
Death's Gentle Touch

Dragons used to rule the world of Pangaea. Their powers were the source of extraordinary growth and the reign of holy religion. That was until the last of the dragon riders disappeared from the world. Now Chrystal has travelled into the world of Pangaea to discover that she is directly linked to one of these mythical creatures. The killer of dragons, the great calamity, or the one that fate had abandoned. Nexus went by many names but it all changed when a seemingly frail girl challenged everything he believed to be true about himself. She shone a light into his dark world.

SkyIsTheLimit · Fantasy
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10 Chs


After what seemed like an eternity the two males exchange weird looks as if to signify that they will talk about this later. I have not received a reply yet and I'm getting quite agitated by the lack of attention my question had gotten.

"I'm sorry to interrupt whatever you guys have going on right now but if I'm right and I haven't died after almost drowning, where am I?" I ask suspiciously. They exchange another glance between each other and reveal that they had picked me up from the "forbidden" lake and brought me to Rogue's house, who, as far as I've gathered is the blond one out of the two. Theo's body double goes by the name Nexus. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that this is not him. Based on my further questioning he didn't seem to recognise me or anyone by the name of Theo.

"Well, we have to bring you to our chief now so that you can explain your side of the story and explain what you were doing at the lake." Rogue sternly speaks, all the while he gathers something in his small satchel that he throws over his shoulder.

"I was taking a swim, what do I need to explain? I was on my property, I don't need to give you any details on how I ended up there. Furthermore, what do you mean by chief and why do I need to clarify anything to this person?" I huff out slightly annoyed.

"Taking a swim in the lake full of human-eating Cipactli, very funny, missy. I don't know what you're hiding but you better start speaking some truth when we're at the village." Rogue menacingly walks over and in one swift motion takes my hands and wraps a rope around my wrists, tightening it before I get the chance to pull my hands away. I wince as the harsh strands of the rope dig into my skin.

"What the hell are you doing? So you did kidnap me. If you need money then you can just call my estate and I'm sure they'll settle it for you." I try to negotiate but they're having none of it. They look at me weirdly as if I'm crazy and continue to proceed with whatever they have planned for me. The little shack I've been in so far seemed so much cozier now with the prospect that I might die for real this time.

They open the door with a creak and Rogue pulls me by my arm pushing me out of his abode. My eyeballs almost jump out of my sockets due to the sheer shock of the view in front of me. They must have somehow transported me to the Amazon rainforest because the foliage and the massive trees remind me of exactly that. Trees that are so tall that while looking up there's no way to see where they end. Leaves in various sizes and some even as big as me, if not bigger. All the different sounds finally hit me in one fell swoop as they couldn't reach me while I was in that small shack. Birds chirping and some other loud and unclear sounds I've never even heard before. The dense and humid air I could smell before is now penetrating my nostrils to the point I almost feel nauseous. I could feel my head spinning but as I was about to get overwhelmed with it all, Rogue tugged at my arm indicating for me to start walking. Taking me out of my trance the two men split up, Rogue taking his position behind me and Nexus leading the way toward the unknown. My bare feet splashed on the muddy ground making the hem of the dress I wore dirtier by the second. The two of them didn't seem to even notice the predicament I was in and most likely didn't care.

I was forced to go along as I had no way of escaping, they were watching me like hawks and the dense forest around us didn't make me so optimistic about escaping. Out of nowhere, Nexus made a very loud but short whistle which made me tense up as I didn't know what it signified. Was he calling more people over? Is this one of those situations where they eat people and they prepare you as a sacrifice? I felt shivers run down my back at the mere thought of it, hoping that wasn't my fate in the near future.

Soon we came by a clearing that opened up to numerous small and some bigger wooden houses, I didn't get to look at them for too long as the sight of other people walking around and taking quick glances our way had me on edge. They were all wearing similar clothes, most women wore very basic unicoloured dresses that had some type of embroidery on the ends of the hems, the most predominant shade being dark brown or beige. And the men wore almost identical clothing to what I had seen on Rogue and Nexus. The colours varied through navy, dark greens and maroon but again the majority were beige or brown. I had seen some children running around but as soon as they caught sight of us three, they scurried away in fear. I got the same feeling from the adults, even though they were curious they didn't stay long to watch and completely cleared away by the time we had gotten any closer.

We meandered through the little dirt paths that separated the houses and came to a stop near one of the bigger houses that seemed to tower over the rest of them. As if our presence had been announced, a man emerged from this house wearing a dark green tunic and black trousers similarly tucked into his boots. A cape was thrown over his shoulders making me believe that this was who they called the chief, based on his confident walk and burly features.

"To what do I owe the displeasure of seeing you here Nexus?" The man menacingly questions.