
Death Game Dating System

"Congratulations, you have been chosen as host of the Doki Doki Dating System!" He was someone who could barely talk to a woman, but then he suddenly received a dating system. Did that mean his life would change? But why don't these girls seem like they're from a dating system? Will he be able to escape with his life? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 250 Power Stones per extra chapter each week, capped at 5 extra chapters per week! Please also check out my other books: Cultivation Pet Shop and With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods!

DXHaseoXD · Urban
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99 Chs

Chapter 14: Hiding in the toilet

With the same flash of light as all those other times before, Lin Fan disappeared from the room.

When the light slowly dissipated before disappearing, Lin Fan found himself back in the lobby where he had saved.

In front of him were the same three options, but there was a difference this time. The first option was completely blacked out and it didn't seem like Lin Fan could choose it at all.

Well, there was no chance that Lin Fan would choose it again since he already knew where it led him. It led him straight to his death.

Perhaps he might have been able to find some more information, but it was clear that the last person would have taken him captive no matter what had happened since Lin Fan didn't ever notice that person until it was too late. It was almost as if that person didn't exist until Lin Fan had appeared in that room.

Since that was the case, it was time for Lin Fan to move on.

He had learned to accept the possibility of death, but then again, he didn't die this time. He had been able to use the load function before dying.

This was the part of Lin Fan that had slowly grown.

He knew that these load chances were precious life saving graces, but they were also powerful tools if he used them right. With these loads, he was able to go where he wanted and gather as much information as possible, information that would be impossible to gather if he was afraid of losing his life.

Not being afraid of death allowed Lin Fan to go where no others dared to go, which was his greatest advantage.

That information would save his life when the time came when he ran out of loads, which was what was the most important thing.

So Lin Fan was no longer stingy with his loads, he wanted to use them in the beginning to gather as much information as he could. Once he had gathered enough information, he would save one or two of those loads for when he was in danger, but before then, there was no point in saving them.

"The host has been loaded from the last save point."

"Load complete. Loads remaining: 4/5."

When Lin Fan came back to his senses, the first thing he did was look over the options that he had left and neither of them seemed to be any good to him. However, he had seen all the help the system had given him before, so there was no reason for him to doubt it just yet. One of these choices was probably the right one and he had just been wrong earlier.

So Lin Fan went down the list and went with the second choice, karaoke.

This building was filled with various entertainment businesses and the karaoke bar that the system led him to was on the fifth floor, just like the vent that he had gone into.

This time, he didn't go to that bathroom and headed to the karaoke bar that was at the end of the hall, which was rather empty at this time. But then again, it was the middle of the morning, so there wouldn't be many people that came here in the first place.

When Lin Fan came in, there was a group at the counter that seemed to be arguing with the manager.

"Why aren't you letting us in?" The leader of the group, a young man with red hair, was the one who said this.

The manager had his head slightly bowed as he said, "We can't give you that room sir, it's a room for six people and you only have five people in your party. I'm very sorry sir, but this is part of our policy."

The red haired young man said, "And I've said it before, policy is dead and people are alive. Anything can be changed in this world, not to mention that I've said that I'm willing to pay double for it."

On the side, the girl who was clinging to his arm pouted her lip and said, "What's taking so long? I want to go in there and have some fun already." After saying this, she didn't forget to lean forward to give the red haired young man a view and give him a wink.

The red haired young man became even more energetic after this and said, "Alright, I'll give you three times the amount, give me that room right now."

But the manager still had his head down as he said, "I'm sorry, I really can't sir."

The red haired young man was about to lose his temper, but then he saw Lin Fan at the entrance looking over. When he saw Lin Fan, he immediately revealed a smile and came over to him, putting his arm around his shoulder as he brought Lin Fan over to the counter.

Once he was back, he said, "Alright, our friend is here now, so how about it? Can you give us that room?"

The manager was surprised when he heard this, but then he looked at Lin Fan and said, "Sir, are you really with them?"

Lin Fan was surprised at being suddenly dragged into this, but then the system gave him his answer.

Lin Fan nodded and said, "Yes, I'm with them."

The manager had a difficult look on his face, but then he gave up and said, "Alright, please follow me to your room."

He led them into the back and came up to a special room with the gold number plate on it, as well as a golden plate that said VIP on it. This was the special VIP room 1.

He had them settled and brought them their drinks before heading out of the room.

Once he was gone, no one made a move until they were sure he was gone.

But once they were sure he was gone, it was like they had completely changed.

The red haired young man stood up and came over to Lin Fan before saying, "Brother, thank you for helping us, but you shouldn't stay here. I'll owe you a favour." Then he took out a card and said, "Use this card to find me and I'll pay you back this favour one day."

Once he finished speaking, he began pushing Lin Fan out of the room.

Lin Fan didn't fight against it since he was stunned by the contents of the card.

This card told him that this red haired young man was Yan Luo, the young master of the Yasha Family.

While this would have no meaning for normal people, this was a name that Lin Fan had seen before. However, he didn't see it in a normal place, it was a very strange place that he had seen this name.

It was on the status screen of the man who had been tied up in the room.

The man had been a part of the Yasha Family and he was caught in this building, which meant that the enemy that Liu Yue's father wanted to deal with was the boss of the Yasha Family.

Lin Fan had no idea why the young master of the Yasha Family was here, but this was also an important clue for him. If he were to use the Yasha Family to deal with Liu Yue's father, it would be much easier for him.

But he couldn't just go back in right now, it was clear that the young master of the Yasha Family was doing something. It was something that he even insisted on getting this room for, so he must have his own plan. It wasn't Lin Fan's place to interfere for now.

So Lin Fan decided to head off to the washroom for now and wait it out.

Lin Fan went back to the same washroom he had gone to when he went into the vent, but this time he didn't go up. Rather Lin Fan went into one of the stalls and started sorting through the information that he had.

But during this time, there were two people who came in.

Lin Fan couldn't see them, but based on how they talked, it was clear that they were gangsters.

But that wasn't important, what was important was what they were talking about.

"Did you hear about the boss' plan? We're going to raid that warehouse tonight. I can't wait to finally take care of those b*stards."

"But how did the boss get this information? Do you know?"

"You don't have to worry about how the boss got this information. It's not our job to think, we just provide the muscle."

"Ha, ha, well that's right."

After this, the two of them walked out of the washroom teasing each other.

For any normal person, they wouldn't have thought anything of this conversation, but it was different for Lin Fan since he knew that inside story.

It seemed like everything was related to this warehouse, or at least that's what the system seemed to be telling him.

Lin Fan came out of his stall and muttered, "But where is this warehouse?"

Lin Fan was about to head out too, but then there was a clicking sound that came from behind him.

When he turned around, he saw the same muzzle of the same gun as before. It was even the same person pointing the gun at him.

That person said, "It seems like we have a little rat running around. How about you and I take a little walk?"

Lin Fan revealed a bitter smile when he heard this. He knew where this was going, so he simply said, "Load."

Walkers are slow and loud, how do they sneak up on people?

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