

The original title: "Innocence of the Ignorant". Genre: R-18 Psychological Synopsis: One action could affect the lives of many, be small or big... If you have what it takes to change, will it be for better or for worse? Hayama Ameguri is just a normal child, no special features and set to live a normal life. However, he starts to change after having a fateful encounter with a certain man. The normal life which he supposed to live has turn into heavy one. A path where there's no future that awaits him, "the path of killing..." In the world where no one can be held responsible for their own actions who is going to take the weights that has been unintentionally passed down on him? No one... No one other than himself... Isn't it on pointless to throw the bag if it's nothing but burden? it's easy to say but one cannot go back to normal after killing.

LapiZapiL · Realistic
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11 Chs


The distance separating them from each other has been narrowed down into two meters. Being overwhelmed by pressure and rage the only thing going on his mind is to kill the man standing in front of him.

He might be good at hand to hand combat but his stance has an opening from left area... I didn't notice it earlier but having a closer look the weak point is obvious.

Southpaw stance is a basic stance for left handed person. The right is used to defend and attack but the real attacks comes from left area. He misunderstood the purpose of the stance and think Hayama is right hand man.

He is aware about the plans of his opponent, and prepare to counter. The fighting stance isn't perfect, the flaw is always present but it was created for a purpose. Being ambidextrous means both of his hands were dominant. There's no such a thing as left or right handed man. However, what makes it terrifying is the fact opening exist. In a fight every opportunity must be seized, including the weak point he is showing at the moment. But if someone takes the bait, a deadly counter is waiting silently.

The difference in skills and experience is just like land and sky, proven when he dodges the knife attack earlier and counter at the same time. It simply means, he knows where the opponent is going to attack and what kind of attack will be used against him.


The devil takes a huge step forward and swing him arm inward, holding the knife on his right hand. Attacking the same area as before but there's seems to be different. At first attack, his wrist moves on right area to extend the range of knife and slit his shoulder, but this time he is holding it perfectly. Addionally, the speed has been increased making sure he will have a difficulty avoiding it even if it expected to come.

"How do you like that? I increase my speed full power. There's no way for you to dodge! The best solution is to block it but I can move my wrist and point the knife in critical area. How will you solve this? Mothefcker!"

Indeed it's difficult to dodge an attack with speed increases. Putting the distance and speed into consideration the attack will land before his opponent could fully remove his body. A flawed way of thinking, being under the impression of he is afraid getting injured that's why the attack was dodge instead of block. Makes him think his capabilities is limited and the counters can only be thrown in safety area.

The normal southpaw stance both of fist must be on the eye level, at maximum. But in his case, the left arm is on chest level guarding the heart area with clenched fist. Opportunist will immediately realize that left is weak against attack and defense that's why right is the first line of attack and defense, it was too obvious.

That's why...

If he were to put into a situation where dodging or blocking is impossible to do... He doesn't have a choice but to receive the attack willingly. Once the attack lands, the opponent will just keep stabbing his body until he loses blood and passes out.

Hit and run...

Just like an assassin, if the right is deadly then avoid the right and go for left.

"It's over, motherfcker!"

Perhaps being certain about his victory, he starts to curse him without knowing his opponent will do something unexpected...

He waits until the attack reaches him and lean his body forward, receiving it on left area.


Akuma eyes widened not expecting his actions. But what comes after will put him in even greater shock state... The knife didn't harm him not even his hair, it went through between his forearm and biceps.

The thick wrist got hit by his backhand and even prevents it from moving forward... Addionally, by leaning forward he avoided the knife from hitting any part of his body.

"Shit! How can he used left when he is a right handed person!?"

Not for seeing things from happening, the confusion immediately devoured his mind. The effect of shock towards him is incomprehensible, resulting into his body being fully vulnerable to deadly attacks.

