
Death Note L in Danmachi

L Lawliet, the world-renowned detective and the smartest character in Death Note, what would happen if he got transmigrated to Bell Cranel's body in Danmachi world?

Ridoux_Studio · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2 - Yoink

"I am L"

After saying that, L thought why did he introduce himself like that. Somehow the character 'L' suddenly came to his mind naturally. Or rather, that was the only thing in his memories that was related to his person. He could remember all sorts of knowledge and history about the planet known as 'Earth'. But about himself, the only thing that he remembers is only 'L'.

For the short moments that he was crouching on the ground, he had already simulated in his head hundreds of scenarios for why is it the case that he only remembers 'L' about himself. And after comparing and working his way from the bottom of all of them while using all the data he knows and the ones he's still collecting from the environment around him right now. The one that stood out as the most realistic scenario was that he somehow lost his personal memories as a side effect from staying in that black space for way too long.

There was also another scenario that was quite plausible too and that he might as well be a new person entirely that somehow got all sorts of specific and detailed knowledge about all kinds of areas of expertise from somewhere. Then the one or thing that was responsible for this phenomenon decided to give him 'L' as a non-fungible token to identify and keep himself separated from all the other names that are in his memories.

After calmly solving his sudden existential crisis, L then starts examining the state of his body and mental stability. The latter was quickly done with a swift implementation of all the mental models that he knew of to his mind and applied them to some diverse cases that were in his memory.

The former however was a little problematic, he needed to move his body around and test all of the joints and muscles properly but the current environment was not suitable. First the surroundings are unfamiliar and extremely alien to him. There was no telling that a single step might trigger some kind of trap and result in his death, so it was best not to move his body carelessly and the lack of sufficient light and narrow area was not helping either.

And secondly he was not alone. He could clearly see the blond girl in front him. And to be completely honest. The only thing his brain was screaming at him right now was that she was an extremely creepy sociopath that would definitely and unhesitantly kill him if he did so much as saying a single word to her face.

For why L has this disturbing view about Ais Wallenstein at the moment is because he assumed that he was back to planet earth and the modern world. Which is also pretty realistic, since only a naive person would immediately think he was in another world without numerous practical evidence in hand first. And L was anything but a naive one. He would even go so far as to consider himself the most pragmatic person in the world.

So when he studied the 'sociopath' that was blocking the entrance to this dimly lit cave-like area, he found her wearing some kind of old medieval clothes that looked the same as the ones the noble knights he once saw in one of the church's paintings in French wore back in those crude times. And then there was her toy sword that was dripping with some sort of red liquid substance that he decided to consider as blood for now. Partly because of the iron taste he got from licking most likely the same fluid covering his own body.

He also heard that nonsense she was spitting at him earlier, although there was the possibility that she was genuinely sane and it's just him that didn't know the language she used. But still, all of those hints combined were showing that she had a problem in her head and that he should tread carefully against her. After all, from his memories he knows that socially disordered women can be frighteningly dangerous.

"...L? Is that your name?"

L widened his eyes. She understood what he said. No, 'he' comprehended the language she's using.

What's going on? I'm sure I shouldn't know those words-


L suddenly crouched again and used both of his hands to cover his head. His eyes were darting frantically in all directions as his consciousness started linking his memories with the ones that were already in his body. L was confused. He knows about the existence of pain, but this was the first time he's actually experiencing it.

What should I do? Should I scream? Cry? Hit my head? But what's the point of doing that?

With those thoughts running through his mind, L continued silently crouching in the ground as he felt so much pain that a normal human would die on the spot.

Ais Wallenstein was alerted by his abrupt movements and immediately drew her sword. She thought someone cursed him or used some kind of mind magic and was looking around for the culprit but didn't find anyone. After carefully examining every nook and cranny around her, she frowned and sheathed her sword again.


Just when she turned to the adventurer, and was about to ask him what's wrong, she was immediately startled. The adventurer was already in front of her and was holding a magic stone towards her, it must be the one that dropped from the monster she just killed.

"Miss Ais, I think you dropped this."

"Ahh, thank… you?"

He rudely pushed the magic stone into her hands before giving her a node and passing besides her to leave. Then taking advantage of her momentary confusion he suddenly started running away in a manner she had never seen before.


By the time she understood what happened, he was already gone. She looked at the magic stone in her hand and was shocked again to see that instead of a magic stone, it was actually a normal rock instead.



