
The End

It all happened so fast. the last thing I saw was my mother and father's face. "Don't forget us" were the last words I herd, then they pushed me through the portal.

The one thing I wonder to this day is why they didn't come with me. I was a toddler back then, it was raining and dark. The only thing I remembered was a voice I don't remember what it said but It was a very nice one. I remember I was crying when a women picked me up her arms were so warm, I fell asleep.

Next thing I knew I was in bed ,for a second I had thought it was just a dream but then I realized that it wasn't my room or my house. I started crying uncontrollably then the women came in and tried to calm me down after her a man comes in too.

I was ecstatic not calming down when I herd "Why are we helping a human." said this person "She's just a toddler Mike!" said the one next to me.

She kept trying to calm me down and I eventually did. She asked me where I'm from and how I got here. With shaky hands I told her. There was an under ground volcano that no one knew about. It erupted and there was a huge storage of explosives on top, the largest in the world. The explosion was so big that everyone died, but my parents pushed me through a portal before it reached us.

The women looked at me with a concerned look and the other person looked shocked.

They both left the room, but I still herd they'er conversation. "We have to throw her out, she's human and from a different dimension!" the guy said angrily "She's a toddler for crying out loud" The women said

While they were screaming at each other, I was collecting my thoughts. I remembered my parents sent me with a backpack. I looked around the room and I found it next to the bed. I picked it up. I found my flower eye patch sixteen patches and clothes for a week.

The reason I had an eye patch and patches were because I needed them to cover my eye and my cheek. On my cheek was a mark with a skull, and one of my eyes were black and red

The woman came back into the room. She introduced herself as a Raelah and her husband Mike. I told her my name was Eve.

She raised me as her own, but Mike did not like me. He constantly begs Raelah to get rid of me. Even though I never told her about my mark or eye still grateful for her taking me in to this day.