
Chapter 1 Choice

What really happens when you die? I always hoped for reincarnation, some world where I could have a chance to become strong, get girls, and have adventures. I lived for 21 years on earth before dying in a car crash. As the light faded from my eyes I thought of my regrets throughout life, the girl I wish I had not taken for granted, the brothers who I couldn't take care of anymore, and finally not being able to fulfill my parents hopes and dreams. On my face a single tear rolled from my eye as I finally breathed my last breath on this world.

I reopened my eyes thinking it all must have been a dream, I couldn't have died right?

"Sorry about your luck but you're deader than a doorknob."

Huh? I look around but no ones there, wait where am I. I see nothing but darkness, am I blind.

"No your not blind, simply dead. Your soul is currently in my domain, wait a moment."

With a flash an old styled room came into sight, my mind went dazed and I realized I could move. Looking at my body it seemed to be fine, as I was checking myself out a woman appeared on one of the chairs. She seemed to look around my age with dark purple hair and fair white skin that almost seemed to pale. She looked at me with her bright purple eyes and smiled, causing the rest of the room to almost fade away by her beauty.

"Please have a seat, I will explain everything to you."

Motioning me to sit across from here my body moves before I even think of saying no. After sitting down a pot of tea and two cups appeared, she proceeded to pour us a glass.

"For starters my name is Death, well I guess that's what everyone call me anyways. Feel free to call me Violet. I already know who you are Damion, I have watched over your life for sometime actually. It was a shame how you died in such a tragic accident. Please just listen to what I have to say for now ok?"

I nod while trying to understand everything she is saying. She smiles again and continues.

"Ok to start off I should give you some information about the afterlife. First all souls will be cataloged after death and entered into a database of sorts for the gods, we use this database to access certain people that we find interesting and use them in our games. Now please realize that this is purely voluntary and no god forces anyone into entering these games against their will. If you refuse you simple wait for a few decades before reincarnating into a different body with all your memories erased. If however you chose to participate in these games and bring victory to your god you will have a few rewards to choose from, money, fame, women, and so much more could be yours. If your defeated however your soul will be destroyed so please use caution in your choice."

Looking to make sure I was still following before she continued.

"Good now to explain the game we gods play. It's simple really, we choose several people to lead our given races on different worlds that are created for the purpose of battles between gods. Each god has a race or races under their rule, a race could even have several gods. Now our races are just as important as the gods themselves because a gods power comes from the race they rule, in turn the god helps empower the race. The game is a way for gods to gain power but also have the possibility to lose power. The races under my own rule could be considered every type of undead creature, such as skeletons, zombies, vampires, etc. The reason I have summoned you here after your death is because I wish for you to be one of the chosen in the new game that will commence soon."

At that point I had to cut her off, I could follow what she said but I have a few questions that needed answers.

"Ok I can understand almost all of that, I just have three questions. One why did you follow me throughout my life, two was my death truly an accident, and three why me?"

She proceeded to have a thoughtful face almost seeming to try and pick the right answers.

"Well I followed your life because you showed promise to become my chosen. You were always curious, quick to pick up on things, had a knack for leading others, and no matter what happened in your life you never gave up. As for your second question I can honestly saw it was an accident, gods have no direct control over earth so it would be impossible in most cases to cause a death. The first question kinda answered your last question but I should also tell you a few things. Firstly even though the goddess of death sounds really important and powerfully I'm actually one of the weakest gods. My races have a lot of potential later on but in the early phases they can be quite weak, the other races usually take advantage of that and wipe out my forces early on. In fact I could lose my god status soon if I don't win this upcoming game. I need you to be one of my chosen because I have watched your potential grow throughout your life and just know you could be the one to lead me to glory."

With that the goddess of death bowed to me and requested my help.

"Tell me more about the game first, how the winner is determined, what do I need to do, and what do I start off with. After that I'll let you know my answer."

"The game could kinda be considered a conquest type game, basically it is a battle royal until only one god or race in certain situations has control of that world. These games could take a few years to a few centuries to finish. In the game you simply need to create a kingdom of undead and wipe out the other god's races until none are left. You start off as one of my race's chosen person, you get to choose your race because i rule more than one, your class, and ten subornants to accompany you."

She then handed me a small booklet.

"Here is all my different races you could become and control."

She had a hopeful smile on her face as she watched me take the booklet. As I started to read through it a couple thoughts raced around my head. After about halfway through I noticed something and I started to just skim through the book, after going to the end I put the book down and stared at Violet. My stare seemed to make her uncomfortable until finally she couldn't take it anymore.

"cough… ugh, why are you staring at me like that?"

"Why are all your undead based off humans?"

"What do you mean?"

"This booklet has nothing but human undead variations, is there another death god?"

She started to shake her head.

"No, no I'm the only one."

"Then where are the zombie trolls, skeletal wolves, vampiric elves, anything besides human variations?"

The look on her face made me want to pinch her cheeks, it had a pounder but at the same time pout. Almost like you made a grade one explain math, he doesn't want to but he now has to. Suddenly her face lit up.

"Because no one thought of it before I've only ever used human undead variations."

She had this simple smile on her face and looked proud of that answer, at that moment the death god had my pity.

"Hey why are you looking at me like that!"

"It doesn't matter, can you give me other undead or only human variations?"

"Like I said you can have whatever undead you want to start with you, but you have to be a human variation."

Well that expand my options, whatever not like I want to lose my memories of my family. Let's become an undead.

"Ok, I will help you but if I win I don't want any of that other stuff."

"What do you want?"

"If I win and save your godhood I get you and half your goodhood."


"Why not if you lose don't you lose your godhood anyways, besides even if I win this round you would probably just lose more in the future. Wouldn't it be better to have a dependable partner?"

She started to have that look again, I'm doing everything I can to not pinch her cheeks.

"Fine, Damien Wolf bring me victory a d alo your conditions will be meet I swear this on my God's domain."

With that I became the Death God's Chosen.

Start of a new journey, if you enjoy this try my other novel Evo Wars System


Wolfhuntrecreators' thoughts