
Death's Lover

"Why are you wearing cow head mask? Lilith asks you this question the third time." Amon groaned, tipping his head up. It made the snout of his mask point at the sky, making Lilith giggle as she found the view funny. "It's weird. Lilith thinks you're ugly that's why you're hiding your face." Hearing this, Amon couldn't help but look at her through his mask. If only he wasn't wearing it, Lilith would see how he arched a brow at her statement as he didn't like what she said. "You said it's rude for people to be ignored. Aren't you being rude for making such a remark?" "Oh!" Lilith gasped, making her cuter as she immediately touched her mouth with both of her hands in an attempt to shut herself up. The little girl spoke again, her voice heard even though she talked softly. "Lilith didn't mean to... Lilith is sorry. But Lilith was honest. Doesn't that make Lilith a good girl?" *** Amon, the Grim Reaper, appeared in the mortal realm to fulfill his job in collecting the souls of the dead. However, an unusual event occurred when he was about to collect one dying pregnant woman's soul. She was giving birth right before she died, making Amon panic and worry as her dying wish was for him to save her child! With the Grim Reaper actually a softie and is willing to take care of the infant despite the rule of their job to not interfere in mortal affairs, what lies ahead for Death and his now-growing human, Lilith? *** "Why do you wear that?" "19 years have passed—" Amon started, "—and this is still what you want to ask about?" "Well, yes." Lilith grinned. --- WARNING: Some chapters of this story contain mature R-18 content. FUN FACT: The world here is connected to "The Soul Eater's Possession" story's world, but this can also be a stand-alone book. COVER ARTIST: Haryu WSA ENTRY 2022 Update Schedule: 1 chapter every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday 6PM GMT+8. Want to further show your support? Send me a ko-fi~! ^^ Link: https://ko-fi.com/mysticamy

MysticAmy · Fantasy
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265 Chs


"Ah... Amon."

At the same time, Amon, the Grim Reaper, already arrived at the gathering. With him greeting the people in the garden, everyone's eyes are on him as he spoke.

"Good day, everyone," Amon greeted. "Sorry for arriving last. I apologize in advance as well as I won't be too long in this event."

"There you go again," Nevin commented, scratching the back of his head. "You don't have to avoid everyone."

"I know," Amon said, letting out a sigh. "But I could not commit a single mistake. I may have my mask on, but we may never know what's to happen."

King Blanc, Eucraick, and Nevin sighed in unison. They know Amon all too well that no matter how much they convince him...

The Grim Reaper will always be cautious of how he is around people because of his uncontrollable power of death.

"G-good day, everyone."

Sooner or later, the garden now became silent. With them looking at the small girl who suddenly came into the area, Lilith blushed as she saw several eyes that were on her.

"M-my name is Lilith. Nice to meet you."

Amon immediately looked at the young child. As everyone were at awe with how cute she looked--her hair tied in half and her eyes sparkling naturally as her heterochromia matched her beautiful white dress, Amon felt cautious.

'I should always be careful around her. If I am not aware, I might risk her life if ever she meets my eyes. I may not be able to fulfill the favor her mother is asking."

With that, Amon went to the nearest tree in the garden to distance himself. As the children now approached Lilith, the little girl felt overwhelmed as she had not met and interacted with children before.


Lilith fumbled on her dress' ribbon With her fingers interlocked with each other, too, a soft blush appeared on her face as she looked at the children around her.

"I... I..."

"Come on, now!" The eldest of the children talked, stopping the others that are crowding around Lilith. "You see that she is not comfortable, right? Don't make her feel uneasy!"

Ivar and Gwen looked at their daughter proudly. With her taking control over the situation as the eldest of the group, they were assured that the children can make Lilith feel comfortable and feel welcomed in no time.

"I wonder who does she take after?" Martha asked, her daughter raising her head proudly.

"Of course, me!" Gwen commented, making Martha scoff at her daughter's remark. "Yeah... but remember she also inherited your naughty side."

Everyone who heard her laughed. With Gwen narrowing her eyes at Martha, she narrowed her eyes and made a comment as well, making her husband elbow her side.

"As if your son-in-law Ivar is not naughty..."

As they watched how the children are careful and sweet towards Lilith, her personal maid, Sicily, who is also considered Lilith's mother, approached the king and queen.

"King Blanc, Queen Heraleen," she greeted, bowing before them as well. The king and queen acknowledged her presence with a nod.

"Sicily," King Blanc said, motioning Sicily to raise her head.

"I'm sorry we took too long. Lilith was nervous and I had to make her feel better," Sicily started, everyone's eyes on her. "You see, she thinks what if you wouldn't like her and all... I assured her that it won't be the case."

"Ah..." Eucraick let out a soft chuckle. "Children are cute, aren't they? So she worries that we may be doing this because we like other kids?"

"Maybe so," Sicily replied, giggling as well. "But I told her, too, while dressing her up, that you do this for her sake so she can make friends with other children her age, too."

"Thank you, Sicily," Queen Heraleen said, a sweet smile appearing on her face. "You really love Lilith."

"Of course, Milady!" Sicily answered proudly. "She may not be my own child, but she is adorable in her own way and I love her so."

All of them then watched Lilith slowly interacting with the other kids. With her waving her hand to the others subtly, the others patiently talked with her by asking her simple questions.

"So your name is Lilith?"


"How old are you?"


"Same with mine! What's your favorite color?"


"Oh! Is that why your hair is blue, too?"


"Cool! I always wanted green hair!"

Lilith cocked her head to the side, curious.

"You can?"

"Well, maybe?" Blaine, Arvid's son answered, scratching the back of his head. "Maybe with paint we can do that."

"Really!?" Lilith's eyes twinkled like stars, curious as to what it looked like. "Can we make Lilith's hair another color, too?"

"Well, yes!" Avarynn, Levin's and Ava's daughter chimed in. "We can do anything with paint! There was one time I painted my brother black."

"Nggh... that must've looked weird," Cydrill, Ivar's and Ava's daughter commented with a disgusted look on her face. Levrynn, Avarynn's twin brother, just shook his shoulder and replied differently.

"I think it's cool."

"Th-then... can Lilith play paint with you guys?"

"Of course!"

As the children were now shouting of how to dye each other's hair or skin a different color, immediately, the parents concerned stood up from their seats and scolded their children in unison.


All of the children giggled, especially Lilith, who now seemed to be having a good time.

As the children now talked amongst themselves in a whisper, the adults were now up on their toes as they know that their prankster child may do something unexpected...

Cydrill, Ivar's and Gwen's Daughter, Nadia and Aidan, Nevin's and Dharvey's twins, are really the children whom they should be looking out for.

Amon, who seemed to be a forgotten person in the event already, kept watching Lilith from afar. With a smile appearing on his face, he felt slightly assured that what he did was the right thing:

Saving this little girl and slowly fulfilling the dying wish of her mother.

Here is the next chapter! I hope you are enjoying it! Do leave a review! ^^

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