
Death do us part

In a world filled with fantasy creatures. Mysteries, deaths and lies have soon curled into the world where the Gods once walked on. Monsters called Evil Souls have been wandering the Earth destroying everything in their path until guilds had been formed to slaughter all the Evil Souls and to protect humanity from the danger we face. But it wasn't enough. They have been getting stronger and more intelligent and only one person will be able to solve the mystery of their existence. Valerie Die Heart is a 19-year-old half Dragon, Half Demon who is the first of her kind to be born. For her whole life, she lived with luxury and happiness, drinking all night and partying. Until one night she finds the mysterious well her mother showed her years ago. But she didn't know that after making a wish her whole life would turn upside down after receiving one of the most powerful magic in the universe. After receiving her magic she finds out that her family had been in an accident and when rushing to find the answers she has been searching for. Her family was never in an accident. But they had been brutely murdered. Two years later she left her home to go to the capital and to find the answers to who killed her family and why. She will join the knights to become the most powerful and protect the people she loves from those monsters. Her guild is now her family and with the help of her new friends, they agree to find the mystery of the recent deaths and the magical power she possesses. Love is forming and her heart is now opening up to new men she never met and the danger of being in love straps her down. Yet nothing is going right. A dangerous cult came to the capital to resurrect a Dragon of annihilation that will eliminate creatures. The royal family is keeping a deadly secret, people are rioting on the streets, and the underground is unleashing a weapon to bring down the rich. Nothing is going right and the world must uncover their secrets for Valerie and her guild to save the world. Will Valerie save the world and find out all her secrets or will she become a slave to the people who want to kill her?

zoey_Jallaly · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

The death of three girls

"Why would Mira commit suicide?" I asked, staring at his trembling hands.

"Last night, Mira had a breakout. She started screaming and yelling at me for no reason at all. She said I didn't love her, and my heart was for someone else. I tried to tell her they were all lies, but she didn't listen to me, so I accidentally grabbed her by the wrist too hard, and now she has a bruise there" He felt ashamed of himself as he couldn't even look at me.

His eyes were lingering on the floor.

"I didn't know how bad it was. But you shouldn't have grabbed Mira. No matter how hectic the situation, you should never harm or touch a woman. But Mira was in the wrong as well. She shouldn't jump to conclusions, and she should have been rational about it," I spoke in a harsh tone of voice.

Both parties were in the wrong, but I felt sorry for both of them.

In front of others, they acted like a lovely couple, but behind the scenes, things were more complicated.

"I know, Valerie. I know.." He ran a hand through his hair, sighing deeply.

"If you want, I can talk to Mira. You and I have been friends since we were kids, so maybe she would understand if it came through me" I gave a soft smile.

He didn't dare to meet my eyes.

He was too busy thinking of the situation and Mira.

His future wife.

I grabbed the bowl of ice cream and placed it on his lap as he stared at it in confusion.

"Here, take this. It will help you with your depression" I hopped off the edge heading back into the lively party.

He grabbed my wrist before I could leave through the door.

"What do you think I should do..?" He begged to me as if he was about to go on his knees and plead for my answers.

I stared at those beautiful eyes of his.

And that elegant face he was able to keep for such a long time.

"See how things go on with Mira. If they aren't going well, then call off the wedding. But of course, if you do, it will ruin your diplomatic relations with the other side of her family. You need Mira to grow your kingdom stronger. So if I were you, I would fake the relationship even if it meant giving her my soul. But you better not take my words for granted. Because if I were you. I would fake her death after the marriage and find another woman much stronger than her. So I can keep Mira's family in check. And then I would plot a plan to take her kingdom and add it to mine and maybe even have a concubine" I hide the smile that formed on my face.

Never expect an answer like that from me, Prince Lucas.

He stared at me in utter shock as if I was able to come up with a perfect plan to have whatever I wanted.

Of course, I knew a lot of things about arranged marriage.

I deal with these sorts of things, and Prince Lucas wasn't dumb to ignore my suggestion.

"You became different after that crash. I can tell from the way you're looking at me right now. But God I feel like you really want Mira gone now" He chuckled under his breath.

"I don't mind, Mira. Just ask her to stop pretending she is the victim here. She is giving everyone the creeps" I headed back into the party to search for Eleena.

Sayna walked past me without hesitation, and Isla asked me where the bathroom was.

Everyone was busy with their own thing, but Eleena was nowhere to be seen.

I searched the whole temple but it was as if she had teleported to a different place.

Lords and ladies were laughing with their high-pitched voices, and children were popping the ballons as the adults told them off.

I knew many of the people here as they were old family relatives.

I took out my phone and checked the time for when I had to leave for the airport.

I only had 1 hour left, and all that time had been wasted on drinks and lounging around like a pig.

I felt bad for leaving Prince Lucas, but the whole situation got awkward, and I would rather leave than give him any more false hope.

