
Death do us part

In a world filled with fantasy creatures. Mysteries, deaths and lies have soon curled into the world where the Gods once walked on. Monsters called Evil Souls have been wandering the Earth destroying everything in their path until guilds had been formed to slaughter all the Evil Souls and to protect humanity from the danger we face. But it wasn't enough. They have been getting stronger and more intelligent and only one person will be able to solve the mystery of their existence. Valerie Die Heart is a 19-year-old half Dragon, Half Demon who is the first of her kind to be born. For her whole life, she lived with luxury and happiness, drinking all night and partying. Until one night she finds the mysterious well her mother showed her years ago. But she didn't know that after making a wish her whole life would turn upside down after receiving one of the most powerful magic in the universe. After receiving her magic she finds out that her family had been in an accident and when rushing to find the answers she has been searching for. Her family was never in an accident. But they had been brutely murdered. Two years later she left her home to go to the capital and to find the answers to who killed her family and why. She will join the knights to become the most powerful and protect the people she loves from those monsters. Her guild is now her family and with the help of her new friends, they agree to find the mystery of the recent deaths and the magical power she possesses. Love is forming and her heart is now opening up to new men she never met and the danger of being in love straps her down. Yet nothing is going right. A dangerous cult came to the capital to resurrect a Dragon of annihilation that will eliminate creatures. The royal family is keeping a deadly secret, people are rioting on the streets, and the underground is unleashing a weapon to bring down the rich. Nothing is going right and the world must uncover their secrets for Valerie and her guild to save the world. Will Valerie save the world and find out all her secrets or will she become a slave to the people who want to kill her?

zoey_Jallaly · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

My goodbyes and the lost story

The wind was a low breeze today.

The sky was filled with clouds and students were rushing to school trying to escape the rain.

The atmosphere felt calming as the wind brushed against my cheek. Half of my hair was tied back with a red clip.

I was wearing a black turtleneck and a brown trenchcoat. I had a small diamond necklace around my throat and I wore a light makeup for today.

I had a black plaid wide-leg pants and black stiletto heels. My mini white bag was grasped onto my fingers.

I could hear the sound of my heels splashing onto the puddles feeling the small trickles of water on my feet.

I was holding a clear umbrella to shelter me from the rain.

It has been two years since the accident happened.

I haven't heard from Azia in a long time. Eleena said that she moved away to study abroad and that she won't be coming back any time soon.

I still live in my parent's mansion and I now run the whole family business.

Slowly I learned how to adapt to my father's accustomed lifestyle. It wasn't as bad as I thought.

From time to time I would have to attend parties and manage business proposals. Thankfully the servants and maids were kind to me and some even stayed up extra nights to help me.

Our business has become very popular and thousands of people around the world now know our name.

On the street, many people started to respect me and many people even asked for my autograph when I passed by.

After the accident, I changed. I was kind, cold-hearted and gruesome.

Many people feared me and called me a stern ruler.

I took a strand of hair and placed it behind my ear walking gracefully on the cracked pavement.

I reached the cafe gradually pushing open the door hearing a chime of bells above me.

"Who is here at this time?" Celine questioned holding a cloth in one hand and wiping the wooden table.

"It's me Valerie" I smiled innocently.

"Valerie! I am so glad you could make it! Everyone has been so worried about you since you haven't been to work for days" Celine clutched my arm squeezing me tightly.

"Well, I'm glad that you guys are worried for me. But there is something that I need to talk to you and Devon about".

"Oh, well let me call Devon to come here quick. He is just finishing off some last-minute orders!" Celine beckoned me to sit down and she even took a chair from a nearby table for me to sit on.

I was thankful that Celine hasn't left the cafe yet. She was supposed to go to her new job last year but the manager at her new job changed their mind.

I sat down on the chair tucking myself in.

The cafe was warm today and was cleaner than before. I only go to work at unexpected times and the manager always lets me have days off.

I gained more support from my friends ever since my family died.

I never liked it though. They treated me differently as if I was an injured animal and their voices always changed when around me.

I wish they could just treat me the same even after the accident so I wouldn't feel so bad about it.

Devon and Celine came back with three cups of drinks.