As anticipated, he didn't let the golden opportunity slip by. With his right fist, he pushes his middle finger which curl forward acting as spear and throws a sharp jab aiming at his right eye ball. It happens so fast before he could even blink by instinct. The sharp middle finger penetrate his eyeball, making his sight completely disabled. He starts to regret his decisions too late, it cannot be undone.

"A big mistake! I made a big mistake! The left shown weakness for a purpose, he is ambidextrous! Shit what to do!?"

Ameguri succeed in blinding him, one of the key figures to win a fight is to disable the vision. He pulls back his fist and shove his right arm away.

"Motherfcker where are you!?"

In a desperate situation, there is only one way for him to win... Which is to rely on dumb luck! He swings his right back and forth hoping it will reach his opponent.

But he already take a step back, keeping his eyes on the movement of knife following it's rhythm and catches the timing perfectly. The moment it swings inward again, he punches his forearm increasing the force of his own attack, making him, stabs his own shoulder.


Letting out a painful groan and having no idea what just happened. A strange feeling emerge inside of him.

What is this feeling? A warm yet cold atmosphere is running inside his body... Is this how death feels like?

As he do so, Ameguri throws a series of left jabs at him, aiming at his injured left eye.

"Bam! Bam! Bam! Splat! Splat!"

Every time his punch lands the wound release a think blood, it generates a splashing sound as if fist made a contact with water.

How many punches did he took? He doesn't know... Only the person who watches the scene from first to end could tell. Even the one throwing a punch forgot to count... Receiving the attack unguarded, he completely loses his consciousness and loosened the grip on knife handle.


He stops throwing a punch and snatch the knife away from his body using his right hand... The blade is pointing above so, he lightly throws it at the air and catches it again, switching tip direction opposite from before.


The wind has been cut when he swings his right hand inward and it pound his left palm. Eventually, the back of his hand reaches his left shoulder and he pushes it forward. The force of his attack has been increase and it successfully stabs his throat! Making blade disappear completely when it penetrate his Adam's apple.

Being aware his body is about to fall so, as finishing blow he twisted he knife handle and pull it out. The dirty blood of devil burst like a water from broken pipe.

"Its over..."

He takes a deep sigh and switch into basic stance. Letting go of the knife handle, it falls on the ground and stabs the soft soil. The eyes shows no mercy stares at the opponent corpse, as it whispers the words on only he can hear...

"How many people have you killed? One, two or perhaps five? It doesn't matter because you are still amateur compared to me..."

The mean girlish blue eyes looks away from dead body and averted into the unconscious accomplice whom lying on the ground with his eyes wide open.

Suspecting that he is dead, Ameguri approaches him to check his pulse. Crouching down closer to his shoulder, extending his middle and index finger at the same time touching the area under his jaw.

"I don't know if he was still alive but just to be safe..."

Apparently no pulse can be detected. He stands up and glances at the pathway where Melissa runs earlier.

"I don't know what kind of option she chooses but there are only two possible outcome here... The cops will come or not. As for her choices, it falls into three possibilities which supports the two possible outcome. First, Melissa called the cops and hide nearby... Second, Melissa call the cops and abandoned me. Then it means, she went back to a safety place... Most likely my home or somewhere safe, and lastly Melissa didn't call the cops and just hide nearby."

Choosing the latter is the best choice for him, but being unaware of her decision means the trouble isn't done yet.

"It doesn't matter what kind of option she choose. I will stay here for a while to see what's going to happen next. If what I think is certainly true then, I will dispose of them myself. If the cops arrive here and Melissa is present, I still have work to do..."

Moving his gaze to the moon, he starts remembering what happened in the past.

"Cases of police involvement to crime isn't something that be considered as uncommon. Humans will do everything they want given enough reason. If the police wants to participate in assault, they will do it without slightest trace of hesitation..."

People might not believe that police gets involves in sexual assault due to the fact they exist to protect people. However, for those who witness and experience the tragedy first hand... Doubts won't just go away. The undeniable truth speaks louder than anything else.

