
Death of a Thousand Stars

18wings · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 29 - Feeling is Enough

Lan Wei Qi sat in the floating pavilion staring at the fishes swimming underneath a thin strip of ice covering the surface.

"Young miss?" Qiqi called out to her but received no response.

This has been going on for days. Her demeanor has been very soft, especially her speech. Lan Wei Qi assured her that the fluctuation of her mood was not because of the late princess, but it meant that there was another reason and Qiqi cannot find out what it is.

"It's cold."

Lan Wei Qi was snapped out of her trance when she noticed the ice melting and her surroundings warming up.

"Master Wang..." She softly called out, which made Wang Yukhei pause.

"That... you can me by my name, Your Holiness."

"Ah..." she realized.

"Please do not stay outside for long. It might start snowing again soon."

Strangely enough, instead of staying, Wang Yukhei left immediately as fast as he came. Lan Wei Qi's eyes trailed after his back and even after he disappeared from her sight, she remained staring at the gates of the pavilion.

"Qiqi, let's go back."

"Yes," Qiqi said as she stood up and held her arm like she always did before. It was purely out of reflex from all those years she guided Lan Wei Qi in walking. Her young miss doesn't seem to mind so she continued doing it.



"Do you think I'm being avoided...?" Her voice became softer and softer until the end.

[ By whom? Who is avoiding the young miss despite everyone else is scurrying for her attention? ]

Qiqi almost grew question marks on top of her head by thinking so hard, but could not figure out who it was.

"Never mind... If you hadn't noticed, it means I'm not."

However, Qiqi still pondered over it. She decided to ask the princes or Madam Zhou if she saw them.

Lan Wei Qi returned to Long Wu Xian's palace to practice her swordsmanship, which had gone rusty after so many years of not practicing. Qiqi took this opportunity to find for someone to ask. Despite not being keen on speaking with anyone else except her young miss, she thought absolutely had to do it.

"Your highness," Qiqi bowed when she met Long Xichen and Long Xichun.

They were about to visit Lan Wei Qi after their meeting with the emperor ended.

"Qiqi? Where are you heading to? Where is Xiao Qi?" Long Xichen asked.

"That..." Qiqi paused. "Your highnesses, may I ask you about something? It is regarding the young miss."


"Well, he really has been acting strangely as of these days," Long Xichun affirmed. "But he does that around this time every year, so we don't pay much attention to it anymore."


"Come to think of it, he and Xiao Qi would often disappear around this time of the year. They would disappear for one whole day and return the day after," Long Xichen mumbled as he vaguely remembered a few things from the past.

"I see. Then I will lead the way. The young miss is practicing her swordsmanship."

"With what sword? Does it fit her?"

"Young miss thinks it doesn't fit her. She says it's too light, lacking in thickness and in length."

"I think Yukhei had a sword forged according to how Xiao Qi's taste. I think it will arrive soon."


As days passed by, Lan Wei started to feel restless. When they returned to the Lan Manor, she would practice her swordsmanship the whole morning and stroll through the entire manor after lunch until before dinner.

One dayz, Lan Wei Qi woke up feeling extremely disturbed. She could not help but feel like something was amiss, but she does not know what is wrong - or more like, she cannot remember.

Qiqi was awakened by her movements. "Young miss...? Is there something wrong...?"

"Did I wake you up? I'm sorry, it's just... I feel like I'm missing something..." Lan Wei Qi explained. "Do you remember if it is an important date today?"

"I don't think it's an important day. Maybe you just feel hungry. Should we go to the kitchen and see if there's already breakfast?" Qiqi asked in worry. Seeing Lan Wei Qi uneasy also made her uneasy.

"Maybe you are right..." was all Lan Wei Qi could say after she noticed how Qiqi felt uncomfortable. She didn't want to worry her. "Should we go look for breakfast?"

They went out of her chambers and upon discovering that it was not even an hour close to dawn and that everyone else was asleep, Qiqi decided to cook instead of waking up the servants.

"It smells great," Lan Wei Qi's face brightened up, setting aside her worries.

"Really?" Qiqi felt euphoric having been complimented and her face brightened up. "B- But I think might have cooked too much, young miss..."

"Oh, it's fine," Lan Wei Qi smiled while feeling the ground with her bare feet.

Someone emerged from the kitchen doors and a head popped up from behind. "What...? Your Holiness, why are you awake at this time?"

It was the man that has been missing for the past few days. Who knew why he was also awake at a time like this?

"Y- Yukhei... it's- we got hungry," Lan Wei Qi stuttered to call his name as she explained. She got down from her seat and started setting the table. "If you want... you can join us..."

"Yes, I cooked too much food," Qiqi nodded enthusiastically, seeing her young miss eager to have him accompany them, as she set the food on the kitchen table. "Miss, please sit down. Are you uncomfortable anywhere?"

"Ah, no, it's fine," Lan Wei Qi reasoned as she sat back on her seat.

They had a pleasant meal and when dawn came, Qiqi felt tired and went back to sleep.

"Are you alright?" Wang Yukhei finally asked Lan Wei Qi.

"Ah..." she suddenly paused. "Was I that obvious...?"

"I can see that you were uncomfortable."

Her words may have convinced Qiqi, but not him.

"It's just... I can't seem stay put," Lan Wei Qi mumbled. "I can't put it into words. I want to do something but I don't know what it is..."

"In that case... do you want to come with me to the Western port? I'm going to the port to fetch Your Holiness' sword my guandao," Wang Yukhei offered.

"But that's far," Lan Wei Qi mumbled, but her eyes obviously looked excited. She was hesitant, but she wanted to come. "And there is still the threat of the Red Spiderlily."

"You have me," he reasoned. "And the West is protected by the Second Battalion. It is the safest place from the Red Spiderlily."

"Then..." she trailed on. "I... but I..."

"You might not have another chance if you do not come with me now," Wang Yukhei further insisted.

"But Qiqi is.. "

"She will let you go with me if it makes you happy."

"I- I..." her head hung low. "I... Fine! I'm coming with you!"

She ran out of the kitchen to pack her things and write to Qiqi. Going to the port would take a whole day, which meant they would only be returning tomorrow.

Wang Yukhei smiled and walked out of the kitchen to fetch his horse which he had prepared. Everything has been already prepared beforehand.

"You're taking Qi'er with you?" Zhou Zhiequong asked as she emerged from the gates. "Why not take anyone else?"

"Madam, I promise can protect Her Holiness," Wang Yukhei courteously said, however his face showed disagreement. "Please.. Just today... just this one day..."

"I'm done packing!" Lan Wei Qi came running to him with a bundle in her arms which held inside a pair of clothes and some snacks. He immediately picked her up by her waist and sat her in front of him and covered her with a cloak.

"Madam," Wang Yukhei gave a courteous nod before they left.

Zhou Zhiequong stood there motionless and flabbergasted.

"B- But I didn't get to say goodbye to jiejie," Lan Wei Qi said as she looked back at him.

"I think she understands."

"Xiao Quong!" Lan Xichen and Lan Xichun arrived long after they had left. "Have they left? We only discovered his plans a few minutes ago!"

"I think I remember from before," Zhou Zhiequong suddenly spoke in a daze. "This happened every once a year. They would cancel everything they were supposed to do, even not attending royal banquets. Every time we would inquire, Qi'er would only say that it was a secret only they know. When Qi'er disappeared, he would sit at her pavilion all day at that very same day every year, without missing a beat. Now that I think about it... there's one thing we don't know about Wang Yukhei aside from his origins."

"What?" the two princes asked.

"His birthday..."


Once they had left, Lan Wei Qi became high-spirited. Her anxiousness disappeared almost immediately and she brimmed with excitement.

"Wang Yukhei, look! There's a baby!" Lan Wei Qi held Wang Yukhei by his sleeve and dragged him everywhere.

"Yes, yes, I can see it," he said as he let her drag him around.

They stopped by one of the small towns on the way to the port. Unlike the capital, the people here had farms instead of multiple various shops. The small town was very welcoming and they were very fascinated by her eyes that, despite being hidden under the cloak, would show its sparkle whenever she moved.

"Miss, are you a fairy?" A little child asked as she approached her.

"No," Qiqi answered as she held the little child's hand. "But since I was a good girl, I was gifted with fairy eyes."

"I'm good too!" The child said as he puffed his chest proudly.

She chuckled then ruffled his hair. "Then even if the fairies don't gift you with fairy eyes, you will be blessed."

"I'm going to be good all my life even if I'm not rewarded! Mother said so!"

"What a good child," Lan Wei Qi was delighted.

She spent a lot of times playing with children and Wang Yukhei suprisingly got along with them, even though his face was cold as ice. The children also loved him and would make him carry them in his arms and spin them around. He could lift three children on each arm and this amazed everyone.

"Oh, Wang Yukhei, you're so strong!" Lan Wei Qi exclaimed.

"Of course. I have to be strong enough to protect you," he said as he looked at the horizon. "Your Holiness, it's late. We should eat lunch." Wang Yukhei gave each child a candy and they ran off looking delighted.

They headed off to a small restaurant and ate. Lan Wei Qi happily relayed her happiness about children nonstop. He listened to them all and constantly put food on her plate. She did not even react and just kept eating everything like it was normal. As she talked, it seemed that all the energy the took in was being expended.

After eating, they finally set off for the port. They were supposed to arrive before lunch time, however they stopped over at the small town. They reached the port just before sunset.

"It's so beautiful!" Lan Wei Qi exclaimed as they watched the sun set on the horizon. She pulled on Wang Yukhei's sleeve. "Wang Yukhei?"

"Yes?" he asked as he stared faraway.

They spoke without looking each other, just towards the colorful sky.

"Can we do this again next time?" she asked.

"Next year, on the same day, let's go out again."


Even after the sun had set, they continued to look at the sky dotted with countless stars

"We should check in at the inn," Wang Yukhei finally broke the comfortable silence. "The man we are meeting should be waiting by now."

The inn he was pertaining to actually was just right behind them. This was the most famous inn in the port because it sat right in front of the ocean, showing the view of the setting of the sun. It was the perfect spot.

They entered the inn. The first floor was a restaurant for their customers and the second floor was for leisure. The rooms start from the third up to the fifth.

Wang Yukhei immediately spotted the man and they sat right in front of him.

"You are late," the man stated in an upset tone.

"But you still waited." Wang Yukhei did not back down.

The man sighed as it was true. He handed them two rectangular boxes which held a disassembled guandao and a sword in another. Wang Yukhei opened one of the boxes and handed it out for Lan Wei Qi to see.

"This was crafted according to the sword you used before."

"Where is my original sword now?" Lan Wei Qi asked.

"Gone. It was an explosion."

Lan Wei Qi did not know why, but had a hunch it was because of him.

After eating dinner, they headed to their room. Yes, room. A single room.

"Waaaah!" Lan Wei Qi sprawled herself on the bed like nothing was amiss. "Wang Yukhei, tomorrow I want to look around more!"

His name flowed out of her mouth naturally, making Wang Yukhei curl up his lips. She might not remember, but her subconscious does.

"Then we can depart at noon tomorrow and arrive back home at night," Wang Yukhei said as he spread the extra bedding on the couch.

Today was really exhilarating," Lan Wei Qi happily said as she flopped on her belly and rested her head on her hand. "To be honest, these days I was feeling very disturbed... like I was missing something, but that feeling vanished when we set out to here."

Wang Yukhei froze for a second before a fully bloomed smile spread across his lips and to his eyes.

"Your Holiness, even if you don't remember.... that feeling is enough."

2330 words because why not?

LWQ was still supposed to be in Qiqi's body and this is where WYH was supposed to confirm that she was LWQ, but if I had gone with that I wouldn't be able to switch their souls back for a long time so it ended up like this.

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