There was a caramel macchiato, black coffee and maple latte. Mine was probably the caramel macchiato as I always ordered it from the cafe.

Devon handed me over my drink and they both took a seat.

I took small sips of my drink feeling the hot sensation on my lips. It was warm like a hot summer's day.

I took a tissue and wiped my mouth before speaking to any of them.

"Now that you both are here I think I should get to the point before a whole load of customers come in" I chuckled lightly covering my hand with my mouth.

"Well, it better be a good reason because Celine dragged my ass all the way here" Devon grumbled slamming his fist on the table.

The drinks rattled.

"Don't worry Devon I know how much of a busy man you are".

"Is there something wrong Valerie? Your hands seem to be shaking" Celine pointed at my hands which were indeed shaking.

I hadn't even noticed that they were shaking when I got here.

"Oh, that's just normal. It must be from all the stress from going to those parties late at night".

I took three deep breaths.

It was going to be unexpected but I had already decided a long time ago.

My decision was final.

"I will be leaving the city starting from today. My flight is in a couple of hours so I wanted to say goodbye before leaving".

"Your leaving!?" Celine looked astonished with wide eyes.

She leaned towards me wondering if what I said was a joke to scare them.

"Sadly that is the truth. I will be moving to the capital to participate in the guild match. After their death, I wanted to seek revenge for whoever did this to them. That is why I will become a knight and find out any information that I can get" I stared into their eyes hoping they would accept my decision.

Celine wasn't so keen on my idea and Devon showed no expression on his face.

I couldn't tell if Devon didn't like my idea or if he liked it.

Devon laid back on the chair crossing his arms abruptly.

"As long as you know what you are doing then I will accept your decision" Devon grumbled in annoyance looking away from me. I could tell he was hurt from the sudden idea of leaving but I had to go.

"Thank you, Devon" I smiled kindly at him giving a reassuring glance.

"But you can't! The capital is too dangerous! I heard about the many battles that go on there and how the guilds are ruthless with their fighting" Celine interrupted bellowing in sadness.

Her body was tight together and she squeezed her legs together trying to think of ways for me to stop leaving.

Celine thought of me as her sister and she never wanted to let me go.

"Celine please understand that this is what I want. I have to avenge my family and bring honour to their name".

"Honour!? Is this really what you want! Throwing away your old home just to kill their murderer!" She was furious and her eyes shined with resentment.

I gave her a deadly stare, scaring her a little.

She was shocked to see this side of me but it had to be done. She had to understand that this is not about her and it was about me.

"This has nothing to do with you, Celine. My life does not interfere with yours. I know the consequences of my actions but I shall not sit here and wait for a coward like me to go on with life while I am the reason for their death" My voice turned into outrage and bitterness.

Tears started to form in her eyes and I knew that I went too far with this.

But she didn't plaster a sad face. She was smiling at me as if she was proud.

I wondered if she had finally lost her mind.

"Celine. I didn't mean for any of this it's just that I really have to go. You need to understand that now I am a grown woman and I won't listen to any of people's blabbering. This decision was mine to make and I want to carry on doing what I want that is best for myself and everyone".

"You really have changed. Before your parent's death, you always listened to what others said and now you are a whole different person. I know I can't make you stay but I want to let you know that what your doing is a big risk. If you want to find out what happened to your family it will be a harsh road for you to walk on. Are you ready for it?" That was a question for me to answer.

She took a napkin and wiped away the tears in her eyes.

Placing the napkin back on the table next to her.

"Yes. I'm ready for anything that may come".

She didn't say anything else to me and stood up leaving me and Devon the only ones sitting at the table.

She retreated to the kitchen.

What I said may have harmed her but I don't want others to tell me what I have to do in life.

I want to be free.

"Congratulations kid you made her feel sad" He chuckled for the first time.

"Come on Devon you know I didn't mean to".

"It doesn't matter if you didn't mean to. What you did was a good thing because if I heard you guys talking any longer I would have pulled the hair from my head".

Devon could always make me laugh even after a sad moment.

I played with the cup in my hand moving it in circles gently. I didn't want my drink to spill on my clothes like last time.

"I can bet a thousand coins that you won't be able to step a foot in the arena" He placed a bag of coins in front of me and I spat my drink from my mouth quickly taking a napkin.