Of course not all cops are evil...

The problem is one simple mistake could destroy the achievements of many and affect the future generations.

Every human being makes a mistake... Police are also humans...

Civilians was supposed to be protected by law enforcement and law enforcement was supposed to protect themselves from civilians. However, cops were also civilians. They could experience sexual assault or sexually assault someone themselves, it all depends on whether it will happen or not...

Ordinary people might not know what's happening behind the scene, cops exchanging bullet to criminals risking their lives... experiencing lack of sleep due to overwork, dealing with high crime rate and stress.

Being a police officer is no such an easy role. There are some cases they know that he really did kill someone but due to lack of evidence the murderer is letting loose and victimized another prey. There is also some cases where the person is completely innocent but the evidence says he is the culprit.

A hard to swallow pill...

Some people might not care because the cops choose the profession themselves but the fact that they received benefits from it something cannot be overlook.

Yes, evil humans truly exist but it doesn't necessarily mean all humans were evil...

Ameguri also believes that not all cops are participating in assault. However, the fact they could possibly do it, is something he cannot disregard. After all he is speaking from experience.

Even though the problem is big, it can be solve with a simple solution, they all have to do is to prove themselves to be clean.

"Wiiiiii woooooooo!"

The dark vacant lot which filled with silence and bloodshed becomes lively, it happens due to the loud sound of siren which could be heard from a distance.

"So she calls the cops huh..."

Ameguri Hayama, a boy with girlish appearance keep his eyes at the sky, as he silently wait for the cops to arrive.

"Over here! Over here!"

A loud voice coming from a woman overshadowed the sounds of siren. Judging by her voice it's probably came from the victim, Melissa. Repeatedly notifying them about the location...

He calmly listens withouts budging an inch, thinking what to do in case the worst case scenario inside his head happened. Being uncertain whether the cops will cooperate or not.

The loud sounds of siren gradually becomes silent but the emitting lights was still visible. Rustling sounds of grass getting stomp makes him think the cops are nearby.

In few seconds, a bright light hits the back of his head... Fortunate enough, it could causes temporary blindness to whoever get direct hit.

The flash light move around the surroundings, perhaps confirming if the suspect has been put into restraint.

The police officer who arrive at the scene approaches the dead body and check on them. She didn't bother to take a look at Akuma, the amount of blood he release convince her the body is out of life. Thus,her attention has been divert to the unconscious accomplice.

"What the!? He is also dead!"

Accidentally shouting the thoughts that was supposed to keep on herself, she clears her throat and stole a glance at the person standing nearby.

There is no visible wound from this guy... How did he manages to kill him?

Question pops up into her head but she immediately disregard the unnecessary thoughts and approaches him for interrogation.

"Hello, I'm private Tachibana. Uhm... I know you just went through a lot but can you tell me what happened here?"

The voice doesn't shows signs of ulterior motive, rather it was pure concerned and express her uneasiness.

Private huh...

Judging by her rank it means she is a completely newbie to work. Taking a deep sigh after hearing her voice.

He slightly calm himself down, the presence of female police officer helps a lot in clearing his suspicion towards them but not hundred percent certain yet.

"Before that, can you lead me first to the woman named Melissa? I wanted to check on her after all she is the victim and not me."

Asking for a selfish request in the name of concern, Tachibana doesn't have a choice but to agree.

"Uhh... I guess. Sure I will take you to her."

Fidgeting while talking, simply shows she's an amateur police officer. Someone who just graduated and dispatch to a battlefield.

By taking a slow step forward, he gives her an impression of "I'm not doing anything bad so, you can relax." She follows him from behind as they walk towards the street, eventually reaching the outskirts pathway.

The moment they take a step on stone pathway, everyone focused their attention towards them stopping the interrogation.

"Oh? It's nice too see you again Ameguri-kun!"

