
Death do us part

In a world filled with fantasy creatures. Mysteries, deaths and lies have soon curled into the world where the Gods once walked on. Monsters called Evil Souls have been wandering the Earth destroying everything in their path until guilds had been formed to slaughter all the Evil Souls and to protect humanity from the danger we face. But it wasn't enough. They have been getting stronger and more intelligent and only one person will be able to solve the mystery of their existence. Valerie Die Heart is a 19-year-old half Dragon, Half Demon who is the first of her kind to be born. For her whole life, she lived with luxury and happiness, drinking all night and partying. Until one night she finds the mysterious well her mother showed her years ago. But she didn't know that after making a wish her whole life would turn upside down after receiving one of the most powerful magic in the universe. After receiving her magic she finds out that her family had been in an accident and when rushing to find the answers she has been searching for. Her family was never in an accident. But they had been brutely murdered. Two years later she left her home to go to the capital and to find the answers to who killed her family and why. She will join the knights to become the most powerful and protect the people she loves from those monsters. Her guild is now her family and with the help of her new friends, they agree to find the mystery of the recent deaths and the magical power she possesses. Love is forming and her heart is now opening up to new men she never met and the danger of being in love straps her down. Yet nothing is going right. A dangerous cult came to the capital to resurrect a Dragon of annihilation that will eliminate creatures. The royal family is keeping a deadly secret, people are rioting on the streets, and the underground is unleashing a weapon to bring down the rich. Nothing is going right and the world must uncover their secrets for Valerie and her guild to save the world. Will Valerie save the world and find out all her secrets or will she become a slave to the people who want to kill her?

zoey_Jallaly · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Group meeting more like Group beating

"What's wrong now?" Azia rolled her eyes at Eleena. "I can't say it here! Let's go to Burgers&Desserts, we can talk there" She grabbed both of our arms and ran outside from the temple to the streets.

She looked from side to side and crossed the road making sure she wouldn't lead us to an accident. "Woah, calm down Eleena. We aren't going to war or something" Azia tried to yank herself off Eleena but Eleena held onto Azia tightly.

"I can't calm down. This is an emergency so I need you guys to help me right away" She was in a rush with her face turning red. I slowed down and placed the palm of my hands on her face.

"Eleena you need to calm down okay? Let's get to the restaurant and then we can talk" I relaxed her body as she exhaled warily.

Her eyes began to tear up and she rubbed her hands against her eyes trying to stop the tears from falling. "I am sorry Valerie. I can't stop crying because of what is happening" I held her close in my arms while other people on the street were staring at us.

"You better stop crying or you will attract more people!" Azia said fiercely. "Come on Azia just be nice to her for at least one day" I stared at Azia intensely.

Azia and Eleena may be best friends but since their personalities and emotions were very different it was hard for them to get along with each other.

Last month we held a party for Adam and Eleena forgot to bring the cake so Azia started shouting at her and in the end, Eleena started to cry and apologised for forgetting the cake while Azia had to apologize to Adam for ruining his birthday party. It was surprising to say but Azia was half-Elf, half-Kitsune.

Her parents met at a house party and apparently, her mother ended up scamming her father into buying some weird potion. I guess I now knew where the white hair and Elf ears came from. With Eleena things were not as complicated as I thought.

She was a mermaid and in her family tree, all her ancestors were mermaids. But she rarely uses her tail as she can change her mermaid tail into legs whenever she wanted.

We all stopped arguing and walked for a couple of minutes to get to the fast-food restaurant. I made sure I was separating both of them so that they wouldn't end up tearing each other to pieces.

I let Azia borrow my wireless earbuds from my bag and I took out a sweet packet for Eleena to have. Thankfully both of them would stop bothering me until we get food.

A couple of minutes later we arrived at the fast-food restaurant and we sat near the back of the restaurant near the glass walls. Azia was excited to order food while Eleena kept playing with her hair.

I wished I never texted them late at night to meet up today.

"So, before we start this little conversation can we get food?" Azia pleaded to me making her eyes look wider. "Do whatever you want I don't care anymore" I laid my head back on the chair and stared at the ceiling.

How long has it been since I last ate in this place? "Thanks, Valerie sweetheart!" Azia pounced from her chair and ran toward the desk to order her food. "Azia still loves her food doesn't she?" Eleena smiled softly staring at the ground. "Of course she does.

I mean who else steals our food from the fridge!". Eleena sat opposite me as usual. She rarely spoke and always hid behind me and Azia whenever we went out. I felt sorry for her because her siblings weren't friendly to her.

