
Death Note : A New Story

What if the 'Death Note' was given to someone other than Light? How would the incidents progress? Would there be havoc and chaos or peace and prosperity? Find out in an alternate story of the franchise 'Death Note'. (Will be on break for quite some time. I'll work on this once I complete a few series first.) -------------------------------------------------- Schedule: On Hiatus Chapter Length: 300-800 words -------------------------------------------------- Join discord: https://discord.gg/PjmBUn2 (I'll be putting up announcements here. If you have any ideas, or opinions regarding the novel, feel free to share them.) -------------------------------------------------- Support the Author: XXX (Not available atm)

APOPHIS · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs


I had already checked the possibility of supernatural possibilities, namely, using the full potential of the brain at once. Now, I had to see if the death note could produce mass out of nothingness.

I opened my laptop once again, to check for a list of inmate candidates. This time, I was able to find two. A murderer and an accomplice, a couple who killed a whole family along with their nine year old child. Howard and Sarah Spencer. Both of them weren't well built which made them perfect test subjects.

I opened the death note and wrote,

'Howard Spencer.

Cause of Death: Myositis.

Details: Howard Spencer would die due to having excess inflammation in his muscles and die due to muscle pain. Seconds before he dies, he'll repeat the word killer 5 times. His death will occur at precisely 8 o'clock JST .'

Myositis refers to any condition causing inflammation of muscles. This can be caused by a variety of reasons including taking drugs. Thus, my targets had to be malnourished to prevent the intervention of any drugs whatsoever. I searched the background of this couple and found out that they were homeless beggars, which is why I chose them. I wrote the same set of conditions for Sarah, as a secondary, backup experiment.

The only way my experiment would fail now was if the death note chose to do so.

I closed the book and waited, as I spent my days scrutinising through a list of potential diseases and a list of rats I could experiment on.

A week passed and the news passed through the media.

'Nearly a month ago, we saw the death of an inmate brutally shrivelled up in an international prison; where we assumed this to be a case of prison facilities taking charge of the law. A similar incident occurred recently, in the USA where two homeless inmates, died due to muscle pain. The international prison facilities did not contact the medical centres nor did they take any effort to save the inmates. Is this their way of saying they are above the law? Could the prison facilities be looking towards harming their own prisoners? In sports, a new star steps-'

I switched the TV off and walked up to my room. The experiment had failed. I assumed that all failed experiments would die due to the logical cause if the conditions were near impossible to fulfil. Two deaths were enough to confirm that. The news wasn't covered as the main news, nor was it given any importance. But it was surprising nonetheless, that the three names I wrote in the death note were linked with each other. The news anchors were linking these two incidents together under the topic of prison facilities. This made it easier to shine in the limelight, if I ever did decide to do so. I realised that resources were necessary for the death note to work. It couldn't do the impossible without the necessary ingredients. To some extent, it obeyed the laws of physics. It couldn't produce matter out of nothing. The autopsy report did not mention any form of myositis and listed muscle pain as the main cause of death. The photos of their corpses clearly proved that in no way were the muscles of the corpses enlarged.

And so, with access to more information about the death note, I begun writing yet another name for yet another experiment.

Almost done for the month. Originally, this one chapter was meant to be divided into two, but I didn't want people to wait for such a small event. Either way, next month's going to introduce more characters down the line, with slightly longer chapters.

Stay in touch, and join discord for any further announcements. https://discord.gg/PjmBUn2

Next chapter: 30th March, 2020

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