"Huff! Huff! Huff!"

L was running a perfect textbook technique with a speed that would put the running world champion to shame. He was already on floor 2 but he doesn't show any kind of fatigue at all. In fact, he looked more vigorous than ever.

This is unbelievable. How can a human body have this much power? So this is what they call Falna?

L grimaced as he remembered the 'grace' that 'Goddess' gave him when he joined her Familia some few weeks ago. As an extremely pragmatic person from the modern world, he simply found it weird that something science can't explain like this actually exists. What was even more hard to accept was the fact that he could get stronger by killing some animals.

Taking lives makes you stronger? Wouldn't that make someone like Hitler punch a mountain into the atmosphere? This is ridiculous.

No matter how much he wants to deny it. L is not an ignorant egoist. Since he could see physical evidence in the form of his own damn body. Then he would accept it. Only a fool would reject facts in the face of undeniable evidence. He also can't help but think he was in a similar situation before.


While he was running besides the light blue colored walls at a terrifying pace in his old world standards. L noticed a small green humanoid creature a few metres in front of him.

"...so that's a Goblin? Just in time."

L's crimson eyes narrowed as he decided this was the best time to test the limits of his body.


The green creature noticed a bloodied human running towards him so he immediately got freaked out and threw his wooden spear at him.

Seeing this, L jumped at the last moment and trapped the spear between his boots and then using his entire monument he somersaulted forward and released the spear gracefully as it flew back to its owner.


The Goblin panicked and jumped to the side as his own spear almost hit him on the head. He stood up and looked at his wooden spear that was stabbed deeply in the wall but that was a fatal mistake.

"Basic Rule Number 1: Never turn your back on your enemy."

Those were the last words the Goblin heard as a small hand went through his back and crushed his heart from the inside. The Goblin then gave a last helpless cry before his body exploded to black smoke.

L calmly retraced his hand and then he crouched to look at the items on the ground. There was a small purple jewel and a fang. He deducted they were the Goblin's magic stone and it's drop item, the Goblin Fang.


L picked up the small magic stone and brought it up close to his cold calculating eyes. It was faint, but he could clearly see the chemical reactions inside the core of the jewel. He then rummaged through his right pocket and brought a magic stone that was almost twenty times bigger than the one he got from the goblin.

"Most curious, is this some sort of energy storage?"

He tried scratching them with each other and noticed how the energy flow inside the bigger magic stone would slightly shift in the direction of the smaller one like a magnet. This might be a sign that they can be merged together. He only needs a suitable container and finds the right conditions to do so.

At that moment. L with his sharp senses, heard some faint footsteps behind him so he decided to leave this matter for later research. And decided to leave this 'alive' hole called the 'Dungeon' as fast as possible.

He quickly put the bizarre items back into his pocket and continued his efficient textbook running towards the exit.


"Madam Eina?"


As a window receptionist of the dungeon management, Eina Tulle shifted her focus from the book in her hand and lifted up her head.

She had a pair of slender pointy ears and clear emerald-colored eyes. Her shoulder length brown hair had a beautiful sheen. This beautiful appearance is not the same type as the elves that seemed to be pure and flawless, but rather a natural type. She was wearing a guild uniform on her slim body, a black top pants of the same color, making her extremely beautiful. Her disposition as a professional woman made others feel that she was quite approachable. The truth is that this young female was a mix between a human and an elf.

As a receptionist, her afternoon wasn't too busy since the adventurers were basically all inside the dungeon at that time. So there will be some spare time for her to read books. She lifted her head and noticed who had called her.

Looks like he was safe today as well…

It was something that occurred almost two weeks ago. At that time, that young boy, with shining eyes, came to the guild to go through the procedures.

She was acting as an adviser for dungeon strategy. That boy was still only 14 years old, and although "Adventurer" is a job that did not ask for race, nor their gender and age, but in this profession, many people die accidentally.

At his age, he is still a child. But he deliberately rushed into such a dangerous area and she did not know what expression she gave him at that time. Maybe it was because she was responsible for him, but Eina missed that kid from time to time. When she confirmed that the boy was still alive, her face eased slightly. She remembered that he was called Bell Cranel.

She lifted up her glasses and turned her head towards the source of the voice.

"It's good to see you again, Miss Eina Tulle"

A figure of a boy covered with black blood appeared in her field of vision.


Author: Poor Danmachi world, they have no idea who's coming for them.