She was the youngest in the family and after she was born her mother died a couple of minutes after birth. That is why Eleena was always shy and scared of meeting new people. Azia came back with a tray full of food and slammed it on the table.

"You're going to eat all that?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Nope. I already ate this morning so instead, I got you guys your favourites" Azia shoved the tray near my face.

"Thanks but if you stopped shoving the food in my face then maybe I would be able to eat". I picked up the food chewing it inside my mouth feeling the texture of it.

Burgers&Desserts had the best ice cream in the city. No matter how many times I may eat there, I would always order a mango ice cream or mint chocolate chip one.

I grabbed the mango ice cream from the tray and used the plastic spoon to plop the ice cream in my mouth. I should have asked Azia to get two cups more of it. "So what is it you wanted to talk about?" Azia sat next to me.

"So this morning I woke up and got a text from James about some group meeting going on.

So I asked him where it was and who was he meeting up with since I was curious but then all of a sudden he asks me to come with him if I was so interested in it. I didn't mean for him to invite me but now I am in big trouble.

I mean it's nice of him to invite me but I hate group meetings. I always freeze up and whenever they start talking to me I would end up stuttering.

Like a lot!" She took deep breaths after saying a whole essay for us. "Just say you don't want to go. It's that easy" Azia rolled her eyes bored of the conversation already.

"But I can't. He will be really sad after I say that and maybe he will even ignore me!" She put her hands on her head shaking vigorously. She was already under so much stress and Azia wasn't much of a help at all.

I nudged Azia on the shoulder waiting for her to at least say something to comfort Eleena. She coughed on her fries patting her chest. "Oh god, seems like a big problem isn't it" Azia was over-exaggerating trying to pretend that she was worried for her.

"Well, then why don't you just say your in traffic" I interrupted Azia. "VALERIE THAT IS LYING! I am a mermaid, not a siren!" She bellowed from the top of her lungs. Everyone in the restaurant looked at us. "Shut up Eleena before you get us in trouble!" Azia said in a frustrated tone of voice. "I am so sorry!" She whispered trying not to be as loud as before.

Clearly, none of us was getting to the bottom of this problem. I had to think. Eleena is scared of people. She hates big crowds and never goes alone somewhere.

She likes being nice to people she already knows and feels comfortable with them. I scratched my head for a moment like the main characters in TV shows do.

That is when I thought of a plan. "Eleena!" I held her hands in mine. "Y..yes..?" She said in a weary voice.

"Why don't we come with you. You will feel much safer and you don't have to tell James that you aren't going". Azia stood up with burger sauce around her mouth.

"Are you kidding me!? I am not going to some crappy group meeting with a bunch of shitheads who sit around talking about the weather!" I handed over a tissue to her but she threw it on the ground still yelling at us.

God won't she shut her mouth.

I tried to calm her down but her yelling just got louder and louder until Eleena started crying saying sorry many times. I was dying at this very moment trying to stop two little kids from making a joke out of themselves.

I raised my hand in the air and slapped the back of their heads until they shut up. Two minutes later we were all sitting down silently not saying a single word to each other.

We were able to finish all the food on the tray but after what had happened none of us would even look at each other.

Until Azia broke the silence. "I will go under one condition". "What is that?" Eleena said in a quiet voice.

"I won't be paying for any food and if one of them ends up pissing me off I am leaving right away got it?" She said in a low tone. "Got it!" Both of us said. We left the restaurant after an embarrassing scene to go to the meeting.

We stepped outside and started to walk on the pavement letting Eleena lead the way to us. "So El where are we going to meet these people?" Azia questioned her.

"We are going to meet up with them in a karaoke bar and also why are you calling me El?" She walked in a faster pace this time which was weirder than usual.

"I don't know. Maybe because it could be a cool nickname for you". "Don't ever call me El got it?" This time her voice was cold as if she just changed her personality.

"Sorry for speaking a little rudely to you! I guess the morning sickness really got to me" She hesitated and laughed awkwardly. I laughed with her trying to ease down the atmosphere. "Yeah right-" Azia mumbled. I gave Azia the cold stare. "So how long will it be until we get there?" I asked.

"It will only be a five-minute walk so you don't have to worry" She smiled softly. We stayed in silence for two minutes gazing at the world around us. City air was the best, especially its food vendors.