I wiped the liquid from my jacket and my lips. Was he really trying to get me to spill my drink again?

"This isn't funny Devon and where the hell did you get that money anyway?" I checked for any stains on my clothes.

"I saved it up".

"Then why are you showing it to me?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Like I said. I bet you can't step a foot in the arena. But on TV if I see you on there I will give you the money" A smile of bravery appeared on his lips.

"You, giving me a thousand coins? You must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed this morning" I crossed one knee over the other trying not to sound as if I don't care.

He hates it when people ignore him.

He seemed to be a little annoyed at my words but he calmed himself down and put an elbow on the table using his fingers to massage his eyebrow.

"I understand how you feel about all of this. I once left the capital to flee to this city" His voice was now soft and harmless.

"What do you mean..?" I asked politely.

"I had a lover years ago. But she and I weren't allowed to be with each other because of some stupid ass law they made" His heart felt broken and lost.

"So we had a secret affair and her soon-to-be husband didn't know a thing about us and the most shocking thing was that her soon-to-be husband was my best friend. He trusted me and gave his loyalty to me. I was an asshole for using him but love can make us blind sometimes. Once he found out about us I was forced to run away and flee to this city until news of me died down".

I didn't know how to respond to that.

I never knew he had to go through such torture for all these years but I guess losing the person you love most can make you feel numb inside.

"Did you ever see her again?".

"Of course not, are you crazy. My best friend would kill me if I set foot in the capital" He chuckled in a worried tone remembering all those memories.

He must have endured those feelings for a long time if he kept them silent inside of his heart.

I rubbed my fingers on his hand smiling at him with a gentle look.

"She would be proud of you if she saw you now" My voice was quieter than before.

"Seeing a man working in a cafe as a chef. I don't think so" He stood up leaving to go back to the kitchen.

Not even a goodbye.

Guess he really doesn't like people in general.

He was always so cold-hearted towards people but in his eyes, he really does care about all his friends and family, especially his lover.

The way he talked about her was so adorable I had to control myself from shrieking like an arrogant child.

But I knew what he was trying to do.

He was trying to get me to think about his love life yet ignore the law he was talking about.

"Asshole" I chuckled muttering the words under my breath.

He always knew how to get people away from the subject and maybe he was good at that.

But he was stupid if he thought he could use that tactic on me.

I took a sip from my drink staring at the whirls of liquid as it reminded me of time.

Right now the liquid spins around the cup enjoying the life and breath that it receives but it soon starts to slow down reminding the average creature that life is not always long and how each second is the time when you will soon reach your last breath on this world.

And gradually the swirls stop and that is when the life of that person is gone.

No one to remember them.

No one to cry for them.

Not even an ounce of remorse from the gods.

Mother was right about one thing.

No matter how good you are in this world.

Creatures will betray you and use the good you have and turn it into weakness.

To be honest I hate my life right now.

All I can do is scare the living hell out of people and use my cold heart to manipulate people into thinking how dangerous I am.

Every decision I make always has a balance of advantages and disadvantages.

I was able to get every single person to respect me and to think of me as their leader who will guide them into a light where richness and power will sway their way.

But in the end, I'm always alone with no one to comfort me when I really needed it.

Just after my family died I attended their funeral hoping that a lot of people will be there to respect my parents who helped and saved innocent lives.

They gave people jobs and helped businesses grow.

Without them, this city wouldn't strive like it is now.

Once I had arrived at their graves.

No one was there...

It was only me and my maid who stood there to give my family their respects as all my cousins and family friends moved on so quickly.

Hung around in nightclubs, going to casinos and growing their businesses as if my family's funding didn't exist.

Everyone forgot about them and pretended they didn't exist, no matter how many times I tried to include them in conversations.

They would laugh so loudly.

No pain was even there...

No one cared about my parents and they only needed to use them for their wealth and power.

From that day forward I promised myself.

That everyone will know my name far and wide.

They will respect and bow down on their knees to me never forgetting the name Valerie Die Heart.

A woman who was feared, cruel yet cunning and beautiful.

Who were born leaders and her family who had supported her all the way through to get to where she is now.

But something in my heart ached and I clutched onto my chest heaving heavy breaths of discomfort and agony.

