks.

There is a caretaker of this house, he usually visit this place once a week to clean. Judging by Asuza's intention, I guess she already took care of the things here. "As a spoiled child, she sure doing what ever she wants..." I muttered to myself while opening the gate and the four of us head inside. She give her subordinates order to go back home and will call them if she needed something.

They look around and got amazed by simple design yet satisfying in the eyes. "Hayama... I'm going to change clothes first, since my house is nearby I can easily pay you a visit whenever I want." Amane talk to me with the intention of leaving and come back later.

"Yeah sure... Just ring the door bell if you wanted to come." I didn't fetch her home since she only live next to my house. I glance at Diane and Asuza they seems to have a conversation while sitting on the couch. I didn't pay attention to them and head upstairs to rest into my room.

I feel so tired today as if I don't have energy to move my body. I lie down on my bed and mutter to myself. "Lots of things happen one after another starting with Melissa, then followed by Amane, Diane and Asuza. I'm usually spending my time in solitude until I meet Melissa, things starts to become stressful for me."

I stand up from bed when I realized I'm still wearing my uniform. I head into the closet and change into casual clothes. While doing so, I look at my armpit and forearm. "As expected, wounds doesn't heal easily..." I look away from it and pick up a clothes with long sleeves to keep it hidden.

After changing I jump back into my bed and lie down. "I wonder what's happening to Melissa right now? Did she finally settled things between them?" Few days have passed since we got separated from each other and I think about the message I sent to her parents. "Polkadots will be seen". The two of us are the only people who knows about it. When I say polkadots, it simply means one thing... "Domestic violence."

When she was assaulted one of the first thing I noticed was her brushes, it's impossible to hide it with her white skin. The mark of violence which represents color of purple, shows her horrible experience while living with her partner. The rapists didn't spotted it because they were focus on her chest and [anigav] but I didn't miss such a detail on her back and stomach, it was mark with polkadots but instead of round shapes It's something horrible.

Melissa story is almost close to the the story of the elder who gave me tea leaves. Just like her daughter, Melissa also runaway from her home and choose to go with her boyfriend. She didn't follow her parents advice and choose stranger over family. They live together and during those time, she experience domestic violence. He always hurt her in minor reasons. Melissa wanted to leave the house but couldn't because she still love him and doesn't have a place to go. One night her live in partner, decided to kick her off the house and she wander around looking for a place to live.

There is only one place where you can live free rent, "isolated town". She wanted to become squatter here and starts a new life. However, she gets attack by rapist which has been following her on city. Melissa thought that just like her, someone is probably living in this town and asked for help. By chance, I encounter her and give some help.

I think it's too much to be a coincidence as if my encounter to elderly and Melissa is almost like a set up for me to solve. I might be overthinking things but it's probably just a coincidence. I stop thinking about Melissa since I leave everything into her to decide what to do. I don't have any rights to comfort her and force her to make any decisions since I'm also using violence, so whether she wanted to keep going or not, it's up to her.

Looking back I also use violence against Amane. Even though it's only a fragment, she forgive me easily by making me take responsibility. "I wonder... If we get into a fight will she also experience 'domestic violence' from me?" I don't know for sure that's why I decided to push her away back then. I also have another reason for doing so, but it's pointless to think about it now since we are already in a relationship.

Thanks to Diane's interference, I was drag back into things I'm trying to avoid. On top of that there was still a matter remain unsolved but I think it will come sooner or later anyway. I take a deep sigh and rested my body while waiting for Amane to come. "For now... I must do things in order to make my girlfriend happy." I muttered to myself and keep my eyes on the ceiling.

Chapter 7.1

Lots of time have passed, and I fell asleep without my knowledge. The sounds loud of laughter wake me up from my slumber. When I open my eyes, the first person I saw was my girlfriend, Amane Shina.

"Oh no... It looks like Hayama is awake now." She is talking to someone as if trouble is bound to happen when I woke up.

"Just to let you know Hayama, it wasn't my idea." My sister Asuza, suddenly speak to defend herself. I doubt it was truth anyway. I know both Diane and Amane personally, so I think she was the preparator.