I loved the fresh smell of newly brought fruits at the market and the Indian restaurants we had. Human food was the most common thing everyone ate nowadays. A lot of creatures now lived in the mortal lands away from the others.

There were two different types of mortals. The mortals who knew about creatures like us and the other mortals who live in their own world thinking that they are the only ones to exist.

"Hey Valerie, I heard you entered the temple this morning. Was it true?" Eleena threw her arms around mine. "Oh yea, me and Azia went there together".

"Wow! That must have been so cool! Also a little birdie told me that lady Lorence took you guys somewhere" She giggled excitedly.

"Uhm yes, actually how did you know?". "Don't you remember? My cousin works there and she was worried that you two were in trouble". Azia pushed in between us giving us space.

"You know Eleena you don't have to always ask us personal questions. Whatever happened with lady Lorence is none of your concern". "Oh sorry! I forgot how far I can go at times" She looked down again fumbling with her fingers.

"Just next time don't ask these types of questions again" Azia walked at a faster pace this time leaving me and Eleena behind.

"Did I say something bad..?" Eleena asked. "No you didn't. Azia is just tired that is all" I took Eleena by the hand filled with furry for what Azia had said. Why did she hate Eleena so much when she had done nothing wrong.

Adam was spotted running from the other side of the pavement in a hurry. His head filled with sweat trickling down like rain. Why was he running? I knew something had happened this morning but why in the afternoon as well? I took my phone out of my pocket and started texting Adam.

Valerie: Hey Adam is anything going on?

Adam: It's nothing you need to worry about

Valerie: How can I not be worried when you're running around the whole city

Adam: Look just mind your own business

Valerie: Yeah right

Adam: I will talk to you about it later also don't tell Azia that you saw me running

Valerie: Why?

Adam: Azia has been acting weird lately. Don't trust a girl who keeps on neglecting others!

The text ended there and I put my phone away placing my hands in my pockets. "Did Adam say anything mean to you?" Eleena's eyes glittered like a pearl. "As usual. I guess being a dragon isn't his liking after all".

While Eleena and Azia were creatures that were common I was very different from them. I was a half-dragon, half-demon. It was uncommon for both parties to love each other because of the war thousands of years ago.

The Demons took the God of Deaths side and the Dragons took the other side. Ever since the war the two sides may be friends but loving each other was hard for them to handle. To sum it up it was one of the worst combinations to ever exist.

People are usually disturbed when being around me and some elders say that the reason why I had no mana was that the Gods had cursed for a creation like me to be born.

I didn't care what anyone said about me. I was alive and that was all that mattered. We shortly arrived at the karaoke bar and Azia was already standing outside muttering to herself. I strolled towards her looking at her directly in the eyes.

"If you don't want to be here then you don't have to come with us. Me and Eleena will be fine without you" We were a few feet away from each other but to me, it felt like we were right in front of each other.

"I am coming no matter what. I decided I wanted to come here so I will stay there until I don't want to anymore" She strode inside walking to the room where a lot of people were shouting and laughing.

I glimpsed at Eleena seeing her frozen body. Now was my time to give her all my support. We followed Azia to the room to find James sitting inside.

"Well look who it is!" James cried cheerfully opening his arms for us to embrace him. I felt uncomfortable but did it anyway. "Hello James, it's good to see you again" We stood in front of each other feeling uneasy. It was stunning to say but James was my ex-boyfriend. We had a fallout on Christmas night when he took me to a picnic in the park.

He was a sweet and kind boyfriend but he never filled that empty hole I was waiting for someone to fill. But we were adults now and holding onto the past wasn't a good way to overcome your challenges.

"Sup James. Do you know when the food is coming?" Azia immediately sat down not even caring about giving him a proper greeting. "Uhm yeah, they're arriving with the food now". I took a peek to see five people goggling at us.

One of them was a beautiful girl with golden hair like the sun and skin white and soft like a feather. She had one of the most beautiful eyes and compared to me, I was just a different breed.

All ten people were different from each other and it seemed like this meeting was going to get interesting. "Are those your friends James? They all look so adorable" The beautiful girl twirled her curly hair giggling as if she was just trying to impress him.

"First of all, I am not adorable and secondly twirling your hair isn't cute" Azia butted in, rolling her beady eyes at the girl.

"Okay why don't we all just sit down and introduce each other?" James laughed trying to ease the tense atmosphere. Once we had all sat down we all introduced ourselves and told each other what creatures we were. I made a note in my head trying to remember everyone's names.