"Do you really believe that your family was the one that helped you to get where you are now? If your parents were still alive you would have been kicked out of the family to roam around like a rat going from job to job hoping you could squirm for at least a coin" A voice in my head beckoned laughing so cruelly even the birds would fly for miles to get away from it.

Ever since I had that ludicrous power there was this voice in my head that wouldn't stop torturing me and reminding me of the mistakes I had made.

It was a woman's voice.

She had the most elegant and feminine voice as if she was from the high nobility.

But her words were cruel like a knife stabbing at every one's back.

"What do you want now..." I whispered quietly gripping onto my clothes.

"There is nothing I need from you. But remember to leave for the capital or things will get messy if you like it or not" She chuckled in an evil way reminding me of a witch's cackle.

Three days ago we made an agreement that I would leave this city to go to the capital.

She didn't hesitate and was going to compromise with the plan unless she had something in return.

As long as I go to the capital I must try out for the guilds.

And even if I fail she wouldn't give a damn about it as long as I try.

I never knew why she wanted me to try out so badly but there was a pleading tone in her voice begging me.

"Just shut up Adele. You have already ruined my life so stay out of this before I make sure I shut you in the darkness again" I growled so deeply even the thunder in my voice made me shudder.

"If you say so!" She said happily.

I could have sworn that I saw a vision of her grinning from ear to ear showing her vampire-like teeth.

I finished my drink and stood up not wanting to think of this anymore.

The air kissed my skin and I placed some of my hair behind my ear.

The cafe was neat and tidy as usual and plants, posters and wooden decorations were all around the room feeling as if it was home.

It hasn't changed a thing and it felt like I was in a garden smelling the plants that had an exotic sensation.

I was going to miss it more than I ever had before.

I took one last breath and as I walked towards the door opening it slightly Celine came rushing handing me over a small blue box.

"What is this?" I took it from her grasp examining the box which was beautifully decorated.

"Open it!" She smiled with joy hurrying me to open it before I go.

I stared at her with a concerned eye but it was rude of me if I declined a gift.

So I opened the box to see a claw ring of silver.

It was inlaid with a purple gem and patterns of swirls that looked like the wind on a cold day.

It was decorated with such patience and beauty that just by looking at it you would be captivated by its look.

As it sat in the palm of my hand the weight of it was lighter than I had expected.

"You have a good eye for these types of things. But I am in too much of a hurry so if you wanted to ask me if it was worth it then I would say a hundred per cent yes" I put it back in its box and held it out waiting for her to take it back.

But all she did was stare at it as if there was nothing else for her to do.

I was waiting for her to take it but still, she wouldn't even move a budge.

I was now wondering if she was taking the mick out of me.

"Keep it. I have no use for it anyway".

"What are you talking about. This seems to be an expensive piece of jewellery so you better take it back before you regret it" I tried to persuade her shoving it back into the palm of her hands but her grip loosened.

If I let it go it would smash on the floor and break.

"I do not deserve this. So take it. It seems to be calling out for you ever since the accident happened" She was gazing directly at it with no expression on her face.

"Your crazy Celine. Take it back now. I command you!" I didn't want to be this harsh but I had more people to say goodbye to.

"I hope you will take better care of it. Every time I tried to call for it nothing would happen and only when you arrive did it beg me to return it to its rightful owner".

She gave the box back to me and walked away having a tear fall from her captivating eyes.

Saying no to her wasn't an option so I was forced to hide it in my pocket.

I wanted to give it to Devon so he could pass it back to Celine but by now she would have already told Devon not to take it back.

I swear if she ends up calling me in the capital to give it back I will burst into millions of pieces.

The bells chimed and it was my last time ever returning back to this cafe.

The door slowly closed behind me and I was now heading towards the temple where everyone was meeting up.

Lady Lorence allowed everyone to have a goodbye party for me just yesterday and some people weren't at all happy.

I wasn't able to contact anyone about it since everyone was trying to get presents and decorations in just a day.

Ace was having a harder time as he had to order a cake as soon as possible and the regular baker wasn't at all amused by it.

Eleena was like a mad man running around the city buying balloons and of course, Lady Lorence didn't do anything and sat down on her chair all day doing paperwork.

