
Death of a Thousand Stars

18wings · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 7 - Pretty Miss

"Pretty miss, what's your name? My name is Wang Qi!"

Wang Yukhei choked on the side. He expected her to change her name, but he was shocked to hear her use his. If she took his surname, what would he use? They said they were only friends.

"My friend's name is Bai Hei."

His expression turned grim. [Of all the names, it just had to be the drunk old man's! Anything would have sufficed but that!]

"My name is Zhou Zhiequong," the lovely lady introduced herself with a smile. Her eyes disappeared and a dimple lined the side of her cheek. The three butterflies fluttering about magnified how beautiful she looked.

In Lan Wei Qi's eyes, she looked like a fairy straight out of a bedtime story. She was mesmerized and decided: No one but my gege can marry her!

"Zhou?" She pretended to be oblivious and tilted her head to the side. She had learned this trick from the second prince and the third prince to convince Lan Wangji to do favors for them. Despite knowing, the doting brother continuously fell for it and did them many favors.

"Yes," Zhou Zhiequong said as she nodded. "My father is a doctor and I am also learning from him. That was how I had an ointment for bumps."

"Miss Zhou, Wang Qi and Bai Hei always gets hurt because of training. Will you cure us next time?" Lan Wei Qi asked and her charms exploded everywhere.

Even the spectators, who actually knew her identity, didn't even notice how she changed her name and continued watching in joy. They realized what she was doing. [Master Lan is lucky to have her holiness as his younger sister! Even roping someone for him! Truly envious!]

"Why, of course! I would love to do it always!" Zhou Zhiequong was absolutely clueless and absolutely smitten. Just like Lan Wangji, she found Lan Wei Qi completely irresistible. Doesn't this show that they match each other well?

They showed her around until nighttime came. Doctor Zhou arrived and his eyes widened at the sight of the two children, but he feigned ignorance after Lan Wei Qi gave him a puppy-eyed look. Even he was not spared.

"Mister, will you be coming back to the mountains?" Lan Wei Qi asked.

"Father, I want to stay!" Zhou Zhiequong had a look of determination and he could not resist his beloved daughter either.

"This... I..."

Doctor Zhou knew Lan Wei Qi was pitting his daughter to become her older brother's wife. He actually was mulling over the fact that no one is enough for her daughter and yet she has already passed the age of marriage. Although she is lovely, who would want to marry an older girl with a strange father who lives on the mountains?

Besides, he heard the young head of the Lan family was quite capable. He was promoted to general a year ago and is about to become the empire's youngest and most capable commander. They also have the support of the royal family and the holy church. It was not a bad thing.

"Then how about you head to our residence here in the capital? I will inform your Uncle Si."

Zhou Zhiequong could not believe her ears. All these years, she had pleaded her father to let her stay in the capital. Now she was finally allowed. What a joy!

"Thank you, father!"

Wang Yukhei stood astonished, and if he had not controlled himself his jaw would be hanging down in shock. She did it! She actually got that man (with a very bad sister complex) a wife!

Since they had no training the next day, Lan Wei Qi came to the Zhou residence with Wang Yukhei and a bonus Long Wu Xian in tow.

"Pretty miss! Pretty miss! I brought another friend to play with!" Lan Wei Qi cheerfully said as she waved with one hand and dragged Long Wu Xian on another. Wang Yukhei, as usual, only followed them behind with a blank look.

Zhou Zhiequong's face immediately brightened at the sight of her and rushed out of the manor.

"W- Wait, your servants!"

"No need! I'll be back later, Uncle Si!" She waved him goodbye and ran out with the three children. The three butterflies worked hard with their small wings to follow after them. "Where are we going, Wang Qi?"

"Pretty miss, you can call me Qi'er!"

"Th- Then, Qi'er, where are we going? At such full speed?" Zhou Zhiequong asked. In fact, they zoomed past people. She was taught martial arts by her father so she was not fluttering on the wind like a piece of cloth.

"To the army camp! Our shifu said he got us permission to enter and watch!"

Zhou Zhiequong's mind flew to the man she had met the day before and unexpectedly left. He said he was a general. [Will Master Lan be there?] She was shocked that he suddenly left but she was not offended. She had seen the extreme panic in his eyes like his entire life was about to flash in front of him. It was an urgent matter.

On the other hand, Long Wu Xian and Wang Yukhei simultaneously thought: [Things were decided the moment she came to the picture.]

They had expected for a wedding to happen in a few months.

When they came to the army camp, the first that that saw was Long Xichen who seemed to be waiting for them at the gates.

"Xiao Qi!"

"Second brother, you were waiting for us?" Lan Wei Qi asked him.

"Commander Bai informed us beforehand. Xichun went to look for your older brother," Long Xichen explained. He was shocked at how she was able to bring Zhou Zhiequong with them. He was so sure Lan Wangji had lost his chance.

"Pretty miss, would you like to meet my older brother?" Lan Wei Qi asked her as she blinked innocently. "He is kind and he is handsome! I promise you'll like him!"

"I- That is-" Zhou Zhiequong struggled to get the words out. "Qi'er, actually I already have-"


The words got stuck inside her throat when she saw the man running towards them.

"M- Miss Zhou?"

"Master Lan..."

As if planned, everyone else disappeared to let them talk and only watched from afar. This includes the other soldiers who also thought their pitiful general would not be able to find a lover all his life and yet here he is with a woman. They were ecstatic with such juicy news and did not dare intercept.

"Xiao Qi, you set them up. Are you not afraid that your brother will lose time for you?" Long Xichun asked her in worry.

"Huh? Why?" Lan Wei Qi asked as she tilted her head. "If anything, I gained another person who would adores me to death. This is actually a good thing."

"Pfft! You're right," Long Xichen chuckled.

"More importantly, I want gege to be happy," she said as she watched them with warm eyes. "Gege always sees to it that I am happy. I want him to be happy too."

Lan Wei Qi always possessed an expression like she knew nothing of the world. In fact, she was quite observant and knew a lot. She only kept silent and smiled. There are only few chances she showed what was she had deep inside her.

This was one of those times.

"Xiao Qi, you have grown up." They proudly smiled at her.

"Of course! I would be ashamed of myself if I didn't grow up learn," Lan Wei Qi truthfully said. "Like- Like that time I hit Yukhei... I know my wrong..."

She felt a hand on her head. Wang Yukhei looked at her with his usual blank face. "I told you to let it go."

Long Wu Xian only watched them with a smile. [How oblivious.]