Malik - Full demon

Abby - Full light Fairy

Jacob - Half Vampire, Half Werewolf

Raven - Half human, Half Siren

Liv - Half Witch, Half Shapeshifter

James - Full Angel

Jacob's combination was my favourite. Vampires and Werewolves came from rival families but over the years they started to ease down and accepted each other as partners.

But I wasn't surprised when I heard that the beautiful girl called Abby was a full Light Fairy. Light fairies tend to be calm, beautiful, elegant and rich.

But they were definitely snobby creatures. Eleena on the other hand was shaken with fear. Her worst nightmare was being in the same room with a Siren. Mermaids and Sirens never get along and I think you know why.

"So Valerie what creature are you?" Raven smirked using her hand as a support. "I don't think there is any need for you guys to know what I am".

"Oh don't be such a disappointment. Just tell us!" Liv demanded in an excited tone of voice. I gazed towards Eleena and Azia for them to signal me at least a thumbs up or down.

Azia was too busy eating everything on the table while Eleena sat like a scared child. I guess I was fully alone now.

"I am a Half-dragon, Half-demon" I explained as I picked up a wine glass tilting it with my wrist. "Oh my god really?! Who knew an actual halfbreed like you were here!" Abby screeched loudly making my ears nearly go deaf.

"Abby calm down! You really need to stop using your voice sometimes" Jacob covered his ears with his hands squinting his eyes at her.

"Oh be quiet Jacob! You're only jealous that you still haven't dated a woman in five months. Or maybe the reason is that no woman wants to go out with you".

Both of them stared at each other as if they were having a staring competition. Things weren't getting better.

"I am happy to know that you don't hate me being a weird half breed" I twitched my lips trying to plaster a fake smile.

My cheeks started to heat up as my legs were cold. The room didn't have any windows and it was quite a large area too. "Oh, I never said that I hated you I was just shocked to see a weird combination like you here" Abby sashayed her hair making herself look as if she was some kind of model.

Now she was irritating me even more. "Hey bit-" Azia was about to swear at Abby until I raised my hand in the air signalling for her to step down this time. Her expression was refilled with embarrassment and frustration.

I would have done the same thing but it would have an impact on Eleena for bringing us here. "Do you control her or something?" Malik interrogated me staring at the way I dressed.

"No I don't. She is my friend and I would never control her".

"You know what guys let's start the karaoke!" James turned on the karaoke machine and told Liv to pick a song as they would be the first ones to sing. Liv jumped in excitement and played the song 'Die by my side' by Monica Liveyard which was a popular song now.

When the music began playing everyone turned their eyes away from me to cheer on Liv.

"You want to get out of here?" Azia whispered in my ear. "Don't worry I have this under control". But I didn't. Eleena was able to get along well with the others but for me, it was hard since they kept asking questions about my breed. Abby on the other hand completely ignored me and tried to be the centre of attention.

"So Valerie I heard you work at that famous cafe in the city" Malik moved next to me and he defiantly didn't know something called personal space. "Uhm yeah, I do work there why do you ask?".

"It's my first time in the city since I come from the capital. So I wanted to ask you if you could give me a tour of the city".

I moved away from him a little troubled by what he was saying to me. I never knew he came from the capital but he was a creep and a weird one. Azia was at the toilet throwing up so I can't ask her to scare him for me.

"Can I think about that. It's just that I am not really good at being a tourist guide and James knows so much of the city than I do" Now I was just lying to him.

I knew the city from the back of my head but I never knew this guy and his aura was just disturbing me. "That is so sad.

You looked so pretty when you came in I just assumed you would know". Excuse me? God, I need someone to save me right now or I swear I will walk out of here.

"Is everything alright here?" Jacob stood in front of us smiling like an innocent child. "Yeah, everything is good here. Why don't you go back and sing with everyone else?" Malik explained giving him the deadly stare.

"I would if Abby didn't tell me that she wanted to sing with you" Once Jacob had said those words Malik stood up in an instant going towards Abby.

That guy was a total prick!? I wonder how many girls he cheated on. Jacob then sat next to me at a safe distance. "Sorry about him.

He can be a bit of a bastard at times but I swear he means no harm. He just likes pretty girls that is all" Jacob tried to persuade me not to go all angry at him as if he really cared about his mates.

"It's alright I'm not angry at him. All men are like that these days" But then I knew that Jacob was still listening to me.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I mean some men are like Malik but you aren't! What I'm trying to say is that you are a nice man and you wouldn't ever do something like Malik would do!" I couldn't even process my words at this point.

