

The next day….

The Hyuga clan was having a clan meeting today. Akira was standing beside his father Hirose. Everyone who was present in the clan meeting had a gloomy expression on their face. Even though the nine-tail attack happened far away from the Hyuga clan, there were still ninjas of the Hyuga clan who was on duty outside. Among them, three people had died last night and one had gone missing. The missing person was Kudo, who was Akira's big brother.

Everyone knew that Kudo would be already dead, but no one said it out loud for fear of Hirose. Akira looked at his father who was having a hard time controlling his emotion. Hirose had personally gone and checked all the emergency shelters made for the survivors, he also went and checked the hospital, but he was unable to find any trace of his son Kudo. Suddenly the clan leader breaks the silence and spoke.

"Hirose, truth is always hard to accept, but no matter what you must have the courage to face the truth and accept it. Your son Kudo may have already….."

Before the clan leader could finish talking Hirose interrupted him and said,

"No, my son can't be dead, I already lost my wife I can't bear to lose my son too", Hirose broke down in tears. This was the first time Akira saw Hirose cry. Even when Hirose heard about his wife's death he hadn't cried, but now this grown-ass man was crying like a little baby. Akira also understood that Hirose was having an emotional breakdown. No matter how much a person is said to be emotionless, at the end of the day that person is still a human, and human beings will have emotions. Hiashi sighed and said to Hizashi who was beside him,

"Take Hirose back to his house, Akira you also go with your father and try to console him"

"I will try it clan leader", Akira replied with a sad expression. Akira also wanted to cry to make his act look flow less, but no matter how hard he tried the best he could do was form a single tear from his eyes. When Akira was a baby it was really easy to cry but as he grow up it become harder and harder for him to cry. But Akira was still able to show everyone that he was also sad, with his extremely gloomy expression.

But nobody criticized Akira for not crying about his brother's death, because this was the ninja world and in the ninja world it is believed that the more control a ninja has over their emotions the better that ninja was. So, Akira not crying and only having an extremely sad expression proved how good of a ninja he was.

Akira left the meeting hall with his crying father Hirose who was supported by Hizashi. The meeting still continued about how to arrange the funeral and how to compensate those who had lost their loved ones.

During this nine-tail attack, almost 120 people died and 23 were reported missing. Everyone thought that these missing people were either turned to meat paste by nine-tails foot or the nine-tails had eaten them. Still, nobody even doubts the five-year-old genius kid from the Hyuga clan named Akira.





In the hidden stone village. At the office of Tsuchikage

"Your talent is truly unrivaled in this entire shinobi world, becoming a Chunin at the age of five!!, even the so-called Kakashi of the Sharingan only become a Chunin at the age of six. If you keep progressing at this speed then you can even surpass me"

Onoki, the third Tsuchikage was praising a young girl at the age of five who had just been promoted to a chunin.

"It's all because I was trained by the third Tsuchikage himself". Yong Rika replied in a respectful tone.

"You are as humble as ever Rika. I only taught you how to use your dust release, Kekkei Tota. It was only because of your hard work and talent that you were able to achieve this feat. And you are one of the few ninjas who could use medical ninjutsu and are also good at fighting. Also, I told you to call me Grandpa when we are alone "

"of course, Grandpa", Rika replied.

Rika was also a member of the Kamizuru clan, which was also the same clan to which Onoki belong. Rika was also born with the same Kekkei Tota as Onoki, So Onoki took Rika as his student.

Since childhood, Rika was known as an unrivaled genius. Her growth speed was something that had never been seen in the Hidden Stone village. She was born with all the chakra natures and she also has a very high reserve of chakra. She was able to master almost all the Jutsu Onoki had.

Everyone thought that Rika was able to do this because of her unrivaled talent, but only Rika knew that it was because of a blessing she had gotten right before she was reincarnated.

Rika was a journalist named Diana in her previous life. She was a person who believes in justice and always want to bring truth to this world. In her previous world, she was determined to bring the young corrupted businessman named Michael to justice. At first, Diana thought that Michael would be easy to expose. But the more she researched about him the more she realised how absolutely evil Michael was. Human trafficking, illegal weapon manufacturing, smuggling, and supporting gangsters; were all part of the crimes done by Michael.

When she finally got some solid evidence against him, Michael directly comes to her and threatened her life. But her resolve was stronger, even if she had to die, she will expose the truth to the world. But unfortunately, she was one step late and was killed by the arrangement made by Michael.

Just when she thought everything was over, she suddenly saw a golden figure appear before her soul. This golden figure claimed to be the Goddess of fate. This goddess of fate was satisfied by the resolve of Diana. But Diana wasn't able to complete her fate, which was to defeat Michael. So, this Goddess granted her another chance.

"You are a person whose fate is linked to the man who will cause devastating destruction to this universe. Since you are fated to stand against him, I will grant you the ability named 'Instant learning'. Now go and save the life of innocents from the hands of that devil."

Diana still wasn't able to understand what the Goddess of Fate told her. But the next time Diana opened her eyes she was reincarnated as a baby in the hidden stone village.

Rika was now five years old. During these years she also understands what her 'Instant learning' ability was. This ability allows her to learn and use one ability from anyone she touches, the only drawback was in order to copy the ability she must touch the person continuously for ten seconds. Since she was from the same clan as Onoki she also had an opportunity to touch and copy Onoki's dust release. So, she was able to do dust release. This instant learning doesn't have any weaknesses like blood limit, If Riki touches anyone for 10 seconds then she will be able to use one of that person's abilities without any effort. In other words, if she touches someone with Rinnegan then she could even copy Rinnegan from that person.

This is also the reason why Riki chose to learn medical ninjutsu. Because while treating patients she could easily gain one of their abilities. She also learned that she wouldn't be able to copy another ability from the same person again, also every time she copy an ability her overall chakra reserves would also increase. She could even use the abilities she copied without the use of any hand signs.

But even after five years Rika doesn't know whom was she supposed to defeat in the Naruto world. But Rika was a smart woman, so she decided to wait till the enemy would reveal himself. If the enemy is as dangerous as the Goddess of Fate said then the moves made by him wouldn't go unnoticed by the five hidden villages. It would be that time when Rika would go and defeat him and save the shinobi world, until then she would slowly increase her strength to the maximum of her abilities.

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