
Death's Gentle Touch

Dragons used to rule the world of Pangaea. Their powers were the source of extraordinary growth and the reign of holy religion. That was until the last of the dragon riders disappeared from the world. Now Chrystal has travelled into the world of Pangaea to discover that she is directly linked to one of these mythical creatures. The killer of dragons, the great calamity, or the one that fate had abandoned. Nexus went by many names but it all changed when a seemingly frail girl challenged everything he believed to be true about himself. She shone a light into his dark world.

SkyIsTheLimit · Fantasy
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10 Chs


Rogue carefully picked her up, gathering her small frame into his arms. She looked deathly pale but she was breathing. I watch her rest against Rogue's chest peacefully and I can not help but wonder what it would feel like to hold anyone in my arms. I was robbed of the one basic human need that anyone should have a right to. I would give anything to just be able to graze my fingers against someone's hand and them not erupting into a black mass of melting abomination. To feel their skin against mine and not be afraid that they will die a few seconds later. I grit my teeth in frustration. Anytime I let myself drown in these thoughts my mind always goes to her.


She was bolting, her tiny feet pitter-pattering across the damp soil and thick foliage. I chased her knowing full well where she was going. The lake is always where she went when she was in trouble because no adult could ever get to her there, but this time it was me that was chasing her and the lake does not scare me.

She had reached the lake first and I followed quickly after, to apprehend my little sister. I followed close behind and jumped into the water and screamed in anger "You broke it, I swear I am going to kill you, you little rascal."

I reached out my hand and grabbed hold of her forearm. She screamed in terror and I immediately let go thinking I had used too much force. My eyes widened as I saw the skin I had touched blacken and form molten blisters and I could only watch in horror as it spread up her arm in a matter of seconds and then covered the rest of her body.

She screamed one last time as I watched her small body drop limp into the lake.


I felt pain bringing me back to reality, my nails digging into my palm and a small bead of blood rolling slowly down my knuckles, dripping onto a flower that blackens and dies. It was so long ago, I was just 10 years old when it happened but I still relive it every day. As long as I have this curse, there isn't a day I haven't forgotten about what I have done.

Rogue turns to face me and notices that I've yet again let plants die in his presence, he must feel some disgust toward me.

"Are you alright? You have been more gloomy than usual, I know you hate these hunts but we have no choice, it's not your fault." I look into his eyes, I can never understand why he bothers with these platitudes. After all, it is my fault, if not for my powers none of this would have happened.

"I don't want to talk about it, we should just hurry to your house and make sure she is okay," I say back nonchalantly trying to seem unaffected by my memories. I know he won't pry, he never does. After so many years of knowing me, he knows not to bother.

"She will be fine, it doesn't seem like her lungs are blocked with water, she probably fainted from something else. What I don't understand is why a dragon threw her out of the water instead of letting her drown." His response makes a lot of sense, dragons aren't exactly keen on helping anyone, especially humans, since the last dragon priest disappeared.

I hear howling in the distance letting me know my hellhound has returned home from his hunt. He would usually be out hunting for himself but he never strayed far from home. I let out one loud but short whistle letting him know where I am and he howls back in response.

In the distance, I can finally make out Rogue's home. We haven't been walking long but the abundant forest, rich with wild growth made it much harder to get through, especially carrying a person and the blood we had collected from the dragon. His small but modest cabin was made by delicately weaving various sticks together to create the walls, and the roof was created from solid wood planks stacked upon each other. As we got closer I could make out the vines covering the entire side of the cabin wall and different herbs and plants growing in a small area by the door.

Rogue is the village's herbalist, responsible for growing and using plants to create salves and concoctions to help heal people. It's not as prestigious a job as a doctor's but it is all our small village needs. I can only hope we won't find one of the villagers waiting inside when we enter.

Rogue's link, an Ent, released a groan in greeting as we walked by. Obviously Rogue would have an oversized tree as his link, that's just very herbalist of him. Rogue had named him Iongor and he didn't mind in the slightest, he was perhaps the friendliest creature in this village.

As we reach the front door I kick the door open and let rogue enter with the girl who is still passed out, and leave the basin in the corner of his home away from prying eyes. He lays her on the bed and checks her pulse again.

"There is not much I can do for her, we can only wait for her to wake up naturally. It could take a few seconds or hours I don't know." I'm glad she doesn't seem to be on death's door but that means we will have to deal with the problem of what to do with her.

We should bring her to the chief so he can judge the situation but with the fact that she was found at the lake and to make matters worse, it was me who found her. It's the last thing I want to do considering the fact they will judge her right away just by being beside me, I don't want to be responsible for another death today.

"Rogue, what are we going to do with her?" I asked him hoping that he would agree with me and decide to hide her for at least a few days.

Cerberus howls with melancholy feeling my mood through our link.

He was nearby, probably circling the perimeter of Rogue's cabin, he never came too close while other people were with me. He stayed particularly far away when Lacro was nearby.

Links have a way to sense how you feel about people and would act accordingly. My hatred for Lacro means that Cerberus would kill him if I allowed it. If not for the protection that vile man gives the village, I most likely would let him.

"I know what you're thinking but no, we will bring her to Lakota and once she is awake he can decide what to do, it is not our place to make such decisions. If we were to decide to hide her we will get banished or worse." He softly reprimanded me for even asking him such a question.

I looked over at the woman and noticed she started moving slightly, realizing she was already waking up. Well, that didn't take long at all.

"Hey Rogue, she's waking up. Are you okay, woman?" I ask.