"Don't lie, it was your idea!" Amane respond to her. They begin to quarrel and blame each other.

I'm planning to rub my eyes but when my finger made a contact on my skin, I feel a strange powder beneath. "Huh? What is this...?" I talk to myself and take a look at my index finger. I didn't rub my eyes since I felt a strange sensation as if I'm touching smaller grains of sand.

When I take a good look, I realized it came from a make up. I look around my bed and sighted, different items use in make over such as blush effect, whitening, eye liner, lipstick and things I don't know the name. Amane and Asuza was still on quarrel who is the real preparator. I averted my gaze away from them and look on my left side.

I spotted Diane lying on her stomach next to me. She is reading a book about cooking while her two slightly slim legs were kicking the air back and forth. "I don't think she's involved in this matter, so it was Asuza's idea. I guess giving me a make over is probably one of the things to do in her bucket list." I speak to myself and get out of the bed.

I approaches the mirror on my room and take a good look at my face. It appears that they braid my hair which part of side bangs and do some pony tail. What they did to me is rather fascinating setting the make up aside I like my new hair style. I probably stick with it. I still have my bangs on my forehead, so I move my head sideward to see my face on sideview.

"I don't really like the make up but the hair is fancy. Even though my ears feels slightly cold..." I speak to myself and pick up a clean cloth to remove the make up. I didn't have any difficulties since I'm keeping an eye on my classmates who uses make up on school. At least, I know how to remove it at some extent.

I finishes removing the make up and turn my gaze at Amane. She was still fighting Asuza. The two of them were wrestle one another while pinching each other cheeks. "It's hard to believe that my sister is a lot older than me... I guess maturity doesn't define by age." I speak to myself and look away from them. I'm planing to go downstairs to prepare some food for dinner since it's almost six.

As I prepare food, someone walk down stairs and head into the kitchen. I glance at the entrance and sighted Diane getting closer to me. "Are you going to help?" I ask her a question while cutting the mackerel in half removing the bones.

"Of course..." Diane replied to me. She head into the sink to wash her hands and help me cut the fish. "You haven't forget that you owe me a lot, right?" While removing the fish gut, Diane asked about our match.

"Yes... I was planning to fight you after but lots of things happen." I was supposed to fight her when the class is over but due to Amane visiting my house and Asuza sudden appearance our match postpone, it's probably the reason why she is silent today. I couldn't leave her in such a state, so I propose something that will make her happy. "Once we are done with dinner, do you want to have a match with me...?" I made an momentary pause and she also did the same.

However, instead of replying to me. Diane stops cleaning the fish and wait for me to continue. Without looking at her, I resume speaking. "There's a big room on the other side of garage, it's a gym. Even though the ring isn't big it should be good enough for both of us to use."

I'm hinting that I'm willing to fight her after we are done with dinner. "Heeehh..." Diane chuckled after hearing my proposal and immediately went back to work. "You should have informed me sooner!" She is back to her usual self and starts to cut the fish with a smile on her face. I averted my gaze away from the fish and glance at the door frame. I sighted Asuza and Amane peeking, they probably wanted to help in preparing dinner but I doubt any of them can cook anyway.

Chapter 7.2

We finished cooking food for dinner and Diane excitedly waited for me on the other room. Amane and Asuza are going to watch the match between us. Amane doesn't know a thing about martial arts but my sister Asuza knows it well. She probably got train by someone who specialize in Mixed Martial arts judging by her posture earlier.

Mean while Diane is a regional champion in Junior division of taekwondo back when we are at middle school. She was undefeated until she encounter me.

Anyway, my style doesn't fall into those category. It might consider as brawling but brawling is downgrade, my style is mainly focus on slaughtering opponent in the most effective way.

"Are you sure that you are going to fight me in that state?" I'm talking about her clothes, she was still wearing her school uniform.

"Yeah... My clothes was on my apartment." She speak while removing her blouse. Diane is currently wearing skirt, socks and white t shirt.

I head inside the ring to start the match between us. "Same rules like we have back then." Diane state out loud while taking a fighting stance.

