
Death Emissary

I got nothing more than pain, I smile when I let it out

LaughingShadows · Fantasy
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7 Chs


It is already late Night, Haechi has been trying to remember what happened as he sat at a corner in the prison.

" what are you doing here?? Haechi asked as he noticed someone standing just right outside the prison.

" I am here to rescue you" the girl that was standing outside the prison door said, she was really beautiful with her black hair draping down her shoulders.

" You followed me back home, how many did I kill this time?? Haechi asked.

" you didn't kill any, come let's go" the girl said.

"Yuri, you know I won't really leave here if you don't tell me the truth, I am a Monster, I thought I have gotten control over myself but I haven't," Haechi said as he looked away from the girl while sitting where he sit.

"You didn't kill anyone, you where set up, you are not a monster, even if everyone thinks you are, to me you are not," the girl Haechi called Yuri said.

Haechi was really thinking of not going out but after hearing the setup part turned to look at Yuri

" I went to assassinate the police chief and heard him saying how he set you up" Yuri said as she looked away from Haechi trying not to look him in the eye.

"Why did you do that?? hope you didn't kill him," Haechi who has gotten up on hearing Yuri say she went to assassinate the chief asked as he hold Yuri on the shoulder.

" I didn't, I wanted to but I heard him discussing promotion for the guy that arrested you and the guy saying how you played in easy to the plans," Yuri said as she continue to look away from Haechi eyes.

" Good you didn't kill him, why did you want to kill him though?? Haechi asked as he released his hands from Yuri but Yuri didn't answer as she continued looking away.

"I won't be going with you if you don't tell me" Haechi said.

"I don't mind you always acting like I was not there, as much as I can be close to you and see you every day it is enough for me, even though you never for once look at me the same way you look at Asuka, I am willing to kill from the Chief to the least person that stands in my way just to get you out of here and keep following you around" Yuri said.

Hearing this Haechi can't help taking some steps back, maybe he was really more of a monster to Yuri, just remembering how they met and how he has always treated her till now even though knowing she has feelings for him really makes him feel bad.

"I am sorry Yuri" Haechi said as Yuri gave a wry smile.

"You don't have to be sorry, I don't think it is too late to reciprocate my feelings, I can actually wait for next five years, ten years or as much as I live" Yuri said a bit saddened.

"I am stupid, Let's go" Haechi said as he gave way for Yuri who opened the door.

" what did you do to the policemen that should be on night watch?" Haechi asked.

" I ordered my brother people to take them out, Maybe you don't know but my brother has people inside the police," Yuri said.

both Yuri and Haechi walked out of the police station with Haechi seeing one or two policemen sleeping on each corner of the police station, even Kenzuki was sleeping too.

on coming out, Haechi saw a face he did not wish to see, standing out was Asato, Yuri elder brother.

"Bro... Brother, what are you doing here," Yuri stuttered.

"Don't you think it is wrong for a girl to chase after a guy continuously even when he is clearly showing no interest," Yuri brother said as he directed his gaze at Yuri who bent her head not wanting to look him in the eye.

"Come let's go," Yuri brother said as he turned to enter an old model but still looking classic car.

Yuri hesitated a bit looking at Haechi for sometime before turning to follow up her brother.

"I don't know why my sister Love you, I would have really killed you a long time ago," Asato said as he entered the car .

"I will come find you after I am done, I promise " Haechi said to Yuri who was just giving him one last look with the car doors open.

"If you don't come find me, I will come find you," Yuri said with a forced smile as she entered the car.

"The car zoomed off as Haechi looked up at the starry sky before muttering to himself where should I start from.


on a well lit Mansion, Yuri tried moving directly to her room without waiting.

" I won't be letting you to go see him again " Yuri's brother voice Asato sounded from behind her.

Yuri paused for a bit, before walking inside.

"How was it, a woman walked out from one room in the house.

"I spoilt her a bit too much," This is the first time she is not getting something she wanted, go talk to her, she is my only but my Small little sis," Asato said as he touched the woman who was no other than Chisato his wife on the cheek before walking inside.


inside Yuri's room, she sat at a corner as tears drip down her eyes

"You really don't have to cry, your brother is only trying to protect you, You know Death Emissary is like a ticking explosive that can go off any moment," Chisato who just walked in said as she went close to Yuri sitting beside her.

" But I want to be with him, I really want to be with him, I must be with him, her is lonely, he is afraid of himself, he is afraid of hurting others, he puts up a smile but he is super lonely," Yuri said as she started to cry out.

seeing this, Chisato could only draw Yuri to her embrace as she gently touches her hair.

" I just don't know why he can't see how much he meant to you, maybe he has found out how much he meant to you but at the same time worried he might not stop feeling guilty if he ever hurt you," Chisato said.

"isn't there a way to cure the DEFECTIVE?" Yuri asked.

"I don't know if there is but there might be," Chisato said.

" I will go find it," Yuri said as she stood up to leave but saw two man on traditional Japanese styled clothes block her way.

Yuki turned to look at Chisato but then Chisato could only smile wryly.

"Your brother gave the order" Chisato said