
Death in Remnant

Jackson Pryde was an ordinary ten-year old boy from an extraordinary world (MCU/Marvel), but during an alien invasion in New York City, he fell into a void and was sent to another world by the One-Above-All, with three of his classmates getting dragged along for the ride. With his system that the One-Above-All gave to him, Jackson retains himself while transforming into Death, while his classmates become War, Fury, and Strife, and are all sent to a world called Remnant. The first step of Death's epic adventure begins. Volume 1 : Death in Remnant Volume 2 : Darksider in Star Wars

Splendora_Gaming · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

A Year Later Part 1

POV Cinder Fall

A year had passed since her arrival on Patch, and Cinder had gotten in touch with her father long ago and gotten his permission to let her stay here instead of with her relative in Vale. The reason was simple, she had decided to enter Signal Academy.

Summer and Taiyang had been really nice to her since her arrival, as was Death. She was quite surprised to find one of Strife's siblings here. It seemed that Death was planning to treat her well from the beginning, even before she revealed that she knew Strife and had briefly met Fury.

She wasn't sure why he decided to be so nice, but she did appreciate it, though lately she was more worried about Strife, who was supposed to be here a month ago, and they hadn't arrived yet. Death seemed convinced that they were fine, though, so that gave her some comfort.

Even though she was technically old enough to enter Signal Academy, Cinder did not have much practical experience, so she'd spent the past year training with Taiyang, Summer, and Death, and planned to enter with little Yang when she entered. She might be the oldest in her class at that point, but at least she'd have a solid foundation to work with. Mostly she just wanted to be dependable to Strife in the future. Even after a year of separation, her crush hadn't faded at all.


POV Strife

The past year, making the trip to Vale, had not been easy. They'd had to deal with bandits, which was normal, but they also had an encounter with an assassin named Marcus Black. No, he did not give them his name, but rather his son had, after Fury had killed the assassin to protect Ghira from being assassinated.

The young boy, Mercury, started revering Fury for being so strong, and followed them. At first, Strife thought that Mercury would betray them, but he had many chances over the past year and he hadn't done so. In fact, he seemed to practically worship Fury. The way that Mercury looked at Fury reminded Strife of the way that Cinder, Emerald, and Vernal looked at him.

By this point, when they were just arriving at Vale, he was now convinced that Mercury wasn't a threat anymore. The same, however, could not be said about Adam, who had disappeared the night before they were to arrive in Vale. He did not know what Adam was up too, but figured he was finally taking some kind of action.

The problem, of course, was that he may have already entered Vale, and Vale was just too large to search for one person. Even if he involved Fury, they wouldn't have much chance to find Adam if he didn't want to be found.


POV Death

In the past year, Death had advanced nicely, thanks not only to doing quests as they appeared, but also from collecting half experience from Grimm that his siblings had killed. He even got an additional 25,000 experience in one go when one of his siblings killed someone named Marcus Black, which gave him another Orange Feather.


Yellow Feather (1 of 10)

Effect : Collect all ten of these feathers and burn them to @0%6&#@&^*#&4%#%&#$%2^#7$%@#3!#8~

Yellow Feather (3 of 10)

Effect : Collect all ten of these feathers and burn them to @0%6&#@&^*#&4%#%&#$%2^#7$%@#3!#8~

Orange Feather (4 of 10)

Effect : Collect all ten of these feathers and burn them to @0%6&#@&^*#&4%#%&#$%2^#7$%@#3!#8~

Orange Feather (5 of 10)

Effect : Collect all ten of these feathers and burn them to @0%6&#@&^*#&4%#%&#$%2^#7$%@#3!#8~


Death wasn't sure where he had missed the number 2 feather, which was presumably another yellow one, but he hoped that he'd get another chance to receive it. He still wasn't sure what effect these feathers had, but felt that whatever they did it would be something good.

In addition to the experience he got from his siblings, Death also received plenty more from his Create ID skill, or Create Instant Dungeon skill, which created dungeons where he could fight monsters.

The default first dungeon available contained zombies, but he never used that one, instead electing to use a Special dungeon: Create ID Remnant, which let him encounter many kinds of Grimm and fight them. This was both good training as well as a means of great exp and shop point growth.. he might still be weaker then his siblings, but at least he wasn't nearly as weak as he started out at.

