
Death Blues and Beyond

After dying under mysterious circumstances the soul of Aed Mass is parked in another body by the Gods until their investigation of his death is complete. On the planet Cantarus Darian Leye was travelling with his father Adrian to Yasia, on the Isle of Celeste were he was to be the new Baron. They both were to perish on the sea voyage there or so it would seem.

Seb_Falc · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Yasia Castle

When they were in sight of Yasia Town the new Baron and his party were surprised to discover the last mile or so of the road into the town lined by many if not all the inhabitants of the town. They were all eager to catch sight of their new Baron, who until a few days ago they thought was his father. Upon hearing that they had lost their second Baron in as many years they grew uncertain as to the future of the barony. Their new baron was even more of an unknown to them than the one they had been expecting.

Adrian Leye had been a man in his mid-fifties with a proven track record, sure it was as a merchant and not a noble but something is far preferable to nothing. On the other hand, his son Darian was a young man in his early twenties who may indeed achieve great things in the future but for now, had not even done a single thing of note other than surviving an assassination attempt or so it was claimed.

Deep down some of them may even suspect that he was somehow behind the death of his father and if not feared someone would succeed the next time and then what. Sure there were two others currently in the line of succession and an unmarried daughter who's future husband could take over. But the future is a very frightening place for some and the unknown even more so. Thus they all lined up to catch a glimpse of him in the hope that this would somehow magically help reassure them that the future was a thing to look forward to and not fear. For some of them, a glimpse of him was no doubt enough to reassure them but for the majority, all it did was not add to their fears.

Once his party had all but reached the north gate of the town Darian had them stop so he could again make his usual speech thanking them for welcoming him to his new barony and promising them a bright future. He and his party then entered the town via the north gate and headed to the castle. When they arrived in front of the castle as expected the drawbridge over the moat was lowered but the portcullis beyond was raised and a voice sounded out from the gatehouse in which it resided.

"Who seeks entrance to Yasia castle are they friend or foe?"

In answer to this Darian had his Herald Geoffrey Bolbec approach the gatehouse.

"Neither friend nor foe approaches for it is Darian Leye who comes to call and all those within must answer to him."

"And pray tell me why should that be?"

"Because he be the new Baron of Yasia and like the rest of the barony this castle belongs to him."

"But Adrian Leye be baron hereabouts."

"That be no longer the case for he is dead and we carry him with us so that he may be buried in the Baronial tomb."

"If it be as you say it is then pray present his credentials to me so that we may grant him access to his new home and sware ourselves to him."

"I approach you with it thus come and see it."

When all this was said and the credentials passed to the castle porter the portcullis was raised and Darian and his party entered the castle via the gatehouse. Once everyone was inside the castle Bailey Darian had the coffin containing the body of his father unloaded and sent to the chapel of the castle where it would reside for the next three days to allow every citizen of the barony who wished to do so to pay their respects to a baron that they had never previously set their eyes on, one who had never set foot in his barony.

They would of course actually be paying their respects to the new Baron in doing so but Darian didn't mind this as in a way he had never meet Adrian whilst he was alive either. After that, a funeral would take place and the body would then be laid to rest in the baronial tomb beneath the chapel. He would hopefully be the first of many members of the Leye family to be buried there.

Once Adrian's coffin was installed in the chapel Darian and his sister were the first to pay their respects and they were followed by the rest of the party that had come overland, those who had arrived by sea, the castle staff and the welcoming committee. Invitations were sent to the neighbouring barons, their families and other island notables to attend the funeral and most were expected to do so.

Half an hour or so after the chapel was opened for anyone else who wished to pay their respects Darian had the constable of the castle show him around. Other than the chapel Yasia Castle consisted of a four-level central keep, a great hall and several other outbuildings. These included stables, a coach house, a kitchen, an armoury and a garrison for the baronial troops. These were all surrounded by a wall with a tower on each corner which was in turn surrounded by a moat. The only way in or out was the gatehouse via the drawbridge.