
Death Note : A New Story

What if the 'Death Note' was given to someone other than Light? How would the incidents progress? Would there be havoc and chaos or peace and prosperity? Find out in an alternate story of the franchise 'Death Note'. (Will be on break for quite some time. I'll work on this once I complete a few series first.) -------------------------------------------------- Schedule: On Hiatus Chapter Length: 300-800 words -------------------------------------------------- Join discord: https://discord.gg/PjmBUn2 (I'll be putting up announcements here. If you have any ideas, or opinions regarding the novel, feel free to share them.) -------------------------------------------------- Support the Author: XXX (Not available atm)

APOPHIS · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs


Meanwhile, in the shinigami realm. Three gods of death, Ryuk , Deridovely and Gook chat.

Ryuk: "It's been five days. Now then, I'd better get going."

Deridovely: "Eh? You headed somewhere, Ryuk?"

Gook: "Hate to tell you, but our whole world looks like this."

Ryuk: "That's true, but I've dropped my Death Note."

Gook and Deridovely( in a cranky voice): "Hahaha"

Deridovely: "You really messed things up, didn't you?"

Gook: "Hold on a sec. Didn't you already trick the Old Man to get a second book? Don't tell me you dropped both of them."

Deridovely: "You must have some idea where you dropped the thing?"

Ryuk: "Yeah, the human world."

Gook and Deridovely: "What?!"

Back on earth; I was coming home from school with the result of the nationwide exams.

"How much did you get this time? If it's any lower than a B, then I'm putting you in tuition classes.", spoke my mom.

"I promise I'll get good marks next time...seriously!", I replied , while walking upstairs to my room.

I jumped on the bed and slept off like a hog.

As I woke up an hour later, across the sliver of my eye, in the dark corner, I saw a dark being with glowing yellow eyes.

"What do you want?", I asked.

The being the corner spoke, "Oh? Not surprised? I'm Ryuk. A shinigami, a god of death."

Kira: "So, is it my time already?"

Ryuk: "Not at all. The notebook that you have was previously mine. Many death notes had made their way into the past, but there has never been anyone before who wrote his own name intentionally."

Kira (while lying down): "The book was real after all huh. Great. I've kept it in my cabinet. Take it and leave."

Ryuk: "Oh I'm not here to take it back. You can keep it. I'll be watching over you."

Kira: "Fine then. Be prepared to be bored for another eighty years then."

I deviously smiled as I spoke, "On second thought, what would happen if I wrote a shinigami's name? What if I write yours?"