

Hades, the immortal and overwhelmingly powerful ruler of the demon realm, grows weary of his monotonous existence in hell. Unexpectedly, his infernal castle is transported to a new world of sword and magic. Fueled by a desire for conquest, Hades aims for a balanced rule, seeking peace in his pursuit of dominion over this fantastical world."

Drino · Fantasy
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37 Chs


As the Southern Hawk exited the mayor's house, Mayor Callista stood at the threshold, bidding them farewell with a mixture of gratitude and anticipation. The weight of Prius's hopes now rested on the shoulders of the Platinum-ranked adventurers.

Their journey through the desolate streets led them to a small, dilapidated house where the muffled laughter of children resonated. Chloe, moved by empathy, approached the youngsters playing in the dusty yard. Their clothes worn and faces marked by the harsh realities of their surroundings.

"Such innocence in the face of adversity," Chloe murmured, her eyes reflecting a deep compassion. Unable to turn away, she reached into the party's supplies, offering the children some nourishing provisions. The gratitude in their eyes mirrored a glimpse of hope amidst the town's shadows.

Sekina, ever vigilant, checked on Hades, disguised as Ace. "Feeling ready for this, Ace?" he inquired, concern etching his features.

Hades, maintaining his stoic facade, nodded affirmatively. "I'm prepared," he replied, his tone unwavering.

Maine, the mage, approached Hades with a cautionary tone. "Remember, Ace, this expedition may escalate into perilous situations. If things take a turn for the worst, prioritize your safety and retreat immediately. We can handle the threats that may arise."

Acknowledging Maine's warning, Hades recognized the importance of discretion in unfamiliar territories. As the Southern Hawk gathered their supplies and made final preparations, the sense of anticipation and underlying danger hung in the air.

The sun dipped below the horizon as they left the outskirts of Prius, embarking on a quest that would test their mettle and unity. The twilight shadows seemed to stretch longer, whispering of the mysteries that awaited them beyond the safety of the town's borders.

Their journey had just begun, with each step taking them deeper into the unknown. The night awaited them, cloaked in secrets and uncertainties, as the Southern Hawk ventured forth to confront the vampiric menace that threatened Prius.





In the rural expanse of the farmland, a woman, whose name lingered in the echoes of the night, was making her way home alongside the vast fields. The moon hung low, casting an ethereal glow upon the tranquil landscape, and all seemed serene in the embrace of the shadowy night.

As she walked, a gentle breeze rustled through the crops, creating a symphony of whispers that danced with the symphony of nature. The woman's footsteps resonated with the soft crunch of the soil beneath her worn-out shoes. Beside her, the farmland stretched like a sea of undulating shadows, with the silhouettes of cornstalks swaying in rhythm with the nocturnal melody.

However, the peacefulness of the night was shattered in an instant. A sudden disturbance above caught her attention. The night sky, once adorned with the silvery glow of stars, now bore witness to a sinister transformation. Crows, countless in number, materialized from the abyss of darkness, forming a swarm that eclipsed the moon.

Their caws, once a mere symphony of nature, now resonated with an ominous tone, sending shivers down the woman's spine. What was once a tranquil journey home became a descent into the unknown. The crows, as if guided by some otherworldly force, circled above her with an eerie precision.

She quickened her pace, each step echoing the erratic beating of her heart. Panic set in as the ominous gathering of crows persisted, casting an otherworldly pallor upon the night. Their feathers seemed to absorb the moonlight, rendering them black as the abyss itself.

As she entered a labyrinth of towering cornstalks, the woman felt an unsettling sense of isolation. The moon's glow struggled to penetrate the dense canopy of leaves, leaving her in a realm of obscurity. It was in this unsettling silence that she caught a glimpse of a mysterious silhouette.

Believing it to be her husband, she approached cautiously, her heart pounding in her chest. The tall grasses whispered secrets as they brushed against her trembling form. The silhouette came into focus, revealing the figure of a man.

Yet, the relief she felt was fleeting, replaced by a surge of terror when she gazed upon his visage. The man's face bore a ghastly countenance — bloody eyes that mirrored the darkness of the night, a malevolent smile revealing fangs stained with the crimson essence of the unspeakable.

In his hand, a grotesque trophy: the severed head of her beloved husband. Time seemed to warp as her scream reverberated through the desolate farmland, joining the chorus of eerie whispers and cawing crows. The woman's world spiraled into a nightmarish realm, where the line between reality and the macabre blurred.

The swarm of crows above, witnesses to this dreadful spectacle, seemed to revel in the horror that unfolded below. The moon, obscured by a shroud of dread, bore silent witness to the woman's demise in the unholy embrace of the farmland's shadows.

As her anguished cries faded into the night, the ominous symphony persisted, enveloping the farmland in an unsettling aura. The crows dispersed, leaving behind an emptiness that echoed with the haunting memories of a night tainted by malevolent forces. The farmland, once a haven of tranquility, now stood as a testament to the horrors that lurked in the shadows of the unknown.



Under the cloak of the darkest night, a malevolent presence descended upon the tranquil village of Nür. The air grew thick with an otherworldly tension as a shadowy figure approached, its silhouette haunting the moonlit streets. Whispers of fear cascaded through the village, awakening a primal terror in the hearts of its unsuspecting inhabitants.

The first sign of the approaching nightmare manifested as an unsettling chill that swept through the village, a harbinger of impending doom. The flickering candlelight in the modest homes of Nür seemed to waver in response to the encroaching darkness, as if the very flames sought refuge from the impending malevolence.

A sudden gust of wind carried with it an eerie symphony — a mournful howl that seemed to emanate from the shadows themselves. The village dogs, usually vigilant guardians, cowered in fear, their whimpering adding a disconcerting layer to the ominous atmosphere.

The vampire, a sinister figure draped in a cloak of shadows, materialized on the outskirts of Nür. Its eyes, ablaze with an unholy hunger, scanned the village with a predatory intensity. As it stepped into the moonlight, revealing its ghastly visage, the villagers caught a glimpse of their nemesis — a creature neither living nor dead, but a nightmarish fusion of both.

The vampire, claiming dominion over the land with an air of arrogance, descended upon the village square. Its footsteps echoed with a macabre rhythm, each step sending ripples of dread through the hearts of those who dared to peer from behind their barricaded doors.

The first victim was claimed in an instant, a villager who had been unable to conceal the fear that gripped them. The vampire's claws, elongated and razor-sharp, tore through the air with unparalleled speed, leaving a trail of crimson in its wake. A scream, a guttural plea for mercy, hung in the air for a fleeting moment before being swallowed by the abyss.

The village square transformed into a grotesque stage, bathed in the sanguine hues of the vampire's insatiable thirst. Panic and chaos ensued as the creature moved with supernatural agility, its victims powerless against the malevolent force that had descended upon their once-peaceful abode.

As the vampire continued its relentless onslaught, a ghastly symphony of terror unfolded. The air resonated with the symphony of tortured screams, pleas for salvation, and the grotesque feast that echoed through the desecrated village. Houses once filled with warmth and laughter now bore witness to unspeakable horrors.

The vampire's voice, a chilling whisper that seemed to emanate from the very shadows, proclaimed dominion over Nür. It spoke of ancient pacts and a twisted claim to the souls of the villagers. Each word, laced with malice, echoed through the forsaken streets, sending shivers down the spines of those who still clung to life.

In the midst of the macabre tableau, the once-thriving village of Nür became a nightmarish realm. The vampire, reveling in the grotesque tapestry of suffering it had woven, stood as a dark sovereign, presiding over the desolation it had wrought. The moon, a silent witness to the horrors that unfolded below, cast an indifferent gaze upon the unholy carnage, marking the village of Nür as a tragic testament to the malevolent power that had claimed it for its own.

Lazarus, perched upon the back of the trembling villager, reveled in the perverse dance of power he had initiated. The man, his face contorted with terror, could feel the cold touch of the vampire's fingers on his skin as Lazarus leaned in, whispering with a voice that seemed to echo from the abyss.

"You, dear messenger, are the harbinger of my dominion," Lazarus mused, a wicked glint in his blood-red eyes. "I offer you a chance to serve, to become the voice that echoes my will through the town of Prius."

The man, paralyzed by fear and the weight of the vampire upon him, stammered, "P-please, spare me. I-I will do as you command, but have mercy on my family!"

Lazarus chuckled, the sound sending shivers down the man's spine. "Ah, the desperation of mortals. I shall spare your life, for now. Consider it a reward for your compliance. Now, listen closely."

As Lazarus laid out his demands, the man's eyes widened with each ominous revelation. The vampire's message was a decree of terror and submission, a dark pact that sought to extend the tendrils of his influence beyond the desolation of Nür.

"You will tell the people of Prius that Nür now belongs to me, Lazarus, the rightful master of this land," Lazarus commanded, his voice commanding absolute authority. "Inform them that, to maintain their fragile peace, they must offer me a sacrifice – a living vessel – every full moon. Failure to comply will invite the wrath of darkness upon their quaint town."

The villager, now burdened with the weight of a malevolent proclamation, nodded fervently, his mind grappling with the horror of the message he was tasked to deliver. "I-I will tell them, my lord. Please, spare my family. I beg of you!"

Lazarus, amused by the man's desperation, leaned in closer. "Your family's fate depends on your success as my messenger. Fail me, and their blood will stain the soil of Nür. Succeed, and perhaps, just perhaps, I will grant them clemency."

With that ominous promise hanging in the air, Lazarus gracefully dismounted from the villager's back. The man, released from the vampire's chilling grip, stumbled forward, grappling with the weight of his newfound burden.

As the moon cast an ethereal glow upon the accursed village, Lazarus watched with a predatory gaze. The villager, now a pawn in the vampire's twisted game, would embark on a journey to Prius, bearing the message that would forever alter the destiny of both towns. The malevolent alliance between Lazarus and his unwilling messenger had been forged in the crucible of fear and darkness, setting in motion a macabre symphony that would resonate through the nights to come.