

'click click- click click' and then started loud banging she got scared more and more.

"Skie how much time more you need to come out of shower. Dear you are getting late. Come out hurry up."

her aunt's voice pulled her out from that haunting memory. "yes auntie just a minute." she came out , dressed up , put her belongings in her bag and cam to the dinning hall. Her uncle, her cousin and HE were sitting on the table and aunt was serving them the dishes. "Come honey " her uncle motioned her to sit for breakfast. She sat on the far end of the table far away from that beast. She ate her breakfast and left in hurry. She did not wanted to confront that monster even for a single moment.

The last bell of the school rang and her face fell as now she has to again go to the place where that monster was waiting for her to rip her off and eat her alive. To do more delay she took a bus, sat on the window seat. The beautiful warm sun rays kissed her skin and made her feel the warmth no one could ever provide her after those disastrous days. Sooner her eyelids felt heavy and she drifted away in sleep.This time was again one of those haunting memories flashed in her mind.....

'bang' aloud band and the door flung open. She started crying , screaming for mercy ' Noooooooooo please' But that devil closed his sense of hearing to any of her pleas. He entered the room fuming with anger and desire. He literally dragged her and threw her on the bed . She tried her best to run but he caught her again and threw herself on her. That night he destroyed her , feeling all numb she could not hear a thing , she was just feeling how her body was aching , the tear drop that felt from her eyes like a Pearl shedding from its shell vanished into the wet sheets. She was disgusted ,destroyed , she started hating her own body . Her screams subsided. She died , her soul died but that beast didn't stopped . The blood was all over her and the sheets . Her innocence was destroyed. She no more felt like living.

A tear slid down from her eyes , rolling down her cheeks , caressing it when with a sudden jerk she woke up. She realised that she was at the last bus station. She came out of the bus and took the other last bus and went back to the now hell because of his presence , 'home.'

After the dinner she went back to her room double checked the door to be locked from inside , buried her face in the pillow and started crying her heart out.

The next day after her innocence was taken, when she was half dead tried to drag herself to her room with the strong pain in her core fumbled through the quilt to search her phone. She went to the hall and found she was all alone in the house. She finally found her phone under the table. She took it out and saw 50 missed calls from her parents. She dialled her mother's number with furrowed brows confused when she heard someone picking the call and saying hello on the other end of the line. "Hello...?"