
Chapter 1 : Forest fire

Somewhere in the area of Roots forest. The forest was surrounded by dark and silence only some small insects and birds were breaking the silence by their humming. Suddenly a huge sound of explosion breaks the silence of the Roots forest, with that explosion fire is starting to spread throughout the forest little by little.

Next day, at the city of Iki it was a rushing day everyone is walking and driving here and there and the climate was little bit cloudy like it's going to rain soon. In one of the coffee shop a news was telecasting in television about the forest fire at the Roots forest that happened yesterday night.eveyone in the coffee didn't mind about the news that was telecasting in the television but except one person. His is name is Leo he was sitting at the centre table of the coffee shop and sincerely paying attention to the news about the Roots forest fire that was happened yesterday night. While he was concentrated in the news his mobile rang he took the mobile to see who it was the name in the mobile was Sicili. Then he quickly noticed the time in the clock it was 10:23 AM and he said "Oh shit I am late". He quickly took his bag and went outside the coffee shop.

In the news telecast the news reader says "The cause of the forest fire in roots forest is unknown but some rumours are rising that it was an man made forest fire".