"I know what you mean. I guess some men can be pricks most of the time" He laughed gently as I could see his dimples form.

He was so kind and soft-hearted. "Hey love birds, move aside!" Azia jumped on the sofa like chair making us go back to how it was like in the beginning.

Uncomfortable. I held my hands together feeling the urge of heat rush into my skin. "So what were you guys talking about?" Azia stretched her arms yawning calmly.

"It's nothing" Jacob stood up leaving me and Azia to sit down by ourselves. "Why is he all angry all of a sudden?".

"Because no one likes you" I chuckled as Azia moved her arm around my shoulder squeezing me tightly against her. "Girl don't be so mean! Everyone loves me!".

Azia was always by my side no matter where I went as well as Eleena. "Now what is up with you and that Jacob boy" She grinned teasing me.

"There is nothing between us! So don't make any assumptions" I barked at her. "Well to me it seems you opened up to him a little" She winked at me about to leave the room. "Where are you going?" I asked taking small sips of the wine.

"To the front desk. I need to ask if they have any more food left". When she left the room I was back to being a loner again. I shouldn't have told Eleena that I would come with her.

As I took small gulps of the wine my jacket was making me sweat a lot.

So I took it off laying it on the sofa like chairs next to me. The minutes were going by and I was about to leave when James came up to me passing me a microphone.

"What is this for?" I demanded. "You know, for singing. Everyone is asking for you to sing next" He smiled at me going back to the karaoke machine. I took deep breaths. I haven't sung a song in ages.

I stood up going to the karaoke machine where everyone else was sitting or standing around it. "So Valerie do you know how to sing?" Raven batted her eyes knowing she was already the best singer out of everyone here.

"I use to take singing lessons so I think I have the hang of it". "Well then go ahead.

All of us want to hear you sing since you have been hiding in the corner for the whole time being here" Abby leaned her body to one side having a hand on her hip.

"Fine, if it stops you from talking" I grumbled in a low voice pressing the buttons on the machine. I scrolled through a lot of songs until one of my favourites came up.

'My love is fake' By Mary lotile. I loved to sing it whenever I was bored at home and singing it now could wash away all my stress. I clicked on the song and the song started to play.

I held onto the microphone tightly breathing in and out until the lyrics came on. When the lyrics started playing I sang the song remembering every beat and word that came up.

I could sing it perfectly even without the song and lyrics. My voice was like a swan, graceful and calm. My voice wasn't as good as it was before yet I swayed to the music pouring my heart into it.

The sound of the music was a melody to my ears. Each heartbeat synchronising with the music.

I sang as if I was singing to millions of people and the problems that I held onto were gone in a flash. When the music finished I laid the microphone back on its stand and watched everyone's astonished faces. James looked proud while Eleena cheered me all the way.

"Who knew you had such a beautiful voice!" Malik clapped and whistled. "I know right! I am still better than you, but you were still amazing out there!" Raven clapped with Malik.

Everyone was cheering me on and talking about how wonderful my voice was. But Abby was not having it. Neither did she smile or clap for me yet I swore that I saw a bit of rage boil under her skin.

Maybe she was jealous of me for having all the attention.

"It's alright I guess, nothing special. But don't you think you overdid it a little. I mean you're acting as if you are so special because you could sing?" She explained hiding that disgusted look on her face.

"If you're waiting for me to care, you better pack a lunch. It's going to be a while" I looked at her right in the eyes standing only a couple of centimetres from her.

She was dumbfounded by what I said and she couldn't say anything else to me.

"Well uhm, now that everyone sang at least one song why don't we all sit down and play a game of truth or dare" Liv explained.

Me and Abby turned away from each other sitting down on opposite sides of the room. Once we all sat down Liv started the game.

"So who wants to go first?" Liv looked around the room eyeing everyone. "Try me first" Jacob leaned back, crossing his arms.

"Okay Jacob Truth or Dare?" Liv said. "Dare" He examined Liv hoping it wasn't a boring dare. "Okay, I dare you to chug a whole glass of alcohol" Everyone laughed and chortled as Malik poured a whole glass of alcohol for Jacob to drink.

Jacob picked up the glass from the table and chugged the whole thing down his throat as he coughed loudly feeling queasy.

"Goddammit! What type of alcohol is that?!" Abby patted his back while he kept on coughing. "Let's just say it's a very strong type of alcohol" Malik winked at him.

