
Chapter 2 The Start

After accepting her challenge the room started to spin and my vision faded to black, before I could panic a screen popped up.

[Welcome to The war between Gods

You have been chosen by the Death God to be one of her chosen

Do you accept?]


[Please choose one of the races under the Death God's domain to start and your class]






"Lich and my class will be necromancer."

[Thank you for your choice

You may now pick ten units to accompany you to the tutorial

Please note all units will be tier 0 but like the chosen can evolve if the conditions are met]

Let's see what do I need. I plan to be a backliner through and through so I need some meat shields. Some scouts will be helpful as well.

"I want two skeletal wolves, two zombie trolls, two vampires, two specters, and two liches."

The wolves and specters can be my scouts, the zombie trolls my meat shields, the vampires should be somewhat helpful all around, and finally the liches should be able to help me create more undead. Now I just have to hope that these guys at tier 0 aren't total let downs.

[System will now explain the tutorial

Will you listen?

Or skip?]


[The tutorial is to help the user get accustomed to his new body and controlling his new units. The tutorial will take place on an island, on each island will be four chosen from different gods. After a month a battle will take place and the last one standing will get a reward, the three defeated chosen will be reset to level 1 as will all their units.]

[Does host wish to learn about levels, tiers, and evolutions?]

Of course I do, I wonder how many idiots choose to skip.


[To start there is eleven tiers going from zero to ten. Within each tier are levels that will tell the user how close to the next tier he is. To gain levels you can kill other creatures, Practice certain skills such as blacksmithing, tailoring, research, and other none battle related skills. When units or the host tiers up there is a choice to evolve into a higher tiered being. For example a tier 0 skeleton can evolve into a tier 1 skeletal warrior or tier 1 skeletal mage depending on it's potential.]

[Does host have any other questions before tutoria begins?]

"If I gain more units in the tutorial can I bring them out at the end into the actual game?"

[If host wins the last battle. Anything else?]

"Nope let's get this started."

[Commencing tutorial





I opened my eyes to find myself on a beach in the middle of the night, I sit up and take in my surroundings. I jump at the sight of a two meter tall monster to my right, it took me a second to remember what happened. After composing myself I look around and find all my units, the two skeletal wolves were both about 70 centimeters tall and 150 centimeters long. They had pale white bones and pale blue fire in their eye sockets. The two meter tall monster was one of two zombie trolls, they both stood at two meters and had a thick build. They had a pasty green coloured skin and a smell of rot around them. The vampires looked like regular humans except they had bright red eyes and fangs if you looked close enough, one was a female and the other was a male. The female was around 160 centimeters tall with blonde hair and decent curves, especially up top. The male was around 180 centimeters and had a thin athletic look to him with short black hair. The two liches had grey robes covering them with only their green eyes shining from under their hood. They seemed to be around 150 centimeters tall with a thin build. Finally the specters, well they looked like blue ghosts. They seemed to just float there waiting for my command.

I go over to the water and look at what my appearance had changed to, wasn't as bad as I feared. I still had the same overall look as I did before I died, a few changes though. To start with my skin turned grey and my eyes turned bright green that had a shine to them. I used to be 190 centimeters but based on everyone around me I'm probably closer to 150 now. I should be able to check my stats right. To answer my thought a window popped up.

[Name: Damien Wolf

Race: Lich

Class: Necromancer (Apprentice)

Tier: 0

Level: 1/10

Skills: Raise dead (1), Soul magic (1), Death magic (1), Command (1), Research (1)]

Huh, doesn't tell me much, at least I have a decent amount of skills. Can I get some explanations on the skills?

[Raise dead (1)

Death magic spell. Allows caster to raise the dead into an undead unit. Type of unit depends on body used and casters proficiency levels.]

[Soul magic (1)

Control over the soul through magic manipulation. Can be used to control the living or the dead if the casters level is high enough. Also gives passive soul defense based on proficiency.]

[Death magic (1)

Control over the death type magic element. Death magic has many sub branches such as darkness, and curses. Found near recent dead bodies, battlefields, cemeteries, and dark places. Proficiency in death magic gives bonuses to all death magic spells and death magic sub branches.]

[Command (1)

Allows user to command units more efficiently and gain a certain amount of experience based on units kills. Effects based on level.]

[Research (1)

Allows user to have increased efficiency in the research of new spells and skill. Able to gain experience based on success of research. Effects based on level.]

Well now that is figured out what should my next step be, the vampires will die to direct sunlight so finding a base of operations should be at the top of my list.

"Specters look for any life in the surrounding areas, wolves look for caves or other types of shelter. Vampires go hunt for your food, if there is any large groups of animals or creatures be sure to report it. Trolls knock down some of the smaller trees for now."

With that almost everyone had a job, I used the liches to give me some introductory knowledge of magic in the meantime. Based on where the moon is I would say it's around eleven so we have a few hours before sun up. Based on the teachings of the liches, who are only tier 0 apprentices like me, most undead wont out right die under sunlight just weaken. In that case it should be fine as long as the vampires aren't out in the sun.

After about two or three hours the vampires were back with some signs of a struggle based on their red mouths and torn clothes. The female came to report to me.

"Master, we have found a pack of gremlins an hour into the forest. There isn't many and we have dined on their watchmen, shall we attack the tribe."

Humm, that could be a good test for their combat abilities and a way to level up.

"How many gremlins would you say there is?"

"No more then twenty Master."

"Good, we set out. Trolls grab a decent size tree to use as a club for yourselves, vampires lead the way."

As we head over the wolves and specters also meet up with us, the specters found a few different small tribes on about the same scale as the gremlin's. The two wolves found two different caves we could use as well.

It may have only taken the vampires an hour but with the large zombie trolls with us it took nearly two hours, by the time we got to the gremlin's village it was nearly day break. Thinking after we were done the vampires could use the simple huts as shelters, even if we had to do some modifications afterword I wasn't too worried.

The undead aren't really the type of units for tactics so I simple use the straight forward method. The zombie trolls went in first causing chaos in the sleepy village with there small tree clubs destroying anything in their path. The vampires and skeletal wolves finished off any stragglers on the edges and the liches provided support with their simple darkness spells. The Specters didn't really do much just cause fear but that's fine in this simple battle. I stood at the back and gave out simple commands.

Gremlins look like scaly goblins from most stories or games, they were about the height of a small child with green wrinkly skin and patches of thin hairs all over their bodies. Their heads looked kinda squashed on their bodies and had long pointed ears. They had shrill voices or at least screams. The trolls could kill in one hit if it landed and the the vampires and wolves had no problems cleaning up the leftovers.

After the battle I took note that I raised a level and smiled at the easy experience. I had the vampires bury themselves in the ground because of lack of time. As the sun started to rise the first night of the tutorial finished on a bloody not, I looked at all the bodies and smiled at my new practice materials.