A woman mostly acting leader of the group take a good look at his face and let out a joyful expression indicating she is excited to see an old acquittance.

"Ramirez huh..."

Despite showing her affection towards the child, he just casually called her name and call it a day. A rather cold response, but the matured woman didn't mind his behavior.

"My, my... How cold of you. It's been a long time since we saw each other can't you be more aroused after seeing me?"

The subordinates who watches over them looking dumbfounded, found her out of character.

"Am I seeing things? Or did the sergeant act differently after seeing that boy? Is he her lover?"

"Indeed, I never thought sergeant has a boyfriend which far too younger for her age..."

The two men who's face paints nothing but trouble, appropriately called stupid duo starts talking behind her back thinking the words they exchange from one another won't reach her.

"I agree... She is always focus on work and never talk about man... I can't understand the reason why."

"I think I know, the reason behind it... could it be sergeant is a lolicon? She is that type eh? You know someone who's into shota..."

Hitting his friend stomach lightly using his elbow, they let out a laughter of mockery together.

Certainly having an interest to younger children, you cannot brag anything about it to your colleagues especially being law enforcement.

"Hehehe... The two of you seems to have fun talking behind my back? I wonder what's going to happen after we resolve this issue?"

The woman who's being the main topic of conversation, speaks up to inform her colleagues she could hear it loud and clear. Even goes as far to give threatened them with a violent punishment.

"We are sorry..."

Feeling the seriousness on her voice, the two immediately apologize as their bodies tremble. Bending their knees on the ground as if making it warm in the winter storm.

Knowing the punishment cannot be avoided, she avert the sharp gaze to the dumb looking person standing in front, instead of staring daggers her eyes was rather soft and gentle.

"Anyway, Ameguri-kun why don't we have some dinner after this?"

Despite being gentle, she was rather pushy to be with him.

The mean girlish blue eyes, gaze upon her as it blinks slowly. It express confusion and intend to pursuit the reason behind her words.

"Why are you treating me like a kid?"

Words that shows neither annoyance not frustration, just pure curiousty of an individual. Perhaps couldn't comprehend the reason why she's being pushy towards him.

"Is there a problem? What's wrong in treating a child like child?"

A quick and argumentative response, gently scratching his head as she states her reason.

"I see... I know you are thirty six years old, it's a lot older than me but I think I reach an age that can be considered as teen and not a child."

The kid certainly, doesn't have any intention of insulting someone but his facts could hurt them without prior knowledge. A insensitive type of person. Despite receiving a insulting words, there is no slightest trace of frustration on her face, the atmosphere between them was rather that kind of mother and child.

Of course the two idiots who never take things seriously didn't missed his words. Forgetting the fact, Ramirez still have a punishment for them.

"Hey, did you hear that? He says our leader is 36 year old... Hehehe 36 year old... Hehehe!"

A person who mostly the source of problem in the group, drags his friend into the pit of abyss.

"Stop, don't drag me into this... I don't want anymore of this nonsense."

Asking his partner to stop fooling around and trying to restraint himself shows that he isn't willing to get anymore serve punishment from their leader. However, he notices him saving his own skin by holding by the laughter. Thus, he decided to push him into the hell and fall together.

"Hey, Rey... Ramirez-san looks a lot younger but I didn't think she is an old bag... 36 year old pwahahaha!"

Calling his name with serious tone of voice which causes for the guard to let down and immediately shows a gawking face to push his friend

The two of them couldn't contain their laughter any longer and let it out, not caring in the slightest even if she is going to punish them. If a punishment was already set in stone then might as well push it to the extent where they can still have fun.

Ramirez on the other hand, didn't bother to take look because their death sentence is already in motion. Instead she focuses her attention to a different person with a genuine smile on her face.

"Ameguri-kun, I agree that you reached the age of teenager but... I'm only 26 not 36 keep that in mind. Also mentioning a woman's age publicly is considered as offensive please be mindful next time."

