
Death Blossom

kareem1 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 4

A lone figure could be seen strolling on the serene shallow snow. The mysterious person approached a large castle hidden behind uneven ice mountains.

The unknown entity quickly entered through the colossal door of the castle and approached an altar. It pressed on the alter and said some incoherent words. After a few seconds, the image of a tall slender pale man appeared on the alter. He had a pink Rinnegan in his left eye and a pure white byakugan that looked like the snow outside.

"Monshiki, your prediction is correct. Sasuke Uchiha, the one who eliminated Fonkishi, has arrived in the ice domain." The shadowy figure announced to the image.

"Thank you for informing me, Kurakishi. It is advised that you leave this dimension. We wouldn't want our best scout to get injured now, do we? Fushiki and I will handle the situation from here."

"Father. If you were to fight Kaguya alone right now, would you win?" Satoru asked his father.

"Yes. I'd win and pretty easily too. I'm sure Naruto would also win." Sasuke answered confidently.

The duo slowly approached a snowy forest that inhibited towering trees and the occasional large rock. The pink haired boy flew there a couple handsigns before a wooden hut appeared before them. They entered and got ready to rest for the night and continue they're adventure the next day.

Sasuke would guard his son for 6 hours and they would switch roles. Satoru quickly lay on the wooden bed he made and placed a seal on it to make it comfortable. His sleep went by peacefully and it was time to switch roles.

"If anything suspicious happens, inform me instantly, Ok?" The younger male nodded in agreement and the elder went to sleep. Two hours went by peacefully and Satoru was just messing with some seals.

"Ahhhh..." he sighed aloud. He took this spare time to think on what has happened to him so far. From how he went from a popular schoolboy to the prodigy of Konoha. Satoru was grateful towards God to allow him to have this second chance.

Hold on!

He looked around him in confusion before looking up. High in the sky was a vast amount of concentrated black fog. This fog was messing with his mind. He quickly took out some seal paper and coated his finger in chakra and began drawing. After a few seconds he was done. It was a mind resistance seal. He slapped it onto his forehead and immediately began thinking and sending better. He created another and went to wake his father.

"Father! Father!! Dad!" Satoru began shaking his father violently in hope for him to wake up. He put the seal on his fathers head but no difference was made.

"There is no point." Came a raspy voice from outside. "Under this black mist, those who are asleep will stay asleep till the caster of the fog dies or is severely injured."

The sudden appearance of this voice put the rookie Uchiha on high alert. He slowly approached the door of the wooden hut and went outside. His right hand was on the hilt of his katana that was strapped to his waistband. He looked up into the air and saw a tall, pale man floating in the air looking down at him as if he was an inferior being.

"Who are you?" The pink haired boy shouted.

"I am Monshiki Otsutsuki, a high-ranking Otsutsuki Member." Monshiki answered in a degrading tone.

"Why are you here?"

"I was sent here to eliminate Sasuke Uchiha for killing Fonkishi Otsutsuki, a low-ranking Otsutsuki.

I could kill Sasuke right now… But where's the fun in that. Hahahahaa!" The Otsutsuki said before laughing menacingly. "Oh Fushiki!"

"Yes Master." A rough voice came from behind the trees.

"Come out of your hiding place." His superior ordered. Out from behind the trees came a large and bulky man that looked similar to Kinshiki. "What is your name, Boy? No lying, there's no fun in that."

"…Satoru. Satoru Uchiha." He said nervously. Monshiki laughed aloud in a descending manor.

"You are the offspring of Sasuke Uchiha! Anyways, let's have fun. Fushiki here is a low-ranking Otsutsuki member. If you can injure him, then we will leave you alone and not cause harm towards you or you father. Do you accept these terms?"

The reincarnate nodded and his demeanor changed from nervous to confident. The trio instantly were transported into another dimension. This one had stars in the skyline and planets in the distance. They were standing in a transparent galactic room that stretched for a long distance.

"This is my dimension. You can fight here to your hearts contempts. Now, let's not waste any more time.
