
deaths champion: death mage

Hi this my first story So it might not go all that well but those who are willing to support it I thank you Officially now I will only post to chapter if I have the time to write it and the time to post it because things have gotten very busy now But I will still not post chapters on weekends because that’s a day off for me P.S this is a hobby ================================= He was in his house watching YouTube and such. now he has no idea why he is in this forest and all he can do is raise the dead for one more good fight.

The_laughing_hyena · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 14 jungo Village and the spider

The next morning I was greeted by the sun shining into the cave I hated it I like my sleep so if it's bothered I'm gonna be mad.

I got up reluctantly to wake up Ripley to keep moving to the Jungo village.

After I woke up Ripley we head out of the cave still nothing came near us which is something I know if I should laugh or cry about.

after a while, I noticed something and one of my biggest fears is spiders and there's one following us well more than one but if I know from my novels and comics off Fantasy of Swords and magic they have to have a mother.

that's what freaks me out if they're ugly then their mother must be terrifying.

If any of you have seen the movie the mist those spiders from it look like it but less creepy and eerier And the spiders were not good at hiding I could see them but Ripley was oblivious to them.

I decided to show a little backbone and scare them off and hopefully, it doesn't seem like a challenge to them in order to attack us And with that said I had Ripley get behind me and Rexie Bersted out of the ground like think of the movie aliens when a chest-burster like it was violent like ground and Rock went everywhere I had crouched down with Ripley.

when Ripley was fully out of the ground it did a loud roar and all the spiders were mediately terrified and they ran like your life depended on it which it did.

Ok sooner later I'm going to have to learn the ranks of these creatures do you know if they're strong send no clue what rank my creatures are well my skeletons but I have a positive idea that Rexie and Mary have to be high on the ranking list.

OK now back to the present after Rexie let up the roar the spiders ran and we ran back onto the track to jungle village which I could see the walls of yeah I'm scared they were not gonna make it so I Rexie disappear and we continued this time I am caring Ripley in a princess Carry.

As we've reached the walls and there's dust behind me because I ran fast.

the guards on the walls yelled at me saying "why are you running" I yell back "There were these spiders that were chasing us" And he said well he didn't say he just nodded and understanding which I'm guessing is pretty common for the spiders to be chasing travelers or merchants.

The gates are open so we went through them they shut quickly and we went to find an inn for some food because that running got me some grumblings in the stomach for food.

We finally found inn which looks normal and nothing fancy which is basic but the actual summer we went in the pub/eating area was not filled there are some people that look to be like regulars and I went to a table and we waited for like a waitress to come by to give us a chance to order.

A girl a lot taller than Ripley and older but not much with brown hazel hair let down to her shoulders walked up to us and said "hello what would you like" I said something along the lines like porridge for me and some ale and the same for the girl across from me but No ale for her.

The girl nodded and left then 15 minutes later give or take came back with our food and so we decided to dig in.



Army count total: 56

10 Skeleton wolves

20 Skeleton goblins

10 Skeleton kobolds

1 skeleton ground/earth dragon

13 skeleton dire wolves

2 Skeleton owlbears