He listens quietly to her advice, putting the thumb and index finger on his chin, and gently rubbing it.

"Mentioning a woman age publicly is considered offensive? I understand... I will remember it."

The way he responds express ignorance and discovery of something new in life. However, it's far different from the feeling scientist felt every time they acquired new discovery. Joy and excitement doesn't exist inside him, it's only a storage room where box (knowledge) keep stacking.

Everyone who watches their actions, like a soap opera comes into realization. They immediately understood why she's calling him a child. There is no deep meaning other a tragic experience. But they knows he is only a kid, yet the young hands was already stain with blood. Taking life without showing slightest trace of guilt nor care. It wasn't a cold behavior which occur from killing number of individual, it's something natural as if gods cursed his existince.


He doesn't know the responsibility that comes on taking someone's life. Every human beings do things they deeply regret, it's affecting their life heavily and wishes to turn back time in order to correct the wrong doings.

It was the same for him...

Killing someone might not affect him today but what about tomorrow? The time when he will comes into realization, the time when responsibility hit him will eventually come because it's bound to happen.

At the moment, he doesn't know what is happiness, what is sadness, what is life but being on a journey to pursuit the meaning of those words the dilemma will be fall upon him.


Once he found out the truth his only choice is to become a mass murderer or crumble. Knowing there is no way back once you take life then you can only move forward... Continue the killing and embrace it until the end.

The other path is suicide, suffer from immeasurable amount of pain.

Mental breakdown...

The guilt comes from killing ridiculous number of people is impossible to shoulder. They didn't know the exact number and only aware of him being a murderer but the burden is too much for him to carry.

There is no cure for cancer... However, they can slow it down until the appropriate solution comes.

"I'm going to report what happened here."

Perhaps noticing the moment of silence between them. He acts casually which pulls them back into reality.

"Oh? Alright..."

Forgetting the main subject at hand, she immediately went back into work mood and listen to his report.

"I see... By the way Ameguri-kun, you are going to come with us to station for a paper work. I will handle everything and we only need your presence."

He just nod in agreement and go along with her. The woman named Melissa, sit down on the back seat of police mobile. She occasionally stole a glance at him. Perhaps, wanted to say something?

Certainly, he didn't miss such an event.

"What is it? Do you need something from me?"

"Uhm... Here..."

Gently reaching the bag towards him. He turns around and accept the bag. Carefully observing him, she uses that moment to express gratitude by lowering her head.

"Uhm... Thank you for saving me earlier..."

"Don't mention it..."

Putting the bag on his thigh and resting his chin at the top of his palm, looking at the window. He watches the street light as the car drove past it...

They could tell he is in deep thoughts and exactly know what's going on inside his mind. However, no one has the courage to say a single thing to him. Because they couldn't come up with an answer. The words I understand what kind of life you went through isn't enough to encourage him rather it will make the situation worse so, they will let him suffer.

It was certainly heartbreaking to watch, even if the problem exist in front of them they couldn't do anything about it. It's no different than watching a person with a stage 4 cancer... The only thing they could do is to watch him until his last breath.

They drive for almost ten minutes and eventually arrive at the police station. Everyone head out of the car and proceed inside to take care of the paper work.

Before it happened they continue the interrogation to Melissa. She didn't say anything specific about what happened to her in the past, its more on like "I got kick out of the house" where they live in and was drag into vacant lot. Since the case has been solve they were allowed to leave.

Ramirez along with Tachibana accompany them outside of the police station. As they walk together, Ramirez turn her pitiful gaze towards him.

"Ameguri-kun, do you want to eat dinner at my house?"

"I have to refuse..."

Instant rejection, showing no hesitation. Ramirez was rather hurt by his response, it was written all over her face. A dinner date with a woman like Ramirez? Number of people would die for it.

"Woah... That was rather too fast. Why are you rejecting me anyway? Do you hate me that much?"

