
First devil Skill & Gaining first familiar


My body slammed on the Rocky ground breaking some bones and causing one of these Sharp Peebles to Pierce into my Eye

Now I'm officially Blind how can this be I'm Alive but dead who will want me now a one eyed Child Suddenly I noticed my eye which was supposed to be Blind gathering strands of living Qi Little worm like Snakes which were Black in colour also I noticed I felt no pain that my eye was just destroy hmm quite a weird sensation I feel familiarity with these Worm like black Snakes soon I felt a liquid drop out from my eye which the Snakes now habitats in the liquid dropping on the floor cause a Sizzling Sound Then suddenly like magic a few information transferred into my Consciousness About Devil's and these things in my eye Familiar this one is named a Gas Fanged Parasite it can take any form that I wish for but I have to be on equal ground with it to not have it betray me in future Even the most weak one of Ungraded rank is Stronger than a Foundation realm expert *Sigh* how like works then another information was transmitted into my Consciousness About Affinity,Laws and Origin of devil's also A imprint of a Sun appeared in my Iris of my Good eye Then A technique used by people with Devil Qi Named Give It goes like this anything Negative I give someone I Gain ×10 Qi based on how negative that thing is for instance I tell an ugly girl who thinks she's beautiful that she is ugly she'll feel devestated and based on her pain I'll gain ×10 Qi from how Negative she feels but if I kill people with my negativity I'll gain there cultivation and lifespan in all this Journey has been favourable.