
The Duke Found Love & Engagement

Only At the age of 19 Years, The young Duke Duyke gapson changes the law and cartain restrictions were improved. Sire Duyke Gapson was only 19, The King Sarliman VII, Declared the Engagement infront of the Nobel and Dukes.

Duyke Gapson wasn't aware about the announced. Due the Exploring a cane of his area. When he returned home, his ministry said they voted against the engagement of the young Duke Duyke Gapson. The Duke Duyke Gapson wasn't actually Against the idea. Because Still he wants to raise the ranks,

The moment he announced that he will be going for The Palace. The Hourse cart was ready for another journey

5 Days later,

He Reach the Royal palace and then there was standing his majesty and an unknowingly a beatifying nobel lady, Duyke Gapson Didn't recognise the women, But Duke Duyke Gapson fall in love by just looking at the nobel lady. The King welcomed the Great Duke of Earls (A province of east which was given to him as Governor ),

But The Great Duke was only looking at that Beatific Nobel Lady. And most for it, he wants the Nobel lady more than his life. actress King about who was she and she was the daughter of King.

Due the night,

Princess Charlotte ways enjoying the moonlight. and right after that, she started to cry cause she didnt want to marry an unknown guy who has love for wealth. "good night Princess" said the Young Duke Duyke gapson. And Slowly came closer and close and He leanes for a kiss, But Princess Charlotte was not in a mood and she turned away.

5 Days Later

Today was the engagement, Duke Duyke was ready but Princess wasn't because she didn't's like those who only marry for social status on , but she didnt know the day Duke saw her, he changed