
Deathworld Commando: Reborn

What happens when humanity's greatest weapon gets a second chance at life? Commander Kronos wasn't even considered to be a human but rather a weapon to be used for the greater good of his species. He was grown in a tube to be the perfect weapon so he lacked many emotions/experiences most people take for granted. Upon experiencing some emotions for the first time he was quickly eliminated by humanity and was reborn into a world of swords and sorcery, getting a second lease on life. Of course, he didn't see it that way at the start and thought he was being fooled. It took a near-death experience and a lot of growing up but he finally decided to keep his promise to his former comrades and give his new life an honest try. Embark on the story of the former Commander of Hades Squad as he settles into his new life as the Dark Elf Kaladin Shadowheart. --- Chapters avg 3-6k+ words. As of now, I post every Monday morning. --- Support me on Ko-Fi where you can get chapters in advance. https://ko-fi.com/rangerfrank --- Join the Discord- ttps://discord.com/invite/YGSUeuTTwH --- You can also find me on Reddit- https://www.reddit.com/user/RangerFrank Royal Road- https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/48211/deathworld-commando-reborn

RangerFrank · Fantasy
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227 Chs

Important Update and Temporary Hiatus Notice

Good afternoon. I have an important update.

Firstly, sorry for the chapter delay. Yesterday, I had an almost day-long power outage, which delayed my school work and the chapter. But I think I'll be making it up with these two chapters. 

Secondly, I've made the decision to release two chapters as a way to show my appreciation for your patience and understanding. The reason for this is that I need to take my break earlier. I've considered your reading experience, and ending on Ch. 205 would have been a massive tease and a less-than-ideal way to leave things. So, I've decided to also drop Ch. 206, a much better stopping point for the time being. I'll also be sure to deliver a chapter to the Grandmaster+ tiers in the near future before the end of my break. 

Thirdly and most importantly, I am starting my end-of-volume break...well earlier than the end of the volume. To put it simply, I am in the final two weeks of my bachelor's, and I need to get the work done and do it right. So, I'll be taking the entire month of May off.

This gives me two weeks to finish school, another week to handle some other miscellaneous business and my graduation. And then a week to actually go on vacation and take a breather. This is the longest break I've taken from writing, but it just needs to happen. School comes first for now...and damn, am I ready for it to be over.

Anyway, since school will be over, I'll be returning to Monday posts, and I will be back to our regularly scheduled posts on June 3rd, 10 Am PST.

I'll see you all soon :)