
Death's Hunter

It is the year 2056 and Earth has been undergoing massive changes. The world is now filled with abilities and superpowers. Rafe Nilsen is an 16 year old orphan who didn't awaken any ability. Those without abilities are treated as the lowest rung of society. Rafe is bullied for being weak, but one day changes his fate entirely. Follow Rafe on his journey for strength and revenge. NOTE: Cover is not mine, so I take no credit for the artwork.

lstreader · Fantasy
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2 Chs


April 12th, 2030, the largest meteor shower in all of history was in the skies above Earth. No one knew at the time, but the meteors housed the mutagen strain known as AB-341. When burning up in the atmosphere of Earth, the meteors released the mutagen causing people across the planet to gain powers beyond what was thought as humanly possible.

This was the turning point for humanity.

After what is now known as The Great Starfall, people across the globe began to mutate and develop superpowers. Some were unique, while some became generic among the populous. The one thing that remained constant was that powers only seen in fiction were now possible in real life.

These superpowers and abilities ushered in a golden age of humanity, where technological advancements became commonplace. Earth advanced more in ten years than it would have in a hundred years with normal developments.

Humanity advanced so far that teleporters, holograms, and other futuristic technologies were a common sight.

International powers shifted, and countries began merging left and right, leaving Earth with a total of 9 countries.

Through research, it was found that the human body is only capable of wielding one ability, and once you have an ability, you are stuck with it for the rest of your life.

After harvesting and testing the blood and DNA samples of thousands upon thousands of ability users, the governments and other major organizations across the world were able to develop an ability serum, which was able to inject a person with the mutagen AB-341, giving them the ability which was stored inside the serum.

This invention allowed the newborns of future generations which were not born with abilities to gain abilities through the serums. Abilities were given a ranking system, from A-F, while A were the most powerful and unique, and F being the least powerful and most generic.

Some families kept their abilities to themselves, only passing it down to their children, while others saved up money to buy generic abilities from the government or other organizations.

Humanity focused on itself and became peaceful for 10 years.

Everything changed when the Shoron attacked.

The Shoron were an extraterrestrial race that came from the opposite end of the milky way galaxy. They were humanoid, and their bodies were extremely similar to humans, the only differences consisted of four arms, pointed ears, and blue skin, ranging from pale light blue to a dark navy that seemed almost black.

Exactly on the year 2040, the Shoron came to planet Earth. They saw humans as of lesser beings, similar to livestock, and they tried to take the world and convert humans to slaves.

With the newfound abilities, the governments across the world banded together to create the Earth Allied Forces, EAF for short. Not expecting resistance, the Shoron exploratory fleet was heavily damaged, instigating a declaration of war from the Shoron forces.

Fighting raged on for nearly 5 years, neither side gaining any ground, as the Shoron were more technologically advanced, and the humans had their abilities.

Seeing that humans were like cockroaches, no matter how many you killed there were always more, the Shoron decided to cut their losses and leave Earth alone.

While this was a huge milestone victory for the planet, it did not come without consequences. Earth lost nearly 3 billion people, ranging from the combatants to even civilians caught up in the crossfire.

Leaving its mark in the history of the planet, humanity decided now more than ever to focus on military strength to prepare for any future invasions.

A new era was created after the fighting ended. A caste system began to rein supreme, where ones social standing depended on ones strength and ability. At the top were the most powerful ability users, while at the bottom were the ability-less, people who were discriminated against, and seen as wastes of space and disposable.

In this new society where the strong rule the weak, children with abilities were taught how to fight as young as possible. In order to train the next generations, the governments across the globe instated military schools, where once you turn 16, you are forced to attend for 2 years, whether you had an ability or not.

Military school became a place to decide your future. Those with power met others of the same social standing, further cementing their future, while those without power were bullied and tormented, making life seem like a living hell.

This is the story of Rafe Nilsen, an ability-less orphan who is now going off to his first day at military school.

Will he traverse his hardships and come out stronger than ever, or will he be crushed underfoot like a bug scurrying across the sidewalk?