"Fuck you asshole!" He yelled. I covered my mouth with my hand trying not to laugh at him. He was kind of adorable, to be honest. But when he gazed at me his cheeks flushed bright red from embarrassment.

What was he so embarrassed about? Next up was Abby. Abby chose Truth and was asked if she had ever gone out of the house without any makeup on.

She was shocked to death by this question and told everyone that she would rather die than go out of the house wearing no makeup. The game kept going on for a couple of rounds.

I kept choosing dare as it was easy for me to complete. No matter how many hard dares someone gave me I was able to do them successfully.

But that was until the last round came. "Okay Valerie, it's your turn this time" Abby had a wicked smile plastered on her face as she was playing with her hair. "Truth or Dare?" She asked me. This time I chose truth. I wanted to change things up a bit.

"Is it true that you really are a freak from the Die Heart family?". Her words cut me like a knife. What the fuck was she talking about? "Excuse me?".

"I don't mean it in a bad way, I am just saying that everyone in the city knows you're a halfbreed freak that has no mana.

Like everyone in this room was worried when you first came in. especially Jacob" Now she was making fun of me.

Were her words really true, did everyone feel worried and scared when I came in? "Why would you say that..?" My voice shattered into a million pieces as I tried to stay calm and rational.

"Well that's because you're a monster. The Die Heart family may be rich and wealthy but they must have felt embarrassed having a daughter like you".

"You better shut your fucking mouth before I end your life here" Claw marks appeared on my hands as my eyes turned bright purple. "Valerie why don't you calm down. I can take you outside" James held onto me but I quickly shook him off as he stepped back. Of course he would step back from me, knowing that I was a freak.

Azia slapped Abby on the face angry and enraged. "You say another word to her and I promise you, you will never get out of this bar in pieces". Jacob held Azia back telling her to stop shouting at Abby.

Everyone was in shock trying to stop a fight from breaking out. "Tell them Jacob. Tell everyone how you and everyone else in this bar wanted that freak to go away.

You may think people were happy to have you here but let me tell you this, the reason everyone ignored you half of the time was because of you! Why did you even come here at all!?" I had enough.

I had to look at Jacob and everyone else in the bar to see if what she said was really true. Jacob, Liv, Raven and Malik took Abby's side. Only Eleena, James and Azia were on my side in this conversation.

But what she said really made me realise one thing.

Why would I come here when I know that so many people don't like me in this city. I stood up and grabbed a glass of water on the table splashing it all over Abby and everyone else who took her side.

"What the hell bitch!?" She screamed touching her clothes that were now soaked in water.

I lunged at her punching her in the face. The whole room became a mess and everyone tried to break me apart from Abby. But I didn't let go.

I continued to beat her up smelling the fresh blood and stains that were now on her clothes and mine.

I loved to see her break apart. The bruises soon formed on her face of black and blue. The beautiful and elegant face she once had was now ruined with cuts, bruises and blood. My eyes were wide with madness.

But all of a sudden I raised my clawed hand to slash her eye which now had a scar. Blood trickled from her eye as everyone was shocked with fear. I stopped all of a sudden to watch as everyone had a face with fear and horror.

Everyone was scared of me…? I got away from Abby's broken body to see her crying her eyes out. She was so terrified. She looked like a normal creature now. She was just a teenage girl who had a bad temper and what I did was way worse than what she has done to me.

What have I done? I ran out of the room to escape from the scene.

"Valerie wait!" Jacob grabbed my arm panting. "Let's just go back inside and we can saught everything out". "No Jacob. I am not going back in there. You saw how everyone reacted and if I go back there I won't be able to cope with it".

I jerked away from his hold and ran outside the building to the streets. All I told myself was that I was going to keep on running.

Running until I could get to a safe place. As I ran I felt the wind rush against my skin and the sounds of the city yelling in my ear.

I hated the sound of the city and the smell of it. I wanted to run away from this place. I wanted to go back home and run into my mother's arms as she would comfort me. To hear my brothers joke around and for father to lecture me.

Home was my only safe place. But not once had I cried.

No tears fell from my eyes and no sadness had I felt for that girl. I wanted the tears to fall down but nothing came. My eyes started to go blurry. My head was spinning and my legs started to become weaker. What was happening to me? The more I ran the more I became weaker until all of a sudden my body stopped working.

I fell to the ground as my mind was going black. "Don't worry Valerie. All your worries will soon go away" A mysterious voice loomed over me as everything went black and I was unconscious.