Our fight doesn't bound by the rules of taekwondo which mainly based on points. Instead the winner will be the person who reaches three knockdown on opponent.

"Let's start..." I speak and approaches Diane with my hands on my pocket. She didn't make a move and waited for me to get closer.

When I enter her range, she immediately throws a kick aiming to my head. It was rather dangerous if I get hit then it will make me dizzy. I avoided the attack by leaning my head backwards and taking a step back. However, what she did wasn't just an head kick, Diane first attack was feint. She uses her right leg to initiate a jump and rotate her body on the air, almost like a 360.

If I block the first attack with my forearm or duck, the second attack will hit me and got knock down. It's a good thing, I choose to take a step back.

She finishes executing her attack but it was a failure. Anyway, I didn't waste my chance and rushes into her. While taking a step, I levitate my right leg and attack her unguarded side with hook.

"Guh!" Since she didn't have any protective gears my attack probably hurt her in some extent but she endure the pain and throws a counter by strengthen her right leg and attack with me low kick before falling on the ground.

I avoid taking damage since I lifted my left leg on time. "1 point for me..." I stated out loud and take a step back. Diane stand up while holding her stomach and raised her guard indicating that she prepared to fight.

Normally I would show mercy against her because she is a woman but if I do that, it would be insult. Playing around with someone who is prepared to fight despite no chance of winning, will leave a bad taste on my mouth. "I'm going all out..." I declare that I will ended the match in two attacks, it simply means. I will take her down in first attack, if she stands up again I will knock her down to end the match.

"I've been waiting for this moment..." Instead of being afraid, Diane rather look happy. Being defeated is humiliation. However, if I used my full strength to defeat her, she will come back to challenge me again as final match.

Unlike in the past matches when I'm pulling my punches against her this time it would be different. She probably train herself for two years after we got separated from each other. Since I didn't leave her an impression of how strong I am, I will show it to her this time. If I do that then she will find out the difference in our strength and gradually chase after a goal which surpassing mine.

I'm not the strongest person in the world, and my strength isn't something that cannot be reached. However, in order to meet the level of my strength. She only need to experience it first hand.

I take two steps to get closer to her and raised both of my hands. As I do that, I turn on right side, increasing the force on my right leg and attack her liver with spin hook.

"Arghh!" I sent Diane flying within two meters. "Stand up... It's not over yet." I speak to her while looking down at her body. She is having a hard time in breathing and her hands begin to tremble.

"Hee... Hehehe... I finally figured it out!" Instead of complaining in pain. She let out a chuckle and confidently declare that she found a ways to reach me. "Ha... Ha... Once I challenge you again I'm definitely going to win!" Diane stand up and declare that she will the next time we fight each other. The moment she stand up, I attack her one more time on the same spot and she loses her consciousness.

When the fight is over, Amane who's being restraint by Asuza rushes into the ring and talk to me. "Aren't you going too far Hayama?"

"No, it was necessary... Diane's obsession towards me won't end unless I show her what her she needed to chase to get on my level... I don't want to hurt her in someway but she won't grow as a person unless I do this." Without looking at Amane I argue, and approaches Diane. I lifted her body and head into the living room, Amane and Asuza follow me. When we reaches the couch I lay her down and take a sit.

Chapter 7.2

Few minutes have passed since Diane and I fought each other. "If you wanted to say something spit it out... Things won't take a progress if you keep your thoughts and feelings inside." I was talking to Amane who's staring at me for while now.

"Now now... You just started your relationship yet you guys are already fighting...? That's not good..." My sister Asuza speak to us as if she is giving a heads up.

"Humph! I don't want to hear that coming from someone who's living for decades yet didn't even manage to get a single man..." Amane glares sharply at my sister and starts to criticize her for being single.

Asuza didn't say a single word, she smiles forcefully at Amane while her eyebrows were twitching.

I happen to overheard their conversation in car earlier and apparently, Asuza cannot talk back because it was true that she is single for decades. She even stated it herself. I'm just hoping that the conversation wouldn't lead into body shaming because these two are like cat and dog, always arguing about trivial things since they meet each other earlier.

Amane turn her intense glare at me. Now I'm going to be her new target. "Anyway, Hayama I don't like the way you do things!" She stand up from the chair and get closer to me.

I look away from her and ask. "In which way..." Instead of getting a reply. Amane pinch my cheeks.

"I don't like it when you are being violent! I don't know what kind of past you have with Ayase but as your girlfriend, your violent behavior is a no go." She let go of my cheeks after pinching for a while.

"There was nothing wrong it though... It was rather impressive. When he kick Diane, he did it beautifully" Asuza muttered it to divert Amane's attention into her.

I guess she notices me being in state of pressure and decided to help me. "What a considerate sister..." I speak to myself and decided to leave things into her. I'm planning on leaving the room and head upstairs but Amane notices my escape plan.

Before I stand up she turn around and glares at me. "Where do you think you are going Hayama?" The expression on her face becomes grim as if giving me a threat. If I didn't do what she says then something bad will happen to me. "Sit down on your knees..." Amane wasn't smiling anymore rather she looks frustrated. I decided to play along with her to calm her down besides my instinct tells me to do so.

"Hahaha your girlfriend is upset for real..." Asuza let out a laughter while looking at us holding her stomach. Amane turn her eyes on her and Asuza immediately look away. "Oh hello? Yes... Yes..." She lifted her hand and put it into her ears pretending to be on phone call, she doesn't even carry a phone with her. Asuza stands up from her seat and went upstairs.

After confirming that she is gone, Amane turn back her gaze to me again and speak. "Hayama... I'm not a perfect woman and you aren't perfect man either but I love you because you are you... I don't like what you did to Diane but you must have your reasons for doing it... I'm sorry, I shouldn't let my emotions sway me."

I thought she is going to scold me but instead she admit her mistakes and apologies to me.

"Can you tell me what happened to between you and Diane?" She asked me a favor, Amane wanted to know what kind of past we have.

I lifted my head and look at her eyes directly. Then I notices some tears slowly gathering in her eyes and realized that she isn't looking at me, instead her focus was on my hand which she has been holding the whole time.

Since I didn't give an answer, she continue speaking. "I'm not asking because I simply wanted to know... To be honest, I was jealous because the two of you seems to be close. Not only that, earlier she apologized to me in your place which make me upset more. Ayase is acting like you are someone important to her."

Her tears starts to fall and her cheeks becomes red due to embarrassment and frustration feeling inside.

"I know we just started our relationship but you were already surrounded with good looking women which decrease my confidence... In the morning, I was frustrated with your actions yesterday." She let go of my hands. I levitate my hand and start to wipe away the tears on her face.

"I always love you Hayama. Ever since we become classmates two years ago. I'm always paying attention to you the whole time... For two years I decided to confess my feelings but you suddenly did that pervert things to me. Do you know how I feel during that time? Do you know how much it hurts?"

She started to let go of her hidden feelings and asked me question conservatively. Since I don't know how to comfort a woman, I keep my mouth shut. If I say a word, I might make the situation worse. I let her speak what's inside her heart and make sure to not miss a single word.

"But I have forgiven you, since you have a reason for doing it. Also, I'm happy because you are interested in me." She raise her head and look at me in the eye with a smile on her face. "I'm sorry, I keep my feelings hidden but I still wanted our relationship to be greater than them. Even if you are Asuza's favorite, I wanted to be your favorite person. I also want to do variety of things like cooking with you... I wanted you to treasure me and love me."

She admitted her true feelings and started to demand lots of things from me. I take a deep breath and talk to her. "If that's what you wanted you should say so... As you can see I don't have neither friends nor girlfriend back in the day, so I didn't know how to execute it but I will try my best to meet your expectations."

She raise both of her arms and wrap it around my body, giving me a warm hug. "Thank you..." Amane express her gratitude. I could feel someone's eyes on the second floor so I take a look and notices my sister staring at us with a smile on her face.

"I don't know what's going on but I have a feeling that Asuza set this up because she notices Amane's feelings inside. I have no ways to confirm my hypothesis but I think I don't need to do so after all woman's heart is difficult to understand." I muttered to myself, and put my hands on Amane's back.