While thinking about his past growth and heading to the Vale CCT tower, Death caught sight of a boy that seemed familiar, even seeing him from behind, with his one uncrippled hand touching the hilt of a weapon as he headed towards... Death looked in the direction that the boy was heading and saw an old man and a cute four-year old girl, both with white hair.

He immediately recognized the girl as Weiss Schnee, and then it clicked that the boy who he was viewing from behind was a young Adam Taurus. As Adam suddenly drew his sword and slashed at Weiss, Death used Teleport Slash to appear in front of Adam in an instant, harbinger connecting with Adam's waste and severing his spine from his lower half. Death, however, hadn't blocked, so Adam's moon slice easily pierced his aura and cut open his torso, dealing massive damage and sending him falling back into Weiss and landing with his back on top of her, knocked out from the massive damage, even though the wounds would all heal within five seconds..


POV Weiss Schnee

Weiss was out with her 'grampa', visiting Vale and heading to the CCT Tower there. Her grandpa's rehabilitation after he woke up had only recently ended, so now Weiss had asked him to take her to visit another Kingdom, because she wanted to see more then just Atlas, and he had selected Vale.

She'd been having the funnest and bestest time ever, and was extremely happy to be with her grampa, when she heard a shout and then saw a scary boy with a mask about to slash her with his sword.. There was nothing she could do to stop it, so in that moment she could only ask in her mind 'why?'

Just before the boy could kill her though, another boy appeared between them, and Weiss was knocked back a few steps as the boy became a human shield for her, saving her life, while simultaneously landing a devastating attack against her would-be assassin with his scythe.

The boy that saved her ended up knocked back on top of her, with her getting stuck on the ground.


POV Nicholas Schnee

"Weiss!" Nicholas called out with worry, trying to get Weiss out from under Death without moving him too drastically, since he just saved little Weiss.

"Grampa, he saved me, will he be alright?" Weiss asked, looking at Death.

If Adam's attack had struck anyone else, it would have been much deeper, but being a Nephilim had made him quite resilient, so while the attack had been pretty bad if that much damage had been done to anyone else, Death was already fully healed.

"Must have some kind of healing semblance" Nicholas Schnee deduced "He's fine, Weiss." he pulled out his scroll to call in what had just happened, though the streets were crowded so plenty of other people had already called it in.

Weiss was relieved and knelt on her knees next to Death, then gently poked Death's cheek and giggled.


POV Death

He awoke, feeling something small poking his cheek, and hearing a giggle. He waited a few moments and then felt something different touching his cheek. Death's eyes burst open and he spotted Weiss Schnee kissing his cheek.

"Thank you for saving me." Weiss said timidly "You're my hero now." she declared to him.

"It's alright. I'm really hard to actually kill" Death chuckled, making light of his situation to cheer her up, even though that had been so damn painful. "My name is Death, what is yours?"

He knew exactly who she was, but that was through the show RWBY, as in his lifetime in this world he had no way to recognize her.

"Weiss Schnee" Weiss answered while blushing "Now that you are my hero, do you want to be my husband some day?"

"We're really young yet, and you hardly know me, and I'm not going to be a normal attractive guy when I grow up. What if when we are older you don't want to marry me anymore?" Death asked her, still rather flabbergasted by her words.

At her age, she hadn't even seemed to recognize his unusual skin color. His human parents in his previous life had taught him that getting married was a necessary part of being a proper groan up, so how could Weiss's words not draw forth that lesson back to the forefront of his mind.

Forcing such thoughts as marriage aside, Death wondered if he would have been even that injured if he had bothered to allocate his stat points before the fight. sure, his stats passively rose by one each every level up, but he still had 228 stat points to spread. When all his stats hit 50, he had gotten a flat +10 bonus to all stats, except for luck. which he couldn't allocate stat points into, so he wondered what would happen if they all reached 100?

After leveling up his stats with a thought, his allocatable stats remaining fell from 228 to just 96, and his bonus to stats in parenthesis increased from +10 each to +25. He realized that maybe he should have spent them earlier, but the gamer in him had been a bit hesitant, since they might be useful if he got in trouble in the future.

'Oh well, at least I survived' Death thought to himself.

"I'm a Schnee." Weiss said after some careful consideration "Once I decide what want, I wont give up" she puffed out her cheeks and crossed her arms a bit stubbornly. Death could tell that she was trying to look serious, but only succeeded at looking adorable.

Death sighed, but also saw the bleeding Adam nearby, with the crowds keeping their distance from the situation. He thought this was no place for Weiss to remain, and looked at Nicholas Schnee, who just finished calling the Vale Police "This is no place for Weiss to be right now, lets head into the CCT to continue talking.


Hidden Quest Complete : Kill Adam Taurus

Reward : Other World Roulette Spin (Value 1,000,000 Shop Points), Orange Feather, 10,000 Shop Points,


That notice appeared, and even more then before he wanted to move Weiss away from this scene. Right now she was focused on her 'hero' and he did not want her to realize that the boy that tried to kill her was dead.

Nicholas Schnee nodded and picked up Weiss to carry her into the CCT.

As they walked into the CCT, Death rolled the Other World Roulette spin since it had been a while since he'd gotten one of those, and it went around and around before finally stopping on 'Aqua's Invisible Panties', which was a completely useless item. There wasn't really anything he could do with these, but that was the pain that was a random roulette spin, most of the items appearing on it he probably couldn't use. He really wished that his luck stat could help more, but he was well aware that the only thing that stat did was affect drop rates in his Instant Dungeons, and it always remained equal to half his level, rounding down. He'd found no other method of increasing it yet.


POV Strife

While Death was following Nicholas Schnee into the CCT, Strife had just overheard a passerby mention that Nicholas Schnee was in town, and Strife immediately was filled with dread. He was well aware of the irrational hatred that Adam had towards the Schnee Dust Company, so he did not believe that it was coincidental that Adam disappeared the night before they were to arrive at Vale.

As soon as he realized this, he asked around for the directions to the nearest Vale Police Department Precinct and rushed inside in a hurry "What's wrong kid?" an officer asked, seeing how anxious Strife was.

"I think Adam might be going to attack Nicholas Schnee. He disappeared last night, and I just heard Nicholas Schnee is in town, and I know Adam has an irrational hatred for the Schnee family, so I'm afraid he'll attack him!" Strife explained, regretting that he hadn't found a way to quietly kill Adam Taurus on the trip to Vale. He knew that Adam would do something unforgivable eventually, but hadn't thought it would be so soon, and he had hoped to find an excuse to kill him before then, but now it was too late to take action, and all he could do was ask the police t help.

"There already was an assassination attempt on Weiss Schnee this morning" the officer noted to Strife "You're a friend of the boy?"

"Oh god no. I hate him, he wanted to kill me when I was found alone and seemingly vulnerable in the wilderness. I crippled his sword arm to stop him from succeeding." Strife insisted "When I met the rest of his travelling companions, they were quite nice and let me travel with them, but that Adam has never stopped hating me. The only people I think he hates more then me are the Schnee family." Strife sighed in relief "So he failed already? That's good. I didn't want him to succeed and have his actions lead to the villainization of the rest of the people I travelled with. They are not like him."

"That group is?" the officer asked.

"Oh, the White Fang." Strife insisted.

"You don't look like a faunus." the officer observed.

Strife shrugged "Well, it is true that I am not a faunus, but that's why Adam hates me. Not only did I cripple him in self-defense, I also dared to be born as a non-faunus. That guy hates humans especially."

The officer nodded "Well, you don't need to worry about that Adam guy now. The kid that protected Weiss Schnee killed him. Our officers are currently interviewing the kid near the scene."

'Was it Fury?' Strife thought inwardly "Was it my sister Fury that saved her?" Strife asked with curiosity, not fining it likely that many 'kids' could stand up to Adam's attack unless it was one of his siblings, and he only knew about Fury in Vale.

"Nah, it was a strange faunus boy named Death." the officer told Strife "So you shouldn't have to worry about the faunus being blamed"


POV Death

After being interviewed by the Vale Police Department, Death was left with Weiss and Nicholas Schnee. "So, Weiss seems to have taken a liking to you." he observed.

"He's my hero." Weiss nodded matter-of-factly.

"Young man, are you, perhaps, connected to someone named War?" Nicholas asked Death.

Death was momentarily surprised, but then nodded "Yes sir. He's my youngest sibling."

Weiss's eyes seemed to fill with delight "You're big brother War's big brother?" she asked in amazement.

Suddenly, Death realized that War was probably in Atlas, while Strife and Fury were in Vale, or close to it. He had heard the previous day that the white fang should be arriving some time today, though he didn't know exactly when.


Hidden Quest Complete : Determine the Locations of all Four Horsemen

Reward : Other World Roulette Spin (Value 100,000 Shop Points), Golden Feather, 10,000 Shop Points,


Death started the Other World Roulette Spin again, hoping for something better then the useless invisible underwear.

Death nodded to Weiss "Yeah, unless there's someone else named War, which I highly doubt. Especially considering your grandfather asked me about him. Should be my brother."

The roulette landed on something called a Krayt Dragon Pearl, which was followed by a notice.


Obtained two items from the Star Wars Universe.

Received Special Reward : Force Sensitivity Trait.

Received Special Reward : Force User Skill Tree (Sealed)

Skill Tree's and their status are now shown on status page.


From the understanding that flooded into his mind, Death realized that he could potentially build and use a lightsaber, but unless he went to the Star Wars Universe somehow, the Force-User Skill Tree would remain sealed and he wouldn't be able to use any force powers.

The fact that his system gave him a skill tree that could only be activated by stepping into another universe seemed to verify that doing so was actually possible, at least at some future time, but for now he had to focus on saving this world and protecting the people he cared about in it.

"Well, we were coming to the CCT to call home, so want to come with us. You'll be able to talk to War." Nicholas offered.

Death nodded "I was just going to call a friends father and relay an update for her to him, but that can wait until after I have a brief chat with War." he pulled out a pamphlet and offered it to Nicholas "This will save me a lot of time rather then explaining everything in the call, though. Please give that to him when you see him again.

Nicholas nodded and accepted the pamphlet.



Name : Death

Age : 4

Race : Nephilim

Transformation : Reaper Form

Summon : Despair, Dust

Semblance : Divine Regeneration (100% of all energies and heath regenerates every five seconds), Luck Nullification

Other World Abilities : Kurama's Negative Emotion Sense, Create ID, Force-Sensitivity

Skill Trees : Harbinger, Necromancer, Pyromancer (Sealed), Force-User (Sealed)

Level : 57

Experience : 13,226/19800

Health : 870/870

Wrath : 970/970

Aura : 1820/1820

Strength : 100 (+25)

Defense : 100 (+25)

Arcane : 100 (+25)

Resistance : 100 (+25)

Luck : 28

Allocate Points : 96

Primary Weapon : Desolation Twin Scythes

- Damage (Fast) : 241-277

- Crit Chance : +30%

- Crit Damage : +32%

- Strength : +79

- Health Steal : +30%

Secondary Weapon : Decimating Hammer

- Damage (Slow) : 673-775

- Defense : +194

- Strength : +79

- Resistance : +195

- Wrath Steal : +30%

Tertiary Weapons : Ebony and Ivory

- Damage (Very Fast) : 172-228

- Crit Chance : +40%

- Crit Damage : +58%

- Arcane: +112

- Wrath Steal : +20%

Shop Points : 59,738

Inventory : Torchwick's Lighter (Infinite Lighter Fluid), Stapler (Infinite Staples), Yellow Feather, Yellow Feather, Orange Feather, Orange Feather, Orange Feather, Golden Feather, Merlot's Remote, Seto Kaiba's Dual Disk, Green Lantern Central Power Battery, Mantle of the Force Kyber Crystal, V7 Scroll, Aqua's Invisible Panties, Krayt Dragon Pearl

Had to rush this one a bit. actually finished it yesterday but I guess I didn't save it properly and only had a bit less then half of my wordcount this morning that I did yesterday. Anyway, I apoligize for my apparent error yesterday and I'll definitely try not to do that again.

Note that the chapter yesterday was about 500 words longer, but it also included updated stats for the other three horsemen, which will instead appear with Part 2 now, so the word cound may be pretty similar to what I had yesterday. I included the same content, after all, and tried to do it well. Thankfully once I already had the full plan sorted out it wasn't so hard to retype everything.

Splendora_Gamingcreators' thoughts