The streets were bustling with people and lively as ever.

The sweet scent of sweets and fruits scented the air like flowers and the sky was cloudy yet partially sunny.

Winter was here and it was my favourite season of all time.

The winter of snow was so calm and peaceful and the lights were beaming like fireworks.

At night the snow would fall so gracefully on the palm of your hand that you could feel it turn to water.

The cold air would always send a chill up your spine but I could imagine myself taking a day off work and going to the mountains in my family's cabin.

It was so peaceful that I would sit near the fireplace and read a book while drinking hot chocolate.

Mother would be seated on a rocking chair knitting scarves for all of us while father would be sitting near the window gazing at the mountains.

Sorin was always the quiet type of person so I could imagine him playing the violin for all of us to hear and Aster would be snoring on the couch.

Father would yell at Aster to wake up and all of us would be laughing as Aster would wake up startled and screaming from dad's voice.

Then reality hit me.

They weren't alive anymore so I couldn't go with them this year or the following years after...

My feet were starting to feel heavy and my chest was heaving with tight breaths.

My eyes were droopy and tired from staying up all night there were bags under my eyes.

I looked so terrible and weak after training for so long.

It wasn't that shocking but ever since I obtained my power I started to train my ass off to be able to control it.

At first, it was hard and my body couldn't cope with the heaviness of it but now I learnt how to use it and I started taking fighting lessons.

I had sword fighting on Monday, Taekwondo on Tuesday, Jujitsu on Wednesday, Arnis on Thursday, and Kendo on Friday.

Yet on Saturday and Sunday, I had gone to different types of lessons that only people of high ability could do.

Some died just trying to practice while others were too exhausted to carry on.

Saturday was the deathly arts and Sunday was the Aleena and Lilith arts of disguise.

You may not have known what it is but I remember an incident that happened three weeks ago when I missed a day to travel for business.

Malik a sixteen-year-old boy was tortured to death while using one of Lilith's art.

The art of Shadow whispering.

To use it a magic-user must summon their familiar.

It was a type of magical beast that would accompany you until the end of your days.

Once you had summoned it you will whisper the words of the art and when you do it will absorb the power from your body turning it into a physical shadow.

It would exactly like you and will follow your every command.

But if your body wasn't strong enough to take that power the shadow would torture you and enter your insides squeezing them until it explodes inside of your body.

You must be wondering why it's called Aleena and Lilith's arts of disguise.

Thousands of years ago there was a girl called Eleena and she had a twin sister called Lilith.

They were separated from birth and so Eleena was a high-rank princess and Lilith was a peasant girl who lived in a secret village of hybrids.

When the girls grew up only one of them knew of each other's existence and that was Lilith.

Lilith's plan was to pretend to be a girl of nobility and used her magic to dress up as one of them disguised.

She was able to go to the palace and meet her twin sister Aleena and soon they become friends but their real father knew of what was happening and made a plan to separate them both forever.

Two years had passed and they were so close together that they had become best of friends but Lilith's magic was fading and her disguise was wearing off.

And she was also getting sicker from the poison her father put on her meals.

Lilith one day ventures into the garden and fell in love at first sight with a neighbouring prince called Axel.

She soon starts to meet up with him in secret and they become the best of friends and Lilith wanted to tell Aleena all about it.

But the day came when Axel was in front of her holding hands with Eleena.

Her heart broke to find out that they had an arranged marriage from a young age and so the rivalry between Eleena and Lilith began.

Eleena was so favoured by everyone that Lilith was always in her shadow.

Eleena became the light and Lilith became the dark.

They plotted plans against each other and fought with each other at any possible moment.

The more Lilith saw Eleena getting everything she wanted and being with the love of her life the more she wanted to ruin her life.

So one night Lilith escapes the palace moving back to her village.

But when arriving she finds her friends and family killed and the village which was burnt to a crisp.

Tears of anger fell from her eyes that blood poured from her mouth and eyes that soon the art of darkness existed.

With so much pain and agony her power began to grow more powerful each day. Soon a letter arrived at her doorstep telling her that Eleena was the one that planned the attack on the village.

But Lilith did not know that it was her father who had forged that letter and it was he who had destroyed her home.

