
Death Blossom

kareem1 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

A young soul could be seen floating aimlessly in a vast infinite darkness. This was the soul of a teenage boy from Earth who died ahead of his time but he is satisfied with the life he lived.

Soul POV:

My name is Jason Cameron and I died at 16 years old. I lived an amazing life. I was a Grade A student and the captain of the Baseball and Football teams. Even though that is unfair nobody complained because everyone liked me and had no ill intentions towards me. I was very popular and pretty hot if I do say so myself. Sadly my life came to an end when my house started burning down . Everybody was outside the house in the garden having a barbecue when a fire started in the house and spread very quickly. I was relieved that no one was in the house before I remembered my little sister went to get her chessboard. I ran into the house and threw my sister out of the window and into the trampoline. I then wanted to jump but a fire appeared infront of me. And I burned to death but luckily didn't experience any pain.

?- Do you wish to live again?

I was hesitant to answer but reluctantly complied with the voice that sounded it came from a divine being.

Jason- Of course.

?- I am God and I have the power to reincarnate you into any world you want with wishes. You would have lived to 80 years old but died at 16. So you have 64 years of wishes. Depending on the extent of the wish a certain amount of years are spent. For example if you want to be extremely talented in something specific, it would cost 10 years. Do you understand?

I took a minute to process all the information before replying affirmatively.

?- Now pick the world you will be reborn in and your bloodline in it.

Jason- I would like to be reborn in the Naruto World as an Uchiha. Can I pick the timeline?

God- No it shall be random. Now onto your wishes.

Jason- I wish to have a sage body and wood release.

God- 14 years

Jason- I also want a very high amount of chakra and chakra control.

God- 10 years

Jason- I wish to have a stronger and more pure Sharingan that has 4 MS abilities and skips straight to EMS.

God- 15 years. You have 25 years left.

Jason- Then make me extremely talented in Fuinjutsu and Kenjutsu.

God- You have 5 years left.

Jason- Umm… Ah Then for my last wish I want a strong space affinity and lightning affinity.

God- Very Well. We are done here. Now of you go Young One.

I instant felt my soul being sucked into a blackhole then fell unconscious. In the blink of an eye, I was in the body of a baby. I opened my eyes and quickly noted how clear my vision was considering I'm a baby which is uncanny. My attention flickered to the woman carrying me on one arm whilst breathing heavily. Carrying me was a beautiful pink haired woman with a diamond mark on her forehead. I instantly recognised her as Sakura Haruno/Uchiha and glanced towards her other arm to see her carrying another baby. I instantly assumed it was Sarada Uchiha. This meant I was reincarnated into the Boruto Era which is extremely dangerous as I'd have to battle Ostutsuki Members.

My new mother handed me towards someone and I instantly recognised who it was. It was Sasuke Uchiha.

Sasuke- My son shall be name Satoru Uchiha whilst my daughter will be named Sarada Uchiha.

That was all I heard before the sleep overtook me.