"It's not like that... I don't hate you or anything. Someone told me back in the day. 'If I happen to get invited into dinner by a woman' then I have to refuse..."

He is trying to say that the decision to refuse offer for dinner date didn't come from him but order of someone else.

"Oh I see..."

Wearing a bitter smile on her face, she feels a little bit down knowing he isn't interested in eating with her. But the curiousity of giving him that order makes up for everything. She wants to know the reason why?

"I'm not going to invite you again since you didn't like it but can you tell me the reason 'he/she' told you to reject the offer?"

He stops walking and glance at the night sky, visualizing silhouette image of the person who told him to turn down the offer. Even goes far to narrates every words he says with a serious look on his face.

"Well, he told me that women can't cook. If I eat dinner with them, I likely ended up dying due to food poison..."


The three women standing next to him couldn't help but let out a stunning reaction. For a feminist like Ramirez those words are rather frustrating to hear but she couldn't direct her anger towards him. Afterall the person who told him those words is the main cause.

However, a chance to correct his personality has been occur. seizing the opportunity, she walked past over him and take a knee stance as if about to propose.

"Listen Ameguri-kun... Women can cook, not everyone but at least bunch of us can. For example Tachibana here who take care of her siblings and me... Don't listen to the guy who told you bunch of crap... Okay?"

The hand which shaking due to frustration gently pat his shoulder as she gives him advice. A wryly smile on her face is clearly visible, taking a moment of silence.

He listens quietly and think for a moment. Slowly moving the soft index finger on his chin about to give his response towards her advice.

"The same guy told me, some women can be persistent and pushy... They will say 'I can cook to let me show it you!' Then ended up cooking a dish but the taste is HORRIBLE!'"

Horrible eh...

Putting emphasize to the word horrible, she starts to curse the guy who's spouting lies about women but temporarily disregard it to fixed the matter at hand.

"By the way Ameguri-kun we are going to drive you home."

She pound her palm one time after remembering her task at hand. However, he just casually walked past over her, leaving a notice about priorities.

"I'm going to alright by myself... Anyway, I think you should deal with Melissa first."

The three of them only stare at him and take a deep sigh as if releasing a stress together.

"Someone is planting unnecessary thoughts inside his head. I wish he could eat dinner with me."

The dinner is just a secondary, what comes first is correcting his flawed way of thinking but it's difficult especially he isn't giving them a chance. Focusing her attention to Melissa, she smile bitterly at her and speak.

"Anyway, I'm going to bring you back home."

Few minutes of walking and he arrives at the first division of his town.

So am I being followed huh?

Whispering the words only into himself, he takes a number of step to reach a certain place.

Looking back I notice something odd when I creep on the vacant lot earlier. Someone is definitely hiding behind the tree. I confirm it when I show sign of accepting the offer Akuma propose. A sound of gun being loaded.

The clacking sounds of gun and presence of individual behind the tree, he didn't missed any of those it's one of the reasons why he focus on going to the peculiar place.

There are approximately three of them... Judging by their movements it probably came from multiple third parties...

He stops walking after reaching the vacant lot and glance at the wall behind which is the only one place to hide. Even though it's far, a mirror reflecting light from street lamp can be seen.


Confirming his suspicion, the mirror has been pulled back after few seconds. Perhaps the person behind the wall realize they were scouting him and immediately retreat.

Not interested in pursuing the matter at hand. He casually turn around and proceed on his tracks, ignoring the stalker.

"Well, I don't want to have a direct confrontation with someone who have a gun in possession... If they retreat that's good then."

Arriving at his house eventually, the presence of someone tailing disappeared. Without looking back, he unlocked the door and head inside to get some bath.

After cleaning himself, he prepares food for dinner and suddenly a sound of door bell interrupted him.

"A visitor at this late hour? I wonder who is it."

Putting down the knife at hand, he advanced into the main door and opens it, sighting a familiar looking individual.