Lilith used her power to build an army of shadows and Eleena had married Axel and gave birth to a daughter.

When Eleena found out about the war her best friend demanded of she got her army ready and began to meet up at the border of the human and creature realm.

Once they met up both girls saw each other's faces and Eleena was still as a rock.

Lilith looked exactly like her but Lilith had darker hair and skin than her.

But Lilith's anger got to her and so the war began.

Both girls fought their hardest and Eleena created the art of light.

Lilith was in a fury at how her sister was able to create art as she could.

And so Lilith told her everything and the secret meetings she had with her husband just to get her angry.

Both girls were now raging in anger and they attacked at the same time killing each other with their own art.

While they were both slowly dying on the ground Lilith looked at her sister finally having the conversation they could never have.

Lilith: "Did you know I was your twin sister...?"

Eleena: "No. I never had a clue I even had one in the first place. But looking at you now I can tell you are exactly like me but an uglier version"

Lilith laughed with a dying voice.

Lilith: "You are such an asshole. To be honest I was always jealous of you. You had everything I always wanted and everyone loved you so much I felt so useless and unloved"

Eleena: "But you were loved"

Lilith: "How so?"

Eleena: "I always loved you like a sister. Without you I felt like I was dying and that a whole piece of my life was missing"

Lilith: "Why me...?"

Eleena: "Because you were the one that gave me life sister. I never knew you loved Axel and you should have told me. You started fighting with me for no reason and I never knew why you were so angry with me. All I wanted was to be with you and to spend my life knowing you were by my side because you were my best friend and a sister to me"

Lilith: "If you really did love me like a sister then why take everything away from me. You destroyed my village and killed my family. How is that called love.."

Eleena: "What are you talking about? I never even knew where your village was in the first place"

Lilith: "Liar. It was in the mountains remember?"

Eleena: "You mean the mountain village which father had attacked..?"

Lilith: "W...What..?"

Eleena: "Lilith I never attacked your village. I was unwell and had to be locked in my chamber. Father said there was a threat in the mountains and went off to kill them"

Lilith: "No!"

Eleena: "I would never do such a thing to you"

Lilith: "I am so blind. Of course, it wouldn't be you. I never told you the exact location. Please forgive me sister I never meant for this to turn out this way"

Eleena: "I forgive you, sister"

Tears fell down from both of their eyes and they held each other's hand while laying down on the grass in their own blood.

Lilith: "I love you sister"

Eleena: "I love you too"

And that was the story of them both.

Soon their magical arts became known worldwide and creatures started to practice their magic.

Now we are in the present where their statues were in the city's main park.

Sometimes I visit there to pay my respects to them knowing what it is like to lose a loved one.

But I always felt like they were lucky.

None of them had to feel the sadness of losing each other because they both died together in happiness finally being with each other at last.

But then there was me who couldn't be with my family and had to be all alone in this harsh world.

If I could I would go back in time I would ask Lilith herself what she would do if she could recreate her whole life again and change her and her sister's fate.

I never met her before but I would imagine her telling me everything with a sad face.

But thinking about it now Lilith was never the dark and Eleena was never the light.

Both of them were light and dark combined.

Lilith's light was being able to be with her sister and her darkness would be losing everything she loved.

Eleena's light would be meeting her long-lost sister and her darkness was never being able to protect her like she wanted to.

They were both the victim of their father's crime but no one knew till this day how they were both separated and why.

The only conclusion was that it had to be because of their father and how his ultimate goal must have been to separate them forever.

"Valerie you are finally here!" I heard a voice calling out to me.

I was so much in a daze that I forgot I had already arrived at the temple.

"Oh, Daisy it's you" I waved to her seeing her float towards me.

Daisy was Lady Lorence's familiar and she was a fluffy pink animal.

She looked like a stuffed bear with small ears, hands and legs.

She was the size of a doll and always floated around.

If I could remember correctly she was a Huzzie which was a type of magical creature that can use water magic to create objects or barriers.

I always thought she was kind of adorable but she hates it when someone says it to her face.

"Where is everyone?" I looked around trying to spot them in the crowd.

"There inside the temple. Follow me!" Daisy floated inside the temple as I followed her inside.

I hope that they weren't going to mess this one up like they did last time.