But what surprised me was Mira herself, she never acted this way before.

And even if something had happened she would never show any emotion to make us suspicious of her.

I had to find out what happened because I knew there was more to it.

Clearly, Lucas wasn't telling me the right things I needed to know.

I sighed in exhaustion and entered a nearby restroom to calm myself down.

I couldn't bring any stress to me especially now that I'm about to leave.

I went into a free stall and locked the door, closed the lid of the toilet and sat down.

I grabbed my phone and went on the worldwide news.

I scrolled over every page and every content that could be found about the capital and its mysterious secrets.

My eyes were searching like a hawk, biting my lip so tightly that it turned white as snow.

Until I had finally found it.

"News today. The capital goes unsolved as murders begin to rise. Some say the devil is back. And others believe the Black Sheep will come from the shadows. Thousands of people all come together as the knights begin a new era of soldiers and how guilds are now becoming a popular thing. The Royals save millions of lives after helping another kingdom" All this news was full of trash.

Nothing of it was useful to me except for the Black Sheep part.

I knew the Black Sheep very well and I could contact him by the time I'm on the plane to ask about these mysterious murders.

But from his perspective, he wouldn't start killing people at this time of year.

If I can recall from our last meeting, he had told me how he would take a long break from all this mess to catch up on his life.

Indeed these murders weren't his doing and someone was starting to kill people again just like that day two years ago and how it affected many people.

The Black Sheep may be a murderer but they are a clever one at that.

I pressed my finger on the screen to find the description of these coming murders.

The screen was flashing its light in my face as I hurriedly went to find the source of all the mysteries.

Clearly, something wasn't right...

Three girls died in the past three weeks and each murder was one week apart.

One girl had blonde hair and blue eyes, one had brown hair and dark brown eyes and the last one had orange ombre hair yet the eye colour wasn't given in the description.

It seemed as if the murderer didn't have a specific type of woman they wanted to kill but the only link I could find was that all the women had healthy bodies and long thick hair.

The blonde hair woman was called: Arya Jones

The brown hair woman was called: Reneta Rosemary

The orange ombre hair woman was called: Serena Malor

I clicked on the search bar to find who each of these victims truly was.

Arya Jones

Age: 18

Creature: Siren

Description: She is a woman of high nobility. Her father owns House Valimore and was recently known for going to clubs without her parent's permission. She usually buys things from the dark market and has connections to many suspicious people. She works as a publicist for rich people and was last seen with Andrew Belaton.

Renata Rosemary

Age: 17

Creature: Nature Elf

Description: Reneta is part of House Tylon and was recently known for helping people and being kind to others. She has helped the sick by building a new hospital around each area of poverty. She wasn't as smart as her other siblings but some people say that she has darker secrets that she kept hidden in her diary. She was a suspicious person but her personality doesn't make it seem as if it was true. She works as a groundskeeper for the rich nobility. She was last seen with Andrew Belaton.

Serena Malor

Age: 19

Creature: Eastern Dragon, ???

Description: ???

Everyone's description is all over the place...

Serena is non-existent as if she erased herself from society.

The only thing we can connect is that each of them was only one year apart and the murderer wasn't into older people.

Each woman was part of a wealthy house in the capital but Serena's description couldn't tell me anything.

But there was one thing for sure.

Andrew Belaton was with both of the victims just before their murder.

Yet recently Andrew was ruled out of the case which meant he wasn't a part of the murders.

But even if he wasn't the murderer he had to know something about these two women and maybe if I could get into contact with him I could ask all these questions.

I begged over and over again that these murders weren't the same as my family's.

Because if it was.

Then the murderer was back.

And they will have a hard time picking their next victim because I was coming for them.

For all those innocent lives they had taken from me and all of the other families.

I gripped the phone tightly in my hand clenching my jaw as I could feel my heart hammer in my chest.

My head was spinning like a wheel as anger crashed into me.

"Did you hear? Arya is finally gone!".

My head quickly looked up as a voice was heard in the restroom.

They didn't know I was here...

"I know right? Arya was such a bich. I am so happy she is finally gone. Maybe we should praise that murderer for coming after her" A woman with a high-pitched voice chuckled a disgusting laugh.

"Shh! What if someone overhears us!" There was also another woman with an elegant voice as if she was a posh lady.

I peeked through the crack of the door staring at the two women doing their makeup in front of the mirror.

The high-pitched woman was an Oni with red skin.

And the elegant woman was a Vampire.

Of course, it had to be those creatures.

No one trusted Oni's, especially the rich ones.

They were known for being too dangerous and evil for someone to even trust them or have them in their homes.

When I was just a little girl.

I played in the park with a small Oni girl with blue skin and once my parents arrived to pick me up they ran to me and held me in their arms as a servant grabbed the Oni by the ear and slapped her five times in the face.

In society today if an Oni was with a person of high nobility or was even associated with one, they would be slapped in the face five times for their forgiveness.

You can say it all began when the Oni of a powerful army murdered millions of innocent lives thousands of years ago.

"I don't care if someone overhears us. Arya was just a stupid girl who no one liked. I bet her boyfriend is jumping up and down by now after hearing the news" The Oni giggled.

"You mean Derek..? Doesn't he love her?" The Vampire asked.

"Of course not. I slept with him a couple of times just to make her jealous. But don't tell anyone else or you will be the next one to end up like Arya" The Oni opened the cap of the lipstick and painted its red devilish colour onto her lips.


"Well aren't you ladies having a fun time" I stepped out of the bathroom stall folding my arms.

Both ladies turned around in shock as if they had seen the devil himself right in front of them.

"Wait!? I swear no one was in here!" The Oni gasped nearly falling back.

The Vampire was too scared to move, knowing she was about to piss her own dress.

"Well, then you made a mistake because I overheard everything you just said" I grinned showing my gleaming teeth.

"Please don't tell anyone! I haven't even finished my university yet and if people find out about what we said I can get kicked out!" The Vampire started crying as tears rolled down her face ruining her mascara.

"That's tough. But maybe if you had shut your mouth as everyone else did then you wouldn't be in this situation right now".

The Oni gritted her teeth as she pulled a gun out of her makeup bag, pointing it at my head.

"Don't you dare say another word or I swear I will shoot you right now!" The Oni yelled at the top of her lungs.

I laughed as I covered my hand with my mouth.

"If you kill me now both of you will be caught and none of you will finish your school. So I'd rather you put the gun down and you listen to me" My voice became lower as they both looked at each other.

The Vampire nodded her head, begging inside for the Oni girl to agree with what I had said.

It was their only smart choice to make.

"Okay then. What do you want?" The Oni replied leaning her back against the counter with her hands gripping the edge.

The gun was now on the counter but the bullet was still inside.

I pointed my finger at the gun as they both stared at it as well, like a robot listening to its master.

"First, I need you to take the bullet out of the gun and hand it over to me" I demanded not letting them have a decision to make.

The Oni picked up the gun and unloaded it as the bullets dropped to the ground.

She carefully picked them up one by one until she passed them over to me, as a shudder went down her spine.

"Good. Now you have two choices to make. One, you listen to what I say and end up leaving without anyone knowing what you said or two, you ignore my demands and everyone you know ends up finding out what you said and ruining your pity lives".

They both gawked at me as a face of horror was plastered on them.

I could get answers out of them especially if they were smart enough to even accept the first choice I have given to them.

"If you keep your word then we will accept your first choice" The Oni finally responded back as a smile appeared on my face.


"As long as you won't force us to do anything terrible!" The Vampire squirmed like a mouse shaking all over her body.

She wasn't as tough as she was before.

"Don't worry. I am not that type of person".

Both girls were close to each other as if they were about to hold hands and run away.

I tried not to laugh at their body language but this is the true nature of creatures once they finally faced their fears.

I was once the same as them.

"Time to get down to business ladies. I will be kind and ask you only five questions but I expect five answers back. Saying no is not an option and remember what is on the line here. Because none of you ladies would like to be in the centre of the newspaper with headlines saying. 'Oni girl sleeping with dead victim's boyfriend'. Because I promise you. I won't be nice if you get me mad".

My expectations may have been too much for these girls to handle but five questions were enough.

I could ask more of them but the more I know the harder it gets.

That means too many theories and too many other questions unsolved.

As long as I get my five questions the other unsolved mysteries can be next on my checklist of to-do things.

"We can't trust you unless you give us your real name!" The Vampire whimpered for a second but she was finally masking her brave face.

"Layla shush!" The Oni clasped onto the girl's arm squeezing it tightly.

Fear, horror, alarm and panic.

All of these emotions were filling my stomach as if I was having a big feast all to myself.

Ever since I had obtained my powers I could feed on emotions but they weren't as enjoyable as I imagined them to be.

That's why I would rather not taste emotions and would rather have my real food instead.

"How rude of me not to introduce myself. My name is Valerie Die Heart of House Xalitor. The CEO of the Die Heart company and the first ever Half Dragon, Half Demon after the war. Nice to meet you, Lady Layla and Lady Celene" I gazed at them as their face was truly drained of life.

"You're the one! Everyone has been talking about you! My father told me never to encounter a creature like you" Layla's eyes were gleaming like stars.

"Shut up Layla! Clearly, she doesn't care about our words unless they are the answer to her questions" Celene growled.

"Well, you are correct about that. But it's time not to waste our precious minutes. Time flies by you know?" I clicked my fingers and the bathroom door locked itself.

Both girls shot their heads towards the door holding in their breath thinking back if the first choice was really the safest option for them.

"Getting onto business, now my first question is. Where was Azia Tasmiro five hours before the death of Serena Jones and Renata Rosemary".