
Death March

"I don't know what I'm doing," Lilith proclaimed with a heavy sigh. "Does anyone?" Mika asks, "life doesn't come with instructions, just do your best." In a world divided by Chaos, what more could go wrong? Twenty-three year old Lililth was born mortal and while she had a slight facination with the occult not once did she immagine being bitten by something unknown to her. just as the world's ending she wakes up to find life is not as it once was. Disclaimer I do not own the image used for the cover, I found it on Google images.

EvaPeony · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


Ruby eyes great me the moment I close my eyes, the coolness of the wave's seeps into my clothes, relaxing me as much as the waves' sound. "Come to me," a sing-song voice whispers. I sit up in time for the wind to blow water onto my face. Wet and frustrated, I rise.

The sing-song voice continues to call out to me. With nothing else to do, I start walking out of the water. There's the sound of hushed voices I can hear them as clearly as if I was with them.

"Do you think she'll lead us to him?" a female voice asks.

"He Sired her," a male voice responds, "I'm certain of it."

"And if she can't?" another male asks.

"She's determined to undo what's been done," the first male voice says, "she'll find him."

"For how long will you string her along?" the female asks.

"As long as it takes to avenge Alexa," the first male responds.

So, he just wants to use me. Fine, two can play that game. What do I care for his revenge? For lying to me, I'll hold off on finding my Sire. After all, I never wanted to grow old, becoming a Vampire might just be what I needed.

As I walk down the shore, the sound of beating hearts awakens the hunger. Two figures are collapse in the sand. A gasp escapes the female just as the aroma of sweet blood wafts over.

"What are you?" I ask.

The beautiful Male looks up as if surprised by my presence. Could he not pick up on my scent? He smiles, beckoning to join him.

"Aren't you lovely," blood drips down his chin and onto his exposed chest.

I kneel beside him and take the wrist he offers, "what's her crime?"

He smiles a wicked glim in his emerald eyes, "she used her virtue to lure our breatharian to their deaths," he sinks his fangs back into her throat.

Closing my eyes, I bring the girl's wrist to my lips and bite. Her blood is sweeter than the farmers and tastes far better than the spiced blood Heather gave me. The Male lets out a laugh pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Stop," he commands, "my lovely, if you do not stop, you'll kill her. Can you live with that?"

I look up to find him leaning on his elbows, a different kind of hunger in his eyes.

"Yes," I say, surprising him when I move to the girl's throat and bite the already bloodied flesh.

He lets out another laugh before speaking, "I like your style," he launches at the female, sinking his fangs into her exposed flesh, and together we drain her of existence.

The Male gives me a pleased smile as I wash the blood away. With a wave of his hand, the girl turns to ash. Not even a trace of the blood she spilled remains as the waves wash it all away.

"What are you?" I ask.

"Typical American, why ask my name, when you can ask what I am," he says all nonchalant, "I'm a Vampire, like you."

"You have a heartbeat."

He leans down and starts washing his hands, "I use to be Fay, the change affects us differently."

I inch closer and ask, "so you can eat? I mean like actual food."

"Yes, little one," he says with a sigh, "I can eat actual food.

"Are there different breeds of Vampire?" I ask.

Droplets of water fall onto his toned chest like dewdrops, "of course, did your Sire not explain?"

"I don't even know who my Sire is," at my words, he stops scrubbing his face, "I didn't choose the change."

"I see," he wipes the blood off his chest and rises, brushing his trousers', "come with me."

"Why?" I take a step back, avoiding his outstretched hand.

"The sun will rise soon, and you're not old enough to fend it."

"But you are?" at my question, he pulls me towards him, and before I know it, we're running the city nothing more than a blur, and then we're inside a lavish Manor.

Vamps come and go some stopping to greet us, others too busy to notice. That is until he sets me down at the center of the foyer.

"Welcome, I am Marcus head of the Sanguis Clan," Marcus raises his hands to gesture at his home's grandeur, "my Sire had a sense of humor," he adds.

"Lilith," I say, avoiding the curious looks from all gathered.

"It seems your parents had a sense of humor as well," Marcus says that wicked glimmer still in his eyes.

A Female Vamp approaches strawberry hair swaying with each step, "follow me," she takes my hand and starts pulling me towards the stairs, "I do wonder where my brother found you?" she asks as we reach the third landing.

"Where are you taking me?" I try to break free, but she's stronger.

"The sun will be up soon," she says as if it answered enough. We stop outside an oak door with a crescent moon carved into it. She opens the door and hands me the key, "this is your room."

"Who says I'm staying?"

She lets out a little laugh, "Marcus would not have brought you here otherwise."

"He made the choice for me," I protest, "and how is he your brother?"

"I'll tell you another night, now take a shower while I find you some clothes," she throws me into the room and walks away, humming twinkle, twinkle, little star.

The room is surprisingly cozy, a twin bed rest between two windows facing the door, nightstands on either side. To my left are a computer desk and a work chair. Then to my right, a closet next to the bathroom. I close the door and head into the bathroom catching a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror.

I guess Vamps not having a reflection is a myth, or perhaps it varies by breed. As I look in the mirror, I realize my once amber eyes are now the fiery marigolds' color, orange-red at the center with a golden outline.

My waist-length hair is covered in blood and sand. Washing it all out should be fun. With a sigh, I strip off my sandy clothes and toss them into the hamper. Before stepping into the shower, I make sure to find a washcloth and towel.

There are different bottles of shampoos and conditioners, from; coconut to strawberry, green apple, ocean breeze to rose, and citrus. The body washes follow the same range of scent. There's even a variation of exfoliants. What would Vamps need to exfoliate for?

Picking the subtlest of scent, I take the coconut shampoo and conditioner, and the cocoa body wash. When I step out of the shower, a red nightgown is laid out on the bed.

"I figured we can go shopping tomorrow," the female walks in with a bundle of clothes she sets on the computer table, "Marcus doesn't like to go shopping he'd rather order something online or have someone get it for him."

"What's your name?" I slip the nightgown over my head and pull the towel off as it falls right above my knee.

"Carmilla, I was named after a poem or something," she hands me a comb, "I forgot to set this in the bathroom."

"You bought all of those?"

"Marcus said someone was coming, and to prepare, it's just I didn't know your size, so I had to wait until I saw you."

"Marcus knew I was coming?"

"He can speak to us telepathically," Carmilla explains, "all Sires can do that, well actually anyone strong enough can. Now change and rest."

Before she can leave, I ask, "the windows?"

She smiles, "electric blinds, they'll descend ten minutes before sunrise. Marcus read about it in a book and had them installed. They're better than our old one. Can't tear these open."

"I think I've read that book," I say just as the blinds start to descend, "wow."

"Sleep well," with that, I'm left alone.

Detangling my hair, I climb into bed and sure enough as the sun rises, I'm pulled into a deep sleep, at first there is nothing, and then there is everything.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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