
Death God's System

You do not trust a man who has nothing to lose. Jester, the god of death and misery goes back in time to take revenge against his previous reincarnation. Keiren Astaroth finds himself at death's door, forced to pay for sins he did not commit. The seven races fought for a throne, the highest seat in the universe. Trapped in the future, Keiren must live as Caedes Volkov, someone the 7 races want dead. If that wasn't enough? Keiren Astaroth was the son of Ifrit, the first primordial. He was the rightful heir to what Jester was essentially stripped of. The Forgotten Throne. *** The ML will not just wake up and be oh so the devourer of worlds or anything as such. So please don't expect him to get his powers in the starting chapters. He'll grow, develop, and only then will he realize his purpose in the world. The purpose of Caedes Volkov. Would request the readers to read the first 10 chapters before dropping the book since the main story starts at chapter 8 itself. The first 7 chapters are the prologue and just an overview about the world. [Webnovel Spirity Awards 2024 Entry] 15 Power stones = 1 bonus chapter The cover is not mine, if the owner wants, I'll remove it.

bearateme_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


The girl made herself comfortable. She sat on a sofa nearby, one of the tentacles behind her moving towards the kitchen.

"I am called Sara, the last princess of the Kraken race. You?" Completely ignoring the fact that they had been at each other's throat just a while ago, she asked.

"My name is Caedes, someone you just tried to kill and also someone, who is now your master," Caedes said, a smirk on his face.

The girl stood up abruptly, her hair covering most of her face.

"H-hey! What are you doing? I was just kidding. I am sorry? N-No no don't come near me or I'll run!" Caedes stuttered, stepping away from the girl subconsciously.

A few moments later, a boy could be seen standing with the support of a door. Sara was standing in front of him. She raised her head, letting the boy take in the sadistic expressions he had given birth to.

Moving her hand towards the boy, she grasped his neck while dragging him outside.

Deep inside this abysmal ocean, in the shadows of the night, a boy had been buried alive as he kept on struggling and screaming his lungs out.

In front of the grave was a young lady, having fun at the miseries of the boy, a scene so beautiful yet scary…

It was better to die than to be tortured like this, unfortunately though… Death was that dream in his life which couldn't be fulfilled.


The boy struggled for a long time, trying to get himself out of the grave. He felt his surroundings change as a darkness darker than black consumed his body, it seemed that the 24 hours had been over.

Opening his eyelids, Caedes could see Sara already kneeling beside him while a black shadow loomed over them.

"W-who ar-are you?" Caedes stuttered as he struggled to move back.

"I am what you people call the administrator. The one who gives you the destined name of yours in this Ancient god's realm."

"Name? Uhh, I have seen a lot of people who use weird names to address themselves… Is this related to it?" Caedes thought while taking a glance at the girl.

"What name did you get?"

"I got the name Valery."

Caedes nodded, thinking deeply about how a new name would benefit from hiding his identity.

"I am sure the news would have spread in Egypt and all the children would have also returned.

People think that I am dead and it should be kept that way, I can't have people know about me being alive or God knows what experiments they may do with my body." Caedes grumbled as he thought of what name he would receive.

His glance moved towards the orb in the shadows disfigured hands.

The shadow, as if reading his thoughts, nodded while adding, "This orb helps me find the name you are destined to and your bloodline type.

It loosened its grasp on the orb when it flew over to Caedes. As if feeling an instinctive urge to touch it, he grasped the orb with his two hands while observing it carefully.

"Vas." The administrator voiced out, his eyes turning into pinholes.

"Is something the matter?" Sara asked, noticing the slight tremble of the shadow's voice.

"Umm, no! It's just that the simpler and smaller a person's name, the greater he is destined to be." The shadow hurriedly said, trying to hide something that the girl couldn't point out.

Turning into a streak of light, the administrator retreated a few steps, its actions more wary. The being looked at the two and explained, "Now that you two have been bestowed your given name, let me tell you about the things that determine one's status in this realm.

 However, before that, there is another thing I have to explain to you two. Path—"


Questioned Caedes

"Yes, path. Due to the number of ways in which an individual can awaken their bloodline, the World Government introduced a different categorisation method. Based on the element your gift or bloodline power relies on, you're given a path. There are different types of paths such as lightning paths, fire paths or storm paths. Obviously, every bloodline has different requirements to be further awakened. Within these paths are different types of attainment with which you are given titles, status etc.

The shadow's hands seemingly moved as a black bracelet appeared on the two's wrists.

"You could think of it like the so-called mobiles the mortals of your realm use. Also, you could later change the shape of this bracelet. I call it the 'system'.

Just as it finished speaking, the shadow burst into nothingness.

"That man's weird." Sara couldn't help but mutter.

At the sudden offset of a cold breeze, the two glanced at the appearance of a portal just a few dozen steps ahead of them.

They glanced at each other while thinking of what to do,

"What is your goal?"

"Huh?" Surprised at the sudden question of Sara, Caedes replied without thinking

"I..haven't really thought about it."

"Hm...My primary goal and duty as the last princess of the Kraken's is to continue our bloodline but I also want to prove to the world that my race is more than just some mindless octopus." Although Sara said the last part jokingly, she really wanted to gain some faith for her bloodline before she actually settled down or tried to find a mate- It was disgusting how the humans forgot their existence in just about a 'few thousand years.'

"I will go with you for the time being while we can later decide on how exactly we wish to cooperate." The 15-year-old Kraken said.

Although they didn't want to be together, both of them agreed that going together was the safest option as they had never entered the Ancient God's realm.

Nearing the portal, the two walked right through it, finding themselves moving inside a massive tunnel made of several colored lines following them.

It was good that they did not know what future held. After all, if you knew your future meant certain death, Would you still dare to live it?


Ps: Many new characters will be introduced soon and I would love it if you all- My dear readers could give me some ideas. It could be a name you really like or even a super power you would like a character to have.

