
Death's Diary

The God of death holds a leather bound diary close to his heart, within is a novel worth nearly more then a thousand words for a million lifetimes. Where he drops his quill- His brother is there to pick it back up and continue..

IllusionsManiaAUs · Fantasy
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14 Chs

What can go wrong with a droplet of ink?

Dear Ethereal,

In the frist era after his birth, Mortility grew big and strong, but as time went by the purity of his cosmic magic began to change- it wasn't a drastic change - no. I was as subtle as the breeze. One that starts warm and gentle but slowly turns cold and frigid in seconds. It started when he began sparing against the seven guardiens; it was like a droplet of ink that fell onto a clean scroll. Thats simply how to began. Yet recently that droplet of ink has begun to spread and grow on its own..

With this slow change came something new to Mortility's Magic Core Strength: It began to grow to and at first it was unexplained but no dragon noticed the change. I watched as his MCS levels grew into the hundreds. Then the thousesands. When it reach past 100k that's when he defeated Watradrone in a sparing match. He summoned a fire blast that raged with blue flames and it encircled Watradrone- sizzling the very water droplets off the guardiens body. When his tail slashed through the fire it engulfed him instantly and his roars of pain engulfed the entire realm.

Sister raced over and was next to me in the next few seconds and the tears that dribbled off her cheeks infuriated me to the core. Thats when my suspicion began to flicker. Thats when I began to wonder- How did Mortility gain such power- gain something like MCS without it being born in to his veins? For hundreds of years his MCS never grew but then his levels spiked within the last 50 Black Suns of his birth era. I've also noticed a strange tugging feeling that pulls at my scythe within the last 50 Black Suns. This tugging has only grown stronger and stronger as Mortility's levels spiked higher and higher- Are they connected in some way?

Frieagronda was the one to quinch the flames Mortility made and sister was quick to hold her anger- Instead she hurried to healing Watradrones burns that now that lace his body. Thay criss-cross in an unnatural way along his entire body except for the area where sisters jewl sits and given that his tail is nothing more then burnt scar tissue- I believe he shielded that specific area of his body during Mortility's fire blast.

There is a lot that remains unanswered to me but I know one thing for sure. Today wasnt Mortility's first time using this fire blast! If it were then it would have been chaotic and uncontrollable- no doubt he would've been to unstable to control the fire, let alone aim it. He's done this before at somepoint and practiced enough to be able to contol the flames enough for them to not break the circle that he trapped watradrone in-that sort of precision takes centuries to understand, adapt and control...

I cant even aim with my magic alone- I need to create a direct path with my sycthe! I am at least a couple more centuries older then Mortility is and yet he's accomplish a feat I havent even reached yet!! This feels so unfair- but of course he'd have strange magical properties- he was sisters frist "growing" creation after all!

Stop it..

My foolishnesss is only being driven by jealously. I need to concentrate and find out the root of Mortility's MCS. I should also go check on Watrdrone and get his side of things, maybe I can ask about him guarding sisters jewl.

Nonetheless I should be off, so take care dear friend

Until my next entry

-The Fallon God

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