
Death note : Rewrite

In the town of Libmanan, Camarines Sur, seventeen-year-old Juan stumbles upon a mysterious black notebook while walking along the banks of the Bicol River. The notebook, labeled "Death Note," contains eerie instructions that claim the power to kill anyone whose name is written within its pages. Initially dismissing it as a prank, Juan decides to test its power by writing the name of a local thug terrorizing his neighborhood. When the thug dies exactly as specified, Juan is both horrified and exhilarated, realizing the Death Note's power is real. His initial thrill quickly turns into a moral dilemma as he contemplates the implications of using such a tool. His internal conflict deepens when he encounters Kagut, a sinister Shinigami and the true owner of the Death Note. Kagut reveals that he is there to observe Juan's actions, offering cryptic advice and dark encouragement. As Juan grapples with the heavy burden of his newfound power, he understands that his life has irrevocably changed. The line between justice and vengeance blurs, and Juan's journey into the dark world of the Death Note begins.

John_Bernard_Rili · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

The Discovery


The sun hung low over the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the town of Libmanan. The narrow streets bustled with the end-of-day activities, and vendors called out to passersby with their tempting offers of fresh produce and local delicacies. Among the throng of people, a seventeen-year-old boy named Juan navigated his way home from school, his mind occupied by the usual concerns of a young man burdened with adult responsibilities.

Juan was a diligent student, always striving to excel in his studies despite the challenges his family faced. His father had passed away two years prior, leaving Juan, his mother, and his younger sister to fend for themselves. His mother worked tirelessly as a seamstress, but their combined efforts barely made ends meet. Juan often felt the weight of their financial struggles pressing down on him, a constant reminder of the life he aspired to but seemed so far out of reach.

That evening, as he walked along the banks of the Bicol River, Juan's thoughts were interrupted by a strange sight. Partially submerged in the muddy riverbank was a black notebook. Its cover was unmarked except for the bold, white letters that spelled out "Death Note." Intrigued and with nothing better to do, Juan waded into the shallow water and retrieved the notebook. He flipped it open, revealing pages filled with eerie instructions written in both English and an unfamiliar language.

"The human whose name is written in this note shall die," read the first line. Juan chuckled nervously, dismissing it as a prank or a piece of dark fiction. Yet, the more he read, the more detailed and specific the instructions became. It described how the notebook could determine the cause of death and provided intricate rules to avoid detection.

Juan's curiosity grew. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to this notebook than met the eye. His heart pounded as he considered the possibilities. Could it be real? He decided to take the notebook home, rationalizing that he could always toss it away if it proved to be a hoax.

In the privacy of his small, cluttered bedroom, Juan stared at the Death Note, the dim light of his desk lamp casting long shadows across the room. He thought about the local thug who had been terrorizing his neighborhood for weeks. The man was ruthless, shaking down small businesses and bullying anyone who stood in his way. If the Death Note was real, it could mean an end to his reign of terror.

With trembling hands, Juan picked up a pen and wrote the thug's name in the notebook: Carlos Mendez. He hesitated, then added the cause of death: heart attack. Juan felt a chill run down his spine as he finished writing. The notebook fell silent, offering no immediate confirmation of its power. Doubt crept in, and Juan shook his head, berating himself for believing in such nonsense.

The next day, Juan's skepticism was shattered. As he walked to school, the town buzzed with news of Carlos Mendez's sudden death. The thug had collapsed in the middle of the street, clutching his chest, and died within minutes. The cause of death was indeed a heart attack.

Juan was both horrified and exhilarated. The Death Note was real. He possessed the power to shape life and death with a few strokes of a pen. The weight of this revelation pressed heavily on him. What was he to do with such power?

Over the following days, Juan's mind raced with possibilities. He saw the Death Note as a tool to cleanse his town of corruption and crime. Yet, he knew he was playing with fire. The thrill of being able to control life and death was intoxicating, but the moral implications were daunting.

One evening, as Juan sat in his room contemplating his next move, a shadowy figure materialized before him. He gasped and stumbled back, dropping the Death Note. The figure was tall and gaunt, with leathery wings and glowing red eyes. It was a Shinigami, a god of death.

"Greetings, human," the Shinigami said, its voice a low, rasping growl. "I am Kagut, the true owner of the Death Note. I see you have found it intriguing."

Juan's heart pounded in his chest as he stared at the creature. "What do you want?" he managed to ask, his voice shaking.

Kagut grinned, revealing sharp, jagged teeth. "I'm here to observe. Humans are fascinating creatures, especially when they hold the power of life and death. Use the Death Note as you see fit, but remember, every action has consequences."

With that, Kagut settled into the shadows of Juan's room, his presence a constant reminder of the dark power Juan now wielded. As Juan lay in bed that night, sleep eluded him. The Death Note sat on his desk, a symbol of both his newfound power and the heavy burden it brought.

Juan's journey had just begun, and he knew there was no turning back.