
Death... and me

Read the first chapter. Maybe you will like it. ;)

Suiyan · Fantasy
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2886 Chs

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Roan also added, "Besides, although each opening happens at different times, we won't really have to wait for the whole duration. We might arrive in a continent just a year or two before the tunnel opens."

Etherian nodded in agreement. "That much I have to agree with."

Roan then proceeded to ask Etherian things he should pay attention to in each continent. For example, Pol Continent was mostly a huge sea, with just some islands for one to stay at. If one couldn't fly, one's only choice was to navigate. Treavin Continent, on the other hand, was just a huge desert. They talked for a while about those things.

"Well then, that's about it. I don't have anything else I can tell you," Etherian said as he concluded their conversation.

Roan nodded and decided to take his leave. However, it was then that he remembered something. "Oh, right! I wanted to ask if it's possible to see the Guardian